Stelios Pissas


Овечья стая
Director of Photography
Танасис не может выплатить свой долг Стелиосу. Когда он узнает, что у Апостолиса та же проблема, то предлагает присоединиться к нему, чтобы договориться со Стелиосом о более выгодных условиях. Тем временем в городе появляются два молодых бандита, чтобы надавить на должников.
King Otto
In the summer of 2004, audiences looked on in disbelief as the Greek National Football Team, a country that had never previously won a single match or even scored a goal in a major tournament, took down the giants of world football to become the unlikeliest of European Champions. The architect behind this unprecedented triumph was legendary German football coach ‘King’ Otto Rehhagel. After accomplishing every major success in Germany, he made the bold decision to leave all he knew behind and work in a foreign country with the underachieving Greek National Team. This is the story of how these two contrasting cultures came together to speak the same language and write a new chapter of Greek mythology.
8th Continent
In Lesvos island an old abandoned dump lies on a mountain with two big craters. The craters are overflown by thousands of life jackets from the refugee waves. A worker is the only inhabitant in this place that resembles an alien planet or a new continent.
The Foreigner
Director of Photography
A remote Greek village must raise its population in order to avoid being cut off from the local government.