Hind Saïh


Les beaux parleurs
At one of Paris’s top lycées, a group of students and their French teacher are organizing an eloquence competition.
School of Hope
In the vast expanse of desert East of Atlas Mountains in Morocco, seasonal rain and snow once supported livestock, but now the drought seems to never end. Hardly a blade of grass can be seen, and families travel miles on foot to get water from a muddy hole in the ground. Yet the children willingly ride donkeys and bicycles or walk for miles across rocks to a "school of hope" built of clay. Following both the students and the teachers in the Oulad Boukais Tribe's community school for over three years, SCHOOL OF HOPE shows students Mohamed, Miloud, Fatima, and their classmates, responding with childish glee to the school's altruistic young teacher, Mohamed. Each child faces individual obstacles - supporting their aging parents; avoiding restrictions from relatives based on traditional gender roles - while their young teacher makes do in a house with no electricity or water.
Homo sapiens, les nouvelles origines
In Morocco, new excavations on the site of Jebel Irhoud upset the generally accepted view of the dating of the appearance of man.
Abbas by Abbas
Abbas was a great reporter. He went to the scene of the great events that changed the world from the 70s to today. He worked for the largest news agencies. Suffice to say that it is at the heart of the history of current photography. But not only that. Beyond having been a witness of his time, it can be said that he was the confidant. This is reflected in his way of engaging in conflict, of travelling a country, without a priori, to meet men caught up in the ups and downs of history, but also by his curiosity for the way men live different religions. What does photography tell men? What do men tell of themselves through their multiple practices? Here is the portrait of an observer of the world, the last words of a great photographer of our time, a few days before disappearing.
The Journey: Mother Ocean
Famous and talented feature film director and scriptwriter Jan Kounen plunges the viewer into a unique and thrilling adventure of pregnancy, birth, and baby’s first swim, alongside marine creatures. Leina Sato is a Japanese professional free diver and is expecting her first child. Her partner, Jean-Marie Ghislain is a famous underwater photographer. They share a passion for the oceans, and believe that a strong bond between a mother-to-be and cetaceans exists. And they want to prove it. Leina will be multiplying her encounters with whales, dolphins and other underwater mammals. Mother Ocean is the incredible encounter between humans and under water species, around the universal question of giving birth and the power of creating life.
Битва за Чернобыль
Используя рассказы очевидцев событий, компьютерную графику, материалы видеоархивов и эксклюзивные снимки известного чернобыльского фотографа Игоря Костина, этот двухчасовой документальный фильм заново исследует самую страшную ядерную катастрофу в мире.