Christa Helwig


Der Haifischfütterer
The furniture mover Stefan is on the verge of serving his time in the military. He has always been a guy with distinctive civil courage who cannot stand injustice. Now he has ten days left in which he plans to make a lot of decisions, not least the decision with which woman he wants to spend his life. Stefan is picky, however, and none of them seems good enough for him.
Подмененная королева
В замке живет властолюбивая, капризная королева, которая будит своих подданных каждое утро пушечным выстрелом. И всегда ядро попадает в кузницу. Недовольный кузнец задумал проучить королеву. Вместе с придворным шутом они ночью меняют злую властительницу королевства на супругу кузнеца…
When Unku was Ede's Girlfriend
Ede falls in love with Unku, a girl from a travelling circus. Love cannot run smoothly however because Unku is a Gypsy. Various adventures take place before love is finally allowed to run its natural course.
Oben geblieben ist noch keiner
Coded Message for the Boss
Wolf Brandin is in his mid-twenties and lives with his wife and child in East Berlin at the end of the 1950s. In West Berlin, the student of electrical engineering is recruited by the American secret service CIA. But Brandin immediately notifies the State Security of the German Democratic Republic and from then on lives a dangerous life as a double agent. When Brandin reaches the breaking point, his marriage starts to unravel because Brandin is not allowed to tell his family about his double life.
Дело в замке
A senior professor is kidnapped in the park by residents of a veterans home. Once there, he is asked to invent a "rejuvenating machine" to restore their youth.
Der Übergang
Shortly after Chile's 1973 military coup, three men are fleeing across the Andes to Argentina. They witness the murder of a farmer by Chilean police and end up at the home of the farmer's heavily pregnant wife.
You and Nothing and Berlin
A story about Ulrike, a ten year old girl who is looking for a new father with energy and determination.
Ein Katzensprung
Young lieutenant Riedel, the leader of a motorized unit of NVA riflemen, is always concerned about his men. Thus, he is all the more happy that everything is running smoothly with the new recruits when he returns from his honeymoon. It seems to him that lance corporal Weißenbach, who is not only the oldest of the men but also a formidable armoured personnel carrier driver, has been a reliable stand-in for him. Thus, Riedel is all the more surprised when he learns that Weißenbach boosts the squad's performance with partly questionable methods.
В пыли звезд
Космический корабль с планеты Цинро, получив призыв о помощи, прилетает на планету Тем-4. Хозяева планеты, недовольные вторжением непрошенных гостей, предпринимают все меры, чтобы стереть из памяти экипажа цель их посещения планеты. Но не все космонавты попадают под промывку мозгов. Один из членов команды, желая узнать правду, отправляется в разведывательный полет на зонде. Тут то и выясняется, что местное население порабощено пришельцами. Космонавта захватывают в плен и пытают. В поисках своего товарища, командир звездолета Акала, отправляется на встречу с загадочным Шефом…
Виза на Окантрос
На островном государстве Окантрос начинаются народные волнения после убийства премьер-министра страны. В это время тут оказывается Мартин Катруп - специалист из ГДР, получивший заказ на монтаж оборудования для типографии. Через некоторое время двое его коллег исчезают без следа, и он пускается на их поиски, сам при этом оказавшись в смертельной опасности.
Love at 16
Although at first Ina barely takes any notice of Matti, the two teenagers gradually fall in love at their dance classes and begin their first real relationship. Their parents are upset about this development and try to prevent their children from seeing each other. But Ina and Matti continue to meet in secret and their first sexual experience together brings mixed feelings for Ina.
Аризона, конец сороковых годов 19-го столетия. Индейцы племени мимбреньо стали земледельцами, они построили оросительное сооружение и празднуют свой первый праздник урожая. Урожай выдался богатый, и они собираются продать излишки. Торговцы из Тусона и белые поселенцы боятся лишиться своих прибылей -особенно же люди из «Тусонской компании», которые кладут в свой карман деньги, выделяемые правительством для снабжения индейцев, а им продают испорченное продовольствие. Они переходят в наступление и взрывают оросительное сооружение. Вождь Ульзана ранен, белые считают его погибшим и собираются загнать индейцев мимбреньо в бесплодную резервацию. Индейцы сбегают в Мексику, в горы Сьерра Мадре, но жена Ульзаны, Леона, попадает в руки солдатам.
Действие фильма происходит в пограничной области между США и Мексикой в 1848 году, когда Мексике пришлось уступить Америке территорию нынешних штатов Аризона, Нью-Мексико, Юта и Колорадо. Апачи племени мимбреньо в «Новой Испании» заключают с мексиканской горнопромышленной компанией договор, позволяющий мексиканцам производить разведочные работы. Однако залежи благородных металлов привлекают сюда и американского геолога Джонсона. Он зарится на эти земли и расстреливает в селении Санта-Рита индейцев из армейской пушки. Кроме того, он получает огромную премию за их скальпы. Лишь немногие из индейцев остаются в живых и скрываются, в их числе вождь Ульзана. Законы племени требуют покарать убийцу. Смогут ли они отомстить?
The Little Prince
Adaptation of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry's novella for East German television, produced in 1965/66, not shown until 1972.
Hut ab, wenn du küsst!
Fred works as an engineer and a test driver at a car company. His girlfriend Petra is a car mechanic - actually an ideal combination. However, the old-fashioned Fred is less than thrilled about his girlfriend’s "male profession". In his opinion, the masculine job damages her femininity. Since Petra is unwilling to give up her beloved job for such stupid concerns, there is a lot of friction between them. It is not until Petra turns the heads of all the men at a fair that Fred realizes how absurd his objections really are.
Junge Frau von 1914
Die Toten bleiben jung
A depiction of class conflicts in Germany between 1918 and 1945. The Spartacist Erwin is shot by officers in 1918, and his pregant working-class bride Marie begins a new relationship with social democrat Geschke. Erwin's son Hans grows up to be a communist like his father, leading to bitter hatred between him and his Nazi step-brother, while Geschke becomes increasingly resigned to the political situation in Germany. The three aristocratic officers who shot Erwin many years ago meet again during the Kapp Putsch, but their support for the Third Reich eventually leads each to their deaths.
Frau Venus und ihr Teufel
Hans Müller finds himself on a trip in Thüringen, accompanied by his loving female friend, Moritz. Hans doesn't understand much about trust, which constantly leads to problems between the two of them. During one of their fights, Lady Venus intervenes and sends the young man back to the Middle Ages - so he can learn the true meaning of love. Disguised as Tannhäuser, he has to stand his ground against a horde of minstrels. At a singing competition, he blunders, without the support of Moritz, who had also been thrown back into the 13th century. And with the help of Frau Venus, his adventure will surely turn out even worse...
Lot's Wife
The marriage of Katrin and Richard Lot has become a routine. She has a career and he, as a Marine officer, comes home only once every fourteen days. The children greet him with joy, but she greets him only with anxiety because their marriage is missing its key ingredient: love. She wants a divorce, but he refuses mainly out of comfort as well as due to pressure from the party. Katrin finds a strange solution: she shoplifts and is put on probation for three months. This is enough to force Richard into a divorce because he is concerned about the "moral liability" of his wife.
Приключения Вернера Хольта
1943 год, во Второй мировой войне наступает решительный перелом, Италия капитулирует, авиация наносит сокрушительные бомбовые удары по немецким городам. Школьные друзья, 17-летние Вернер Хольт и Гильберт Вольцов, призываются в гитлеровскую армию. Гильберт становится типичным фанатичным солдатом. А Вернер начинает понимать бессмысленность войны.
Daniel und der Weltmeister
Little Daniel is a huge fan of cycling. He constantly drives around on his three-wheeler, knowing that he wants to become a famous racing cyclist – just as fast and famous as the world champion Täve Schur. But until then he has to struggle with the difficulties of growing up. His mother, for example, wants him to drink milk – even though Daniel does not find this very suitable for world champions. To get affirmation, Daniel starts searching for his role model Täve. On the way, he has some interesting encounters and experiences many adventures. When he finally meets Täve at a race, Daniel is astonished to watch him pleasurably drink a bottle of milk after an outstanding victory.