Pietro Vesperini


When Women Were Called Virgins
When women were called Madonna is a film of 1972 directed by Aldo Grimaldi . The film is one of the first Italian erotic comedies in which a licentious bursting Edwige Fenech struggles with the nagging demands of three suitors.
Le inibizioni del dottor Gaudenzi, vedovo col complesso della buonanima
Doctor Gaudenzi, a real Sicilian manly man living in Rome, Italy, married the daughter of a wealthy industrialist. One day, his wife is about to die, and being very religious, she asks for a cardinal to perform the last rites and further demands that her husband pledges not to marry or be with other women after she dies. Constrained by the cardinal's presence, Gaudenzi promises, and she promptly dies. Later, as soon as he is about to fall in temptation when looking at sexy girls, strange things happen, finally convincing him that his jealous wife is watching from "out there". Gaudenzi decides to give up on his lusty life: he's returning to his Sicily home and, to be on the sure side, he asks to be injected with female hormones. That's when he meets a sexy woman no man can resist...
Armiamoci e partite!
Franco and Ciccio work as waiters in an inn in France. The day Ciccio officially takes French citizenship, the First World War breaks out between Germany and France and all citizens are forced to enlist.
Human Cobras
A former American gangster organises a safari in Kenya in order to have his business partner, whom he suspects of being responsible for his brother's death, killed. However, it turns out that he killed the wrong person and a series of murders follow.
Добрых похорон, друг мой!... Сартана идёт
Сартана, как всегда, оказывается в гуще бурных событий где-то на Диком Западе. Многие, очень многие хотят его убить. Но “хотеть” и “мочь”, как известно, - это две очень разные вещи...
Ma chi t'ha dato la patente?
Franco and Ciccio are the directors of a driving school. They suffer the theft of the only car they have, and their new car is prone to going completely out of his control.
Стальной кулак Джанго
Главный герой фильма — охотник за золотом Сартана. Он прибывает в маленьких городок, которым правит банда Мантаса, а главой города является человек по фамилии Спенсер. Он регулярно покупает золото у добытчиков, затем нанимает людей и переправляет его в банк, а банда Мантаса всё время грабит дилижанс. Герой Джорджа Хилтона, поняв, что в городе нет честных людей, решает стравить Спенсера и Мантаса, а себе заграбастать золото. В этом ему поможет очаровательная хозяйка отеля по имени Трикси…
«Штуки» над Лондоном
Картина описывает драматические события 1940-го года. Фашистская Германия несет угрозу всему миру, Англия противостоит ей, но постоянные вражеские диверсии и провокации противника истощают силы страны. И на фоне всего этого — нормальные человеческие взаимоотношения…
Gli infermieri della mutua
A comedy about the Italian National Health System based on a doctor who owns a private clinic and manages it more like a con man than a follower of the Hippocratic oath.
I 2 deputati
Francesco and Franco are brothers in law but, since their respective wives can't stand each other, are always arguing. When Francesco decides to run for Parliament, Franco is kidnapped by his opposing party and forced to run as well. The clashes between the two in-laws will continue in Parliament.
Убей их всех и вернись... один
Sound Engineer
Во время Гражданской войны армия Конфедерации поручает наёмнику Клайду Мак-Кею и его банде выполнение особо опасной миссии — требуется похитить золотой запас северян. Помимо награды перед Клайдом поставлено условие: в живых, кроме него, не должен остаться никто...
The Nephews of Zorro
Two fellows from Sicily go to America thinking that they will find gold . For their bad luck in California they meet the brave Zorro who is protecting the helpless people. They have to help him which is followed by a lot of adventures and funny moments.
I Protect Myself Against My Enemies
A major of the dissolved southern army gives a dollar to a young cowboy, Alan Burton, telling him that there are two other similar dollars with different figures on them; the three numbers combined show the spot where the Confederate's treasure is hidden. A number of people get involved including a gang leader and Alan's sidekick, Hondo.
I barbieri di Sicilia
In a little Sicilian village two hairdressers who are in love with the same girl manage to sabotage the bacteriological weapons the Nazis are preparing to use against the allied armies invasion.
The Wild Eye
Sound Designer
A film documentarian stops at nothing to record unusual and supposedly true-to-life situations.
Pleasant Nights
A trilogy of comedic tales set in the Middle Ages.
Ischia operazione amore
Gennaro runs a small boarding house in Ischia, the beautiful island in the gulf of Naples. Each member of his family is involved: his wife cooks, his daughter has a small boutique and his married son courts the old and rich patrons under his wife's enraged eyes.
Я, я, я... и другие
Сандро — известный журналист, размышляющий над статьей о нравах общества сегодня и вчера. Семья, дети, любовь, равнодушие, неприязнь, война, власть, церковь и, конечно же, красавица жена Титта со своим мужем — все это попадает в поле зрения журналиста и, так или иначе, относится к теме его статьи «Я, я, я и другие»…
Night of Violence
Carla Pratesi, a prostitute, is killed. Her death is followed by a number of attempted murders. Carla's sister undertakes her own investigation. Police enquiries uncover a drugs trade connected to a call-girls organization but the murderer remains at large. Finally, a witness identifies the killer as a well-known actor. However, he has a strong alibi (he was shooting a film). The following night, a girl who manages to escape from the maniac's clutches swears he is a different famous actor but he turns out to have a strong alibi too! Eventually the police set a trap in the park and, with the help of Carla, kill the madman. It emerges he had been disfigured by the atomic blast at Hiroshima and went crazy because his disformed features revolted women and but them off having sex with him. He created masks reproducing the features of handsome actors just to approach prostitutes!
The Escape
A young married woman who is desperately unhappy is tempted into a lesbian relationship with an interior decorator.
Sound Recordist
С 786 года н.э. начались походы викингов на Британию, где они захватывали земли и основывали свои королевства. После разгрома британцами королевства короля Харальда, его дети оказались разделены. Один сын был увезён оставшимися в живых викингами на родину, а другой подобран на поле боя и воспитан британской королевой Элис. Спустя 20 лет они встречаются — король викингов Эрон, возглавивший поход отмщения на Британию и Эрик, герцог Хэлфорд, назначенный командующим королевским флотом для отражения нашествия...
He Who Hesitates Is Lost
Sound Recordist
After their boss' death, two clerks eagerly await the arrival of the next one, each one of them hoping to become the apple of his eye. They compete in every possible way to impress him, which causes lots of trouble and many misunderstandings.