Paul Jarrett


Three Nuyorican sisters navigate the daunting life-challenges of single motherhood, career and family, all while finding humor and solace within the bonds of sisterhood in this absorbing dramedy.
First One In
Thrown off a reality show in disgrace, an unemployed real estate agent joins a group of slightly menopausal tennis players to rescue her career and take down the reigning queen of the court.
После занятий
Co-Executive Producer
Профессор университета проводит неделю со своей семьёй, налаживая отношения с родственниками, и в то же время пытаясь восстановить подпорченную репутацию из-за неподобающего двусмысленного поведения на занятии.
Безумная знаменитость
Обычный молодой человек, отчаянно мечтающий прославиться, сбегает из психиатрической лечебницы с группой пациентов, чтобы совершить последний рывок к славе и, наконец, вписать свое имя в историю.
Fan Girl
A 15-year-old girl decides to bring her two passions together for her final film project: making movies and her favorite band.
About a suburban high school teacher who loses his wife and his moorings during a summer break.
Flannel Pajamas
Unit Production Manager
A study of a relationship that starts quickly, burns bright, and then gets rocky, not from any one thing, but from an accumulation of civilization and its discontents. Stuart is glib and generous, Nicole is shy and forthright. Is love enough to see them through?