Rossella Angeletti


Miracolo italiano
Production Director
7 segments about life in 1990s Italy: two MPs from the opposite sides of the political spectrum spend the night together; during their honeymoon, a woman cheats on her husband with her favorite soap opera star; a married man pretends to be ill to seduce his younger nurse; a family discovers that their son's beautiful fiancée is transgender; an unsatisfied single woman is duped by her celebrity crush for Kevin Costner; two best friends want to have fun; a couple on a tropical holiday is fascinated by their indigenous masseuse.
I'll Be Going Now
Production Manager
After eighteen years of psychiatric care, the former bank manager Augusto Scrivani returns home from his daughter-in-law Carla. Dino Risi directs a melancholy and scratchy Gassman.
Al bar dello sport
Unit Manager
Lino lives in Turin with the family of his sister. He doesn't have a good job and never enough money. But in a day his life changes: he wins 1 billion dollars in a lottery and... everyone becomes a friend, the girl who he liked becomes his girlfriend and his sister begins to love him. He leaves Turin with his friend Parola and, in a Casino, he looses all money! But luck returns...
Dio li fa poi li accoppia
Unit Manager
At carnival, a girl disguised as a devil seduces the parish priest of a village. She becomes pregnant, but the priest can not support his intention to abort and drag her to court.
An Ideal Adventure
Unit Manager
Patricia, a journalist, is fed up with all the stupid chores and being ridiculed by her colleagues. To show her talent, she challenges her director Eugenio to test her. She will write a good article, but if she fails she will sleep with him.
Призрак любви
Unit Manager
Когда-то Анна Бригатти и Нино Монти страстно любили друг друга, но расстались и больше никогда не виделись. Спустя двадцать лет Нино, респектабельный господин, случайно сталкивается со страшной нищенкой, которая говорит, что она и есть его бывшая возлюбленная. Однако буквально на следующий день Монти узнает, что Анны уже три года нет в живых…
Индийский кактус
Unit Manager
В провинциальном городке местный ловелас решает соблазнить жену мэра, однако переоценивает свои силы.
Unit Manager
Картина о потерянных иллюзиях поколения. Интеллектуалы собрались на террасе дома в Риме для бесцельного времяпрепровождения и разговоров. Они утратили все демократические идеалы своей юности, забыли о том, какую радость принесла свобода и избавление от фашистской диктатуры. Они потеряли многие надежды и мечты. В этой жизни их ждала только апатия, бесцельное существование, духовная смерть. Или преждевременный уход из жизни после инфаркта. Проводив в последний путь умершего «счастливчика», который нашёл покой в мире ином, они вновь соберутся на террасе. И все будет продолжаться по-прежнему.
Hurricane Rosie
Production Supervisor
Raoul has best chances to become next boxing champion in light-heavy weight. For a bet he tries to beat through a door with his bare fist. He wins the bet, but his hand is broken, his career ruined. He starts working on a fair; there he meets Hurricane Rosy the first time. When he sees her the next time, she's star of Mike Fernando's women wrestling show. They passionately fall in love, but their their love must survive her rising fame and his violent jealousy
Dear Father
Production Secretary
In Caro papá, Dino Risi is telling the story of the decadent lifestyle, and dysfunctional family, of a wealthy businessman (played to perfection by Risi's favorite leading man, Vittorio Gassman). Risi paints his portrait against a backdrop of an Italy where the new permissiveness has run rampant, traditional socio-cultural values have been usurped by consumerism, and the streets have become an open battleground for politically extremist groups (the '70s were dubbed "The Years of Lead" due to the great number of terrorist acts, and politically motivated assassinations).
My Loves
Production Secretary
Annalisa is married to Marco, a journalist too busy with her career, who neglects her even though she loves him deeply. He therefore decides to find another husband, the university professor Antonio, who marries without the first being able to notice it. Until she gets pregnant. David di Donatello 1979 for Monica Vitti.
Первая любовь
Production Secretary
Уже стареющий комедиант-бонвиван Уго Кремонези, чей актёрский псевдоним — Пиккио (то есть Дятел), влюбляется в прекрасную молодую девушку Ренату, горничную из дома для престарелых под названием «Вилла Серена». Немало повеселившийся в жизни «мелкий донжуан», даже уйдя на покой, продолжает дерзко и вульгарно шутить, смущая нравы тихих обитателей богадельни. Однако его платоническое чувство к Ренате в конечном счёте позволяет герою испытать истинные любовные переживания.