Kenneth Edwards

Kenneth Edwards


Master Kenneth Edwards has been studying and teaching Chinese Martial Arts for over 25 years. He is the chief instructor and founder of Shan Tung Kung Fu Association of USA, located in Pasadena, CA. He himself has trained in the USA and China in several styles including: Tam Toi Moon, Jow-Ga, and Northern Praying Mantis. One of Master Edwards greatest successes is being accepted as a student by Grand Master Shum Leung. Master Edwards is also an active member of the Ying Jow Pai International Kung Fu Association, and keeps on training as a student and teacher. He can also be seen in some action movies, including the hit Mortal Kombat (1995) as a fighter.


Kenneth Edwards
Kenneth Edwards


Смертельная битва
Art Lean
Несколько столетий назад Шанг Тсунг — маг из потустороннего мира захватил в свои руки древний воинский турнир. Его цель — ввергнуть наш мир в хаос. Чтобы спасти человечество от гибели, троим воинам предстоит битва… смертельная битва с силами мрака.