Nikolai Saltykov


During the Civil War following the Bolshevik Revolution, a Red cavalry officer is warned by a staffer from headquarters about his dangerous attraction to the female leader of a band of Cossacks, a violent woman who is aroused by killing.
During the Civil War following the Bolshevik Revolution, a Red cavalry officer is warned by a staffer from headquarters about his dangerous attraction to the female leader of a band of Cossacks, a violent woman who is aroused by killing.
Бухта смерти
Один из южных портов занят белыми. На маяке укрепились партизаны, среди которых Николай Раздольный, чей отец-механик — не разделяет взгляды сына. Белогвардейцы, проследив за отцом Николая, арестовывают команду корабля «Лебедь» и приказывают механику принять на себя прежние обязанности. Но когда «Лебедь» подходит к маяку, отец Николая открывает кингстоны и корабль идет ко дну...
Слесарь и канцлер
The Government of the fictional country Norland has unleashed a war with the neighboring Galikania and is suffering one defeat after another. A group of conspirators who were dissatisfied with this state of affairs, led by the Social Democrat Frank Frey arrange a coup to overthrew the emperor of Norland. But the working class does not like the new order either. Workers expose Frank Frey's policy of continuing the war and a revolution breaks out in the country. The leader of the socialist revolution becomes a mechanic of the name Franz Stark.
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Сюжет является воплощением бытового поверья о воздействии на человека некой злой силы. Действие развивается в крестьянской среде.