Gudrun Ritter

Gudrun Ritter

Рождение : 1936-11-16, Marienberg, Germany


Gudrun Ritter was born on November 16, 1936 in Marienberg, Germany. She is an actress, known for Hanna (2011), Forbidden Love (1990) and Look Who's Back (2015).


Gudrun Ritter


Ларе только что исполнилось шестьдесят. В этот особенный день её сын дает важнейший концерт. Лара потратила очень много сил на то, чтобы сделать из сына музыканта, но последние несколько недель Виктор перестал подходить к телефону и прекратил все контакты с матерью. Поскольку Лара не из тех, кто готов смириться с таким положением вещей, она решает скупить все оставшиеся билеты и раздать их совершенно случайным людям. Чем больше мама старается взять ситуацию под свой контроль, тем больше хаоса производит вокруг себя.
Зеленее не станет - Сказал Садовник и улетел
Ellen von Zeydlitz
Шорш - садовник в небольшом баварском городке, он ежедневно работает в его компании, которая вот-вот обанкротится. Он не любит много говорить, брак с его женой давно развален. Далее главный герой совершает путешествие на небольшом самолете, которое приводит его в неизвестные места, полные странных и особых встреч - и с каждым стартом и каждым приземлением садовник снова медленно открывает свое сердце для того, что называется предчувствием счастья .
Familie Lotzmann auf den Barrikaden
Margot Lewandowski
In a single afternoon, the early retiree Hubert Lotzmann manages to dupe his sisters-in-law, to betray his autonomous daughter Bille to the police and to forget his wife Annemarie’s birthday. And when she finds out that he has sucked her beloved budgie into the vacuum cleaner and in the process ruined her longstanding Fuzzbuster 500 vacuum cleaner, Annemarie’s patience runs out and she kicks him out: she gives him exactly two hours till dinner – if he doesn’t return with the repaired appliance, he doesn’t need to bother returning at all!
Kommissarin Louise Boni – Jäger in der Nacht
Josepha Ettinger
Back on duty after alcohol withdrawal, Commissioner Bonì is investigating the case of a missing student. Eddie, a teenager, found a badly abused young woman in a barn. Now he's dead ...
Он снова здесь
Grandma Krömeier
Берлин, наши дни. На заброшенном пустыре возвращается к жизни черный кошмар XX века — Адольф Гитлер, кровавый диктатор, погрузивший Германию, а за нею и половину человечества в ужас Второй мировой войны, непосредственный виновник десятков миллионов смертей. Ни власти, ни сторонников, ни жилья, ни денег у него теперь нет, но есть опыт восхождения со дна на вершины и твердая вера в победу национал-социализма. Неподготовленный мир принимает бывшего диктатора за гениального актера, его гневные речи взрывают интернет, и… Гитлер второй раз в жизни обретает статус суперзвезды. Чем же это обернется в наше время?
Яркая ночь
Frau Steiner
Трое мужчин и одна женщина, как две пары, встречсются случайно летом в деревенском доме на территории восточной Германии. Они не видели друг друга много долгих лет, и все когда-то были знакомы и любили друг друга, а сейчас они вспоминают старые обиды и разногласия взглядов на интимную жизнь.Это приводит их к непредсказуемому финалу...
Inspector Dupin: Brittany Calling
Francine Lajoux
A real and a fake Gauguin take Dupin back to the 19th century.
Zeugin der Toten
At the beginning, everything looks like a normal job. But in the apartment of a cruelly murdered woman, Judith Kepler, a crime scene cleaner by trade, encounters her own past. The dead woman had done research and wanted to contact Judith. And she knew her closely guarded secret: Judith had been brought as a child under mysterious circumstances in a DDR children's home. Origin: unknown. Now, 25 years later, Judith has the evidence in her hands that she was swapped as a child. A stranger lived her life. Did this stranger also die of her - Judith's - death?
Das Geheimnis in Siebenbürgen
Inge Schauttner
Victor and the Secret of Crocodile Mansion
Frau Debisch
Victor is both thrilled and mystified when his family moves into his grand-uncles somber mansion filled with African masks, taxidermy crocodile mounts - and a dark secret: Four decades ago, his grand-cousin Cecilia, at the same age as he is now, lost her life in the mansions impressive staircase, and the circumstances of her death still remain obscure.
Ханна. Совершенное оружие
Katrin Zadek
Хрупкая на первый взгляд Ханна — идеальный солдат. Тайна ее рождения ревностно охраняется американским правительством. Ее миссия — отомстить бывшим работодателям отца, некогда секретного агента. Спецслужбы всего мира выходят на след девочки-убийцы. Охота начинается…
Дневники Оды
Oda Schaefer
1914 год. Оде фон Сиринг 14 лет, она едет на каникулы из Берлина в поместье Полл на Балтийском побережье. Удаленность поместья от крупных городов объясняет размеренный темп жизни в усадьбе. А живут в ней аристократическая немецкая семья Оды — отец-ученый, одержимый сомнительными исследованиями человеческого мозга, и эксцентричная мачеха, — а также расквартированные в усадьбе офицеры русской армии. Всех их объединяет страх перед угрозой разрастания националистических и анархических настроений, которыми охвачено эстонское население.
Boxhagener Platz
Feature adaptation of adaptation of Torsten Schulz's novel set in East Berlin in 1968.
Haus und Kind
Else Maschke
Die Weihnachtswette
Magda Gartenfeld
Du gehörst mir
Melanie und Wolf lernen sich bei einer Party kennen. Der sympathische Anwalt erobert Melanies Herz im Sturm. Für beide steht schon nach kurzer Zeit fest, dass sie keinen besseren Lebenspartner hätten finden können. Die Zeit ist reif, und so einigt man sich schnell auf den Termin für die Hochzeit. Im Familien- und Freundeskreis ist man zwar etwas irritiert, doch die bedingungslose Liebe der beiden scheint über jeden Zweifel erhaben. Melanie zieht in Wolfs Wohnung am Rande der Stadt. Doch bald schon schleicht sich in Melanies neues Leben ein Unbehagen...
Annas Mutter
Анна с супругом Робертом и их общим сыном Максом живет в живописном загородном доме уединённого местечка Уккермарк. Ее пожилая мама, нуждаясь в уходе, также проживает теперь здесь. Во время летних каникул их семья значительно увеличилась: из Берлина приехала дочь Анны Лаура от первого брака со спутником жизни Паулом и двумя детьми. Кажется, пришло необременительное время отпуска: отдых с чистым деревенским воздухом и прохладой от близлежащего водоёма. С приездом Софи, сестры Лауры, которая с недавнего времени живет за границей, рушится семейная идиллия. Общение членов семьи становится поверхностным, а отношения между друг другом и вовсе осложняются.
Als der Fremde kam
Elfie Wernicke
Spuk am Tor der Zeit
Alte Hanne
Wie verliebt man seinen Vater?
Oma Christa
Kelly Bastian - Geschichte einer Hoffnung
Omi Birle
Spuk aus der Gruft
Gefährliche Wahrheit
The anesthetist Dr. Katrin Klein is new at the Dresden Transplant Center, which enjoys an excellent reputation. The star surgeon Prof. Gerhard Harrer works here. Katrin has known and admired the professor since her assistantship. But then her heroic image of Professor Harrer begins to falter. The young doctor seems to be the only one to notice that the luminary apparently has an alcohol problem. But nobody believes you. When Harrer finally collapses in the middle of an operation, he is suspended from duty. Katrin stands by him, but more problems are waiting in the clinic.
Elephant in the Hospital
Schwester Isolde
Der zerbrochne Krug
Frau Marthe Rull
Heute sterben immer nur die anderen
Maria tells her former colleague, Hanna, that she has undergone a cancer operation but is now cured. Soon after, she suffers a relapse. The doctors believe that she should be told the truth about her condition, and Hanna is willing to do so. For Maria, it is the beginning of several long, agonizing weeks until she is ready to accept that she has only a very small amount of time left to live. In the meantime, Hanna has to decide how she can help her friend die; an almost unbearable decision, but once made she carries it out to the last consequence.
Запретная любовь
Lehrerin Laube
Дружба между Барбарой и Георгом родилась, когда они были еще детьми. Несмотря на то, что их родители, будучи соседями, не ладили между собой, дети, не обращая внимания на четырехлетнюю разницу в возрасте, были — «не разлей вода». Но прошли годы, теперь Барбаре — четырнадцать, а Георгу — восемнадцать. Она — еще подросток, а он — совершеннолетний человек. А дружба между тем превращается в любовь. Вот только любовь эта подпадает под действие уголовного кодекса…
Drei Wohnungen
Ruth Semlau
Frau Möllemann / Serviererin
Фильм о молодом парне - учителе, осознавшем свою гомосексуальность, пытавшемся из-за этого покончить с собой, впоследствии переосмыслившем свое отношение к жизни, пытающемся взять от нее все радости «голубой» жизни и, даже, узнавшего любовь. Любовь оказалась безответной. Но жизнь продолжается. И в ней бывают и радости, и огорчения.
Madame Levasseur
Späte Ankunft
Helene Tochtenhagen
Die Weihnachtsgans Auguste
Rosl Becker
Jadup and Boel
In a small town, everyone has tried to forget what happened shortly after WWII. That is, until a stranger finds a book that Jadup (Kurt Böwe) gave to the young refugee Boel (Katrin Knappe), who resettled in the town over 30 years ago. Painful memories about Boel and the post-war period begin to surface and shake up the whole town. Boel vanished back then and nobody knew why. Word spread about a rape and some tried to blame a Russian soldier. Jadup, the town's respected and popular mayor, remembers, though, how he mistrusted Boel and did not help her through this difficult time; HE didn't even notice THAT Boel loved him. Jadup's confrontation with the past gives him a new, critical view of his current situation and surroundings.
Wengler & Sons
Luise Wengler
A story spanning three generations, from 1871 to 1945. When Gustav Wengler, a farmer’s son, returns from the Franco-German war in 1871, he goes to work for a precision mechanics and optical company, where he soon becomes a master craftsman. Wengler loyally promises the owner on his deathbed that his sons and grandsons will also stand by the company.
Die Rundköpfe und die Spitzköpfe
Frau Cornamontis
Your Presence Is Imperative
Frau Hanisch
Elizabeth is an open-minded young person - curious and unbiased. She is sixteen, goes to secondary school and things are really going well, not least because her father, a Party member, occupies a privileged position. But then the father suddenly dies. Elizabeth feels lonely and abandoned, all the more so because her brother has long since severed all ties with his father.
The Airship
Franz Xavier Stannebein, a young boy at the turn of the 20th century, wants to do nothing more than fly. He carries this dream through his years at an orphanage and into adulthood as a merchant in Spain. He eventually invests everything he has into building his own version of an airship. He later meets some industrialists in Germany who want to support his idea, and they ask him to build an airfield in Spain. When he sees the Nazis use the field during the Spanish Civil War, however, he feels betrayed and goes to Germany to protest. There he is thrown into an insane asylum in Leipzig. After WWII, his grandson and other survivors of the family searches for him, only to find the empty asylum... Based on the novel Das Luft-Schiff. Biografische Nachlasse zu den Fantasien meines Grossvaters (1974) by Fritz Rudolf Fries. The non-camera animation in the film was created by internationally known director Lutz Dammbeck.
Sabine Kleist, Aged Seven
Frau auf der Bank
Little Sabine has spent her childhood in an orphanage after her parents died in a car accident. When one of the women in charge at the orphanage, Edith, leaves to have a baby, Sabine runs away, because Edith was the only adult there she could trust. She then wanders through the city to find someone to take her in. She meets a lot of people on her journey, but she seems out of place everywhere she goes until, at last, she realizes that there is a special place where she belongs.
Romance with Amelie
Mutter Siebusch
The time is World War II and Juergen Siebusch (Thomas Stecher) and his mother (Gudrun Ritter) are retreating along with the German army, just ahead of the invading Russian forces. Both mother and son hole up in the town of Hohengoerse, where Juergen finds some work watching over sheep - and learns a bit about the facts of sheep life that he extrapolates to some advantage when he meets the appealing Amelie (Brit Guelland), daughter of the landowner. He first helps Amelie out and later applies his new-found knowledge in a barn, appropriately enough. As the Red Army draws near, Juergen deserts a hastily put-together "people's force," as he prefers the barn to the gun. Russian soldiers are shown sleeping and snoring next to their tanks, and the local fascist executed - the war is over. When the new Communist government sets up a land reform package, Amelie's mother's land gets divided up into small plots for small farmers.
Wie wär's mit uns beiden
In three episodes about six people, the film takes on the topics of relationships, difficult social engagements , and love in the German Democratic Republic.
Dach überm Kopf
Erste Küchenfrau
А через год на Балатоне
Irene Moldenschütt
По мотивам рассказа немецкого писателя Йоахима Вальтера "Я же всё-таки не йог". Молодая девушка и ее парень из ГДР решают поехать вместе на летний отдых в Болгарию на черноморское побережье. Но в этот план вмешиваются родители девушки и уговаривают ребят поехать вместе с ними...
Coded Message for the Boss
Tante Caroline
Wolf Brandin is in his mid-twenties and lives with his wife and child in East Berlin at the end of the 1950s. In West Berlin, the student of electrical engineering is recruited by the American secret service CIA. But Brandin immediately notifies the State Security of the German Democratic Republic and from then on lives a dangerous life as a double agent. When Brandin reaches the breaking point, his marriage starts to unravel because Brandin is not allowed to tell his family about his double life.
Hochzeit in Weltzow
Frau Leidenfrost
Zünd an, es kommt die Feuerwehr
Frau Zetsche
Marie Beaumarchais
Such Bienchen
Erika Lenz
Bienchen is a little girl who is very worried regarding the private life of her older brother.
Bankett für Achilles
Frau Bäuerlein
For thirty years, Karl Achilles has been working at the chemical collective in Bitterfeld. But now his last day as a master at the plant has come. He is about to retire; even if Karl, who finds ending his working life difficult, wanted to stay on, it would not be possible. Karl’s colleagues have arranged a farewell dinner for the retiring master at an outdoor restaurant. But on his last day of work, before the farewell dinner, he meets all sorts of people: both colleagues and people, who do not work at the plant. A mosaic of the biography of a person who found fulfilment in his work and now has to look for the meaning of his life anew.
Zwischen Nacht und Tag
Film by Horst E. Brandt.
Neues aus der Florentiner 73
Frau Regler
Das zweite Leben des Friedrich Wilhelm Georg Platow
Platows Schwiegertochter
Friedrich Wilhelm Georg Platow worked for the railways his entire working life. He took up service at the small station of Luege 34 years ago. Now, the line is to be electrified and Platow, who cannot cope with the new technology, has to work on a secondary local line. Georg, his son, a railway worker as well, is to attend a training course, but Georg refuses to go. Then his father comes to a surprising and highly unusual decision. He pretends to be Georg Platow, making himself twenty years younger than he really is and registers for the course.
Den Wolken ein Stück näher
Mutter Herper
Florentiner 73
Time to Live
The communist and resistance fighter Lorenz Reger, who after the war put all his efforts in the creation of a socialist German state, learns that he has only a short time left to live. Nevertheless, he wants to take on one last difficult new task: He wants to restructure a large firm which has run deep into the red numbers. In a short amount of time, Reger manages to establish mutual trust between the employees and the new management. Furthermore, he motivates the employees with his personal interest for their concerns.
When a motorcyclist dies in an accident, lieutenant Kreutzer and his colleague Arnold receive the order to investigate the backgrounds of this mysterious case. Although the leads point to murder, head physician Dr. Nikolai, the driver of the car involved in the accident, maintains his innocence and even has an alibi. With a lot of arduous detail work, Kreutzer follows all leads and evidence. Both Nikolai’s colleagues and his son act suspiciously. Eventually, Kreutzer convicts the criminal who secretly used the physician’s car for his criminal dealings.
Как выйти замуж за короля
Крестьянская дочка разрешает три задачи короля и освобождает своего отца из тюрьмы. Сердце властителя королевства покорили ум и доброта девушки, и он женился на ней. Став королевой, умная жена пытается обратить внимание мужа на несправедливость, которая происходить по его вине...
Die Jagdgesellschaft
Tiefe Furchen
Entlassen auf Bewährung
After causing a deadly hit-and-run motorcycle accident, Conny Schenk spends two years in prison, where he is able to complete a printing apprenticeship and is released early for good behavior. While he is still on probation, money is stolen at the company where he works and everyone is quick to suspect Conny. Can he overcome his past mistakes and start fresh, or will the mistrust of his colleagues and friends become a self-fulfilling prophecy?
Ein Monat auf dem Lande
Vor Sonnenuntergang
Inken Peters