Karel Vacek

Рождение : 1938-03-24,

Смерть : 2010-04-02


Sametoví vrazi
Production Design
A thriller loosely based on one of the most violent Czech criminal cases of the nineties, popularly known as the Orlík murders. The film delves into the motivation behind the killings, exposing their exceptional cruelty and an absolute absence of moral values. The perpetrators executed four people on their way to achieving material gain. Two of the bodies were found at the bottom of Orlík reservoir, the third perished in a bomb blast, and the forth was shot at home...
Lovers & Murderers
Art Direction
Lovers & Murderers is about the ongoing war between those who have and those who want to have what the others have. The have-nots see themselves as poor victims trying to get for themselves what is justly theirs. But when the have-nots become haves, they continue to see themselves as victims of the hordes baying for what is justly theirs, and they have neither the energy nor the security to enjoy what they have obtained. The movie takes place in the microcosm of a small apartment building. The principal goal of the young people who share rooms in the building is to move into their own room and, some day, a real apartment. They scheme to get what they're after: form short-lived alliances, petition, frighten, marry, become pregnant, anything that might work. Lovers & Murderers presents Páral's vision of mankind caught in a cyclical process in which ideology pales before the pettiness, cruelty, and self-justification of human nature.
Hodina tance a lásky
Set Designer
Ta třetí
Set Designer
Andělská tvář
Set Designer
All Forgotten
Production Design
A younger boy falls in love with a tragic girl who flirts with, and manipulates, her older suitors in 1800s Russia.
Goblins and Good Luck 2
Set Designer
Приключения молодого Индианы Джонса: Проделки Купидона
Art Direction
In the third film in the series, in 1908, Henry Jones Sr. takes his wife, son and the boy's tutor to the world's first psycho-analytical conference in Viena, Austria. Young Indy meets Princess Sophie of Austia, daughter of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and develops deep feelings for her. He even asks Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung and Alfred Adler for love advice. On their next stop in Florence, Anna Jones becomes the object of affection for the persuasive opera composer Giacomo Puccini. With her husband away in Rome, Anna is torn between her feelings for her husband and the impulsive Italian.
Приключения молодого Индианы Джонса: Жажда жизни
Art Direction
In the second film in the series, in 1908, ten-year-old Indiana Jones is on safari in British East Africa. Here, he befriends a Massai boy named Meto who helps him in his search for the little seen Fringe-Eared Oryx for former US President Teddy Roosevelt. Later, he and his family and tutor travel to Paris, France where Indy meets a young Norman Rockwell and gets involved in a quarrel between the painters Edgar Degas and Pablo Picasso. The young American boys get a fascinating insight into modern art as Picasso schemes to one up the old master Degas.
The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones: Masks of Evil
Art Direction
In the seventeenth film in the series, in 1918, a top-secret mission for French Intelligence brings Indy to Istanbul. Exploring the city's dark and dangerous streets, he is thrust into a web of betrayal and murder when he discovers a vile Turkish plot to assassinate French espionage agents. Evil of a more enduring kind awaits him in Transylvania, where he engages in mortal combat with bloodthirsty Vlad the Impaler and his horrific army of the living dead. With his very life at stake, Indy must garner all his strength and wits in order to defeat the fiend and save mankind.
Приключения молодого Индианы Джонса: Демоны обмана
Art Direction
In the ninth film in the series, in September 1916, young Indiana Jones - going by the alias of "Henri Defense" - has become a motorcycle courier stationed near the trenches at Verdun. His friend Remy is still in the trenches, and both grow more disillusioned about the war each day. Chosen to sneak into enemy territory on account of his gift for languages, Indy overhears German officers speaking of the imminent arrival of their most powerful artillery guns, nicknamed "Big Bertha." A month later, Indy and Remy are granted leave to Paris, where Indiana meets the exotic dancer Mata Hari at a dinner party. He falls for her immediately, but soon finds out she is dating other men as well, including the French Minister of War.
Приключения молодого Индианы Джонса: Траншеи, ведущие в ад
Art Direction
1916 год Генри Джонс — младший встретил солдатом бельгийской армии. Индиане предстояло участвовать в одном из самых ужасных сражений Первой Мировой Войны — битве на Сомме. Бесконечные артподготовки, чудовищные газовые атаки, тысячи мертвых тел несчастных солдат — словом, кровавая бойня без конца и края предстанет перед глазами необстрелянного новобранца.
Приключения молодого Индианы Джонса: Ветер перемен
Art Direction
Очередная серия о приключениях молодого Индианы Джонса.
Приключения молодого Индианы Джонса: Шпионаж
Art Direction
Sixteen-year-old Indiana Jones joins an international trio of spies plotting against their German counterparts in the neutral city of Barcelona. Then later the same year, Indiana is reassigned to Prague where he is to receive an important phone call.
Art Direction
Действие фильма происходит в 1847 году, в период войны Америки с Мексикой. Капитана Джона Бойда чествуют и награждают различными медалями, однако он не рад этим обстоятельствам. Причиной его чествования стал захват ставки противника в одиночку, но только он один знает все обстоятельства столь смелого поступка — он просто струсил, бросил оружие и притворился мёртвым. Так он пролежал длительное время среди мёртвых товарищей, а впоследствии в состоянии аффекта поубивал всех неприятелей. Однако продвижения по службе Джон не получил, вместо этого его направляют в одинокий форт в горах Калифорнии. Через некоторое время в форт приходит оборванный и изголодавшийся мужчина по имени Калхун. Из его истории становится ясно, что он был членом каравана, который вёл проводник. Проводник заблудился и люди, в связи с наступившей зимой, поселились в пещере. Однако запасов еды было мало и в тот момент, когда они кончились люди начали поедать друг друга. Калхуну удалось бежать.
Неясная весть о конце света
Set Designer
В крохотной горной деревушке, куда добраться можно только вертолетом, всего несколько домов. Здесь хранят и соблюдают старые традиции. Весной справлялась свадьба. К деревне вышли голодные волки. Подвыпившие мужчины взяли ружья, сели в повозки и погнались за серыми хищниками.
Приключения молодого Индианы Джонса: Путешествие с отцом
Art Direction
In the fourth film in the series, in 1910's Russia, a few acts of clumsiness puts Indy at odds with his father who is greatly displeased with Indy. Indy runs away into the Russian countryside and wakes in the morning on a haystack. He encounters colorful Gypsies, fierce Imperial Cossack troops, and an odd, cantankerous old man named Leo Tolstoy, who is in full agreement that "hell" is other people. Later, in Greece, Indy meets Nikos Kazantzakis, the writer who would some day write Zorba the Greek.
Приключения молодого Индианы Джонса: Атака истребителей
Art Direction
1917 год. Австрия. Вряд ли у самого обычного капитана бельгийской армии появилась бы уникальная возможность стать очевидцем и даже участником самых захватывающих событий Первой Мировой войны. Однако, если этот капитан наш старый знакомый Индиана Джонс, — совсем другое дело!
Set Designer
Hugh Whitemore adapted Bruce Chatwin's novel for this tale of a New York antique dealer who travels to Prague to buy the porcelain collection of the late Baron Utz, only to become embroiled in the wreckage of the dead man's unusual life history after he discovers that the collection is missing.
The Frog Prince
Production Design
When a young princess, instead of being fully dedicated to her love, persists in running around like a tomboy and roaming the forests with her gang, and a young prince refuses to give up all his vices and mischief, an aquaphobic fairy takes their fate into her hands. The princess then falls in love with the prince, who declares eternal fidelity to her. When he however breaks this promise, the fairy turns him into a frog. With which the loyalty of the princess is being tested as well.
Wolfgang A. Mozart
Art Designer
When rumors spread about a "child prodigy" among the Mozarts in Salzburg, the archbishop orders an investigation in which the seven-year-old Wolfgang has to demonstrate his talent before a committee of scholars. Soon afterwards, Leopold Mozart and his son are traveling all over Europe to play for patrons and admirers. The new Archbishop of Salzburg, Count Colloredo, is not very enthusiastic about Mozart and dismisses him. Mozart marries Constanze Weber, settles in Vienna and has his first successes, earning him commissions and the goodwill of Josef II. In the last years of his life, his situation worsens; Mozart runs into financial difficulties and health problems, but still works incessantly.
Вой 2: Стирба – Сука-оборотень
Production Design
Сестра американца Бена была оборотнем. Но не по своей воле: ее завлекла в свои сети, а потом убила организация оборотней из Трансильвании. Об этом Бен узнал после похорон от седовласого Стефана, кажется, знавшего про оборотней все. И, Стефан советует Бену и его подружке Дженни поехать в Трансильванию, чтобы уничтожить эту организацию…
В ожидании дождя
Production Design
Август. Жаркое пражское лето. Одиннадцатилетняя Алена вынуждена остаться в городе одна без своих закадычных подруг. Во дворе остался лишь один рыжеволосый мальчишка, с которым отношения как-то не заладились. Спасаясь от скуки, она старается хоть как-то себя развлечь — устраивает домашнее караоке, влюбляется в живущую в соседнем подъезде кинозвезду, пытаясь обратить на себя его внимание и воображая их страстный «телефонный роман». Алена подсознательно пытается найти себе друзей — но не так-то просто приобрести их среди полупустынных улиц, раскаленных горячим бетоном новостроек. Радостным моментом становится приятельское общение с незрячим пожилым инженером и его дружелюбной овчаркой, а затем и с молодым соседом — солдатом, приехавшим в отпуск. Первая детская любовь, надежды, разочарования, разлука — всё это переживет героиня фильма, пытаясь найти своё место «под солнцем». И смыть накопившееся внутреннее эмоциональное напряжение может только прохлада долгожданного дождя…
Meeting in July
Production Design
A romantic story about Jakub, a student in the summer camp, and his teacher Klara.
Smrt mouchy
Production Design
The Case of Dead Schoolmates
Production Design
A West German businessman Friedrich Schmidt is arriving to Czechoslovakia with private mission and mission for Intelligence service. He wants to settle the old event from the time of the Second World War when he as a student of the Czech grammar school in the town of Kostelec took part at the denunciation of his schoolmate Pavel Richter. Pavel was during the period of Nazi terror following the assassination of Acting Reich Protector of Bohemia and Moravia Heydrich executed. Schmidt has also to enter into relations with persons suitable for cooperation with the West Intelligence service. Schmidt - earlier, before the German occupation Smíd - meets the schoolmates and endeavors to avert suspicion that arose already at the time of the tragic event.
Соло для слона с оркестром
Production Design
Авторитетное цирковое жюри приезжает в Москву, чтобы отобрать лучший номер для всемирного фестиваля циркового искусства. В это же время в столице работает международная конференция, посвященная языку животных. Чешский профессор Ружичка, уверенный в том, что любого зверя можно научить говорить, отправляется в цирк, где проходит цирковой конкурс и становится участником красочного циркового представления…
Prodaná nevěsta
Production Design
Případ mrtvého muže
Production Design
Poslední ples na rožnovské plovárně
Production Design
Adam and Otka
Production Design
On the holidays, ten years old Adam and his little sister Otka, four years junior to him, travel from a village Vykán to their aunt to Prague. Their parents left for Hungary to the world championship in ploughing. The children have the address but they do not know the way to the Northern Town. They set out for a place on foot, across the historical parts of the town.
Družina černého pera
Production Design
Maturita za školou
Production Design
Známost sestry Aleny
Production Design
Assistant Production Design
The year is 1943. The war is raging between the Germans and the Allies in North Africa. A truck with a Czech crew, Lieutenant Navara and six soldiers, escapes from the Foreign Legion fortress. Their aim is to reach the Allies and fight against Nazism. The truck is destroyed by a German army plane, which is hit by enemy fire in its turn. One Czech soldier dies in the attack, the driver is badly wounded, and Navara has serious burns on his face. The group has very little water and must reach an oasis that is 60 km away.
Assistant Production Design
Pražská romance
Production Design