Hélène Dassonville

Hélène Dassonville

Рождение : 1913-05-24, Nice, France

Смерть : 2003-05-23


Hélène Dassonville


Diamond Rush
Неподалеку от испанской границы был ограблен экспресс, везущий из Роттердама в Мадрид партию бриллиантов. В перестрелке с охранником несколько лихих парней погибли, а Маню получил пулю в руку, но ушел с добычей к морю. В отделении Интерпола и в банде налетчиков озабочены исчезновением Маню и бриллиантов...
Железная маска
В крепости на далёком острове где-то в Средиземном море томится анонимный пленник. Под страхом смертной казни никто не смеет видеть узника без маски, скрывающей его лицо. А на другом конце воюющей Европы, в Париже, сильнейшая лихорадка привела на грань жизни и смерти Его Величество Людовика XIV, молодого короля Франции. Под угрозой подписание мирного договора с Испанией, главным условием которого должен стать союз Людовика XIV и Инфанты Испанской. Не будет короля - не будет выгодной свадьбы и долгожданного мира. В этот драматический момент интриган и умница кардинал Мазарини поручает капитану Д'Артаньяну весьма щекотливое дело - доставить в Париж живым и невредимым таинственного пленника - брата-близнеца короля. Задание опасное и непростое, но капитан королевских мушкетеров азартен, отважен и молод душой...
Le Pilier de la Solitude
Le Pilier de la Solitude
Tant que nous l'aimerons
Jamaican Man
Jacques Mervel, also known as "L'Homme de la Jamaïque" makes use of his talents as a gun runner in Tangiers, Morocco. After triumphing over a rival gang, he decides to quit the job and to start a new life with Vicky, a pretty young nurse. In Paris, a doctor lets him know that he is affected by leprosy. In desperation, Jacques runs away from Vicky to spare her. When she realizes the reason why Jacques has disappeared from her life, she joins him with a view to helping him fight the disease.
Rapide de nuit
Duped by a pretty woman who uses him to smuggle a suitcase containing the proceeds of a theft through the station, an honest fellow understands everything and replaces the suitcase with a similar one. The police do not understand anything, but the pretty girl promises to become honest like the one who almost was her pigeon.
Loves of Casanova
On his way to Paris, Casanova keeps on collecting female conquests, does not shy away from duels and gets into many a colorful adventure. Once in the capital, the fearless knight saves the honor of a great lady, conquers the niece of his implacable enemy but courts disaster for love of Coraline, a faithless opera dancer.
Пасторальная симфония
Мужчина, как и его сын, влюбляется в слепую женщину, которую он приютил.
Bearer Check
Returning from America where he received a large inheritance, Alaric would like to have a wedding before returning to the family home where his sister, who is as cantankerous as she is uncompromising on principles, awaits him. He asks a “porter” from the station who looks like him to replace him.
The Emigrant
Fearing a gangster's vengeance,his moll sails away to South Africa ,where many emigrants intend to work in the mines there.
Jeunes filles de France
In 1939, the "Union des Jeunes Filles de France", a French communist movement, sponsored this documentary short constituting a tour de France of farms, factories and workshop where young women work, thus taking charge of their own destiny.
La vie est magnifique
Two campers meet two young girls in the Landes. Love will bloom, with its heartbreaks.
The Curtain Rises
Une élève du Conservatoire
François, Cécilia and Isabelle are students of the drama class of the Conservatoire led by Professor Lambertin. François is in love with Isabelle who also loves him, but he is pursued by Cecilia, his former mistress. Cécilia commits suicide staging the suicide like a crime, so as to involve Francis. But a testimony restores the truth.
Three Artillerymen on the Move
Colonel Chabert's wife
During a leave, three merry soldiers experience a series of incredible adventures.