Jörgen Persson

Рождение : 1936-09-10, Helsingborg, Skåne län, Sweden


Для этого нужна семья
Visual Effects
Фильм о семье, ее тайнах и насильно подавленных воспоминаниях. Герои фильма - бабушка и дедушка режиссера, венгерские евреи, пережившие Холокост и сбежавшие в Данию. Они смогли встать на ноги. Для всех членов семьи их прошлое и тяжелый опыт остается тайной, которая сильно отражается на семейных отношениях.
Not Like Others
Biker 2
Vera and Vanja, two vampire sisters, are forced to run for their lives, when Vera kills the leader of a biker-gang in a night club. While escaping from the bikers, Vanja gets more determined that she wants to leave the outcast vampire-lifestyle and adjust to the human world. She wants to live a normal life, even though it means the end of a life together with her sister. Vera won't accept a life in solitude and is willing to fight to make her sister stay.
Director of Photography
A story from the wilderness, where conditions of survival challenge the rules of modern society, Wolf is a contemporary drama set in northern Scandinavia. Klemens (Peter Stormare) and Nejla (Robin Lundberg) own a small herd of reindeer. Klemens lives in tune with nature and according to the rhythm dictated by his work. His young nephew, Nejla admires him and wants to follow in his footsteps. But neither his mother nor society will allow that to happen. The herd is attacked and they react without regard for the law. A well aimed stroke of the axe puts relationships to the test. What are the consequences and who will take the blame?
A Song for Martin
Director of Photography
Martin, conductor of a symphonic orchestra, meet Barbara, violine player and they start a relationship. Five years later Martin starts to develop loss of memory and becomes more and more confused. Finally he is diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease and Barbara tries to help as much as possible although Martin is often angry and violent towards her.
Приключения молодого Индианы Джонса: Проделки Купидона
In the third film in the series, in 1908, Henry Jones Sr. takes his wife, son and the boy's tutor to the world's first psycho-analytical conference in Viena, Austria. Young Indy meets Princess Sophie of Austia, daughter of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and develops deep feelings for her. He even asks Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung and Alfred Adler for love advice. On their next stop in Florence, Anna Jones becomes the object of affection for the persuasive opera composer Giacomo Puccini. With her husband away in Rome, Anna is torn between her feelings for her husband and the impulsive Italian.
Director of Photography
Пожилой режиссер пишет сценарий, главная героиня которого — театральная актриса Марианна. Она замужем за дирижером Маркусом и у них есть девятилетняя дочь. Муж постоянно в разъездах, поэтому женщина часто остается одна. Однажды, во время очередного турне мужа, друг семьи — режиссер Дэвид — напрашивается в гости и остается на ночь. Неожиданно для самих героев между ними вспыхивает страсть, в пылу которой Марианна теряет голову настолько, что готова рискнуть своим браком. Роман Дэвида и Марианны закономерным образом приводит героиню к болезненному разрыву с мужем.
Приключения молодого Индианы Джонса: История невинности
In the sixteenth film in the series, in 1917, Indiana Jones is working to get Austrian deserters safely to the allies side in the Italian Alps. In his spare time, he is wooing an Italian beauty named Guiletta. When he finds out another man is vying for her attention, Indy and his new pal, ambulance driver Ernest Hemingway, make plans to crush Indiana's competitor by smothering Guiletta with presents and compliments. Afterwards, Indiana is begrudgingly ordered to Casablanca to find a traitor who is selling arms to the Berber rebels. Traveling incognito, he is joined by American novelist Edith Wharton and journalist Lowell Thomas. Indy and Edith soon find themselves attracted to each other despite their age difference.
Director of Photography
Первая половина девятнадцатого века. Франция находится на пороге революции. Жан Вальжан — отверженный, приговоренный к тюремному заключению и вынужденный скрываться от жестокого правосудия. Начальник парижского департамента полиции Жавер считает его поимку делом всей своей жизни. После смерти возлюбленной Жана единственным близким человеком для него остается ее дочь Козетт. Он пойдет на все ради ее счастья… навстречу своему злейшему врагу.
Подкоп в Китай
Director of Photography
Необычная история дружбы отличающейся удивительным воображением десятилетней девочки Гарриет и душевнобольного мужчины Рикки.
Снежное чувство Смиллы
Director of Photography
Трагическая смерть соседского мальчишки не кажется Смилле Ясперсон обычным несчастным случаем. Начав расследование, она интуитивно продвигается в верном направлении, вынуждая противника идти на крайние меры. Став объектом преследования, но проявляя упорство, Смилла узнает цену причины, которая заставляет преступников убивать не задумываясь.
Director of Photography
Деревня в глубинке Швеции, 1880 год. Усадьба семейства Ингмарссонов наследуется от отца к сыну. Юный Ингмар безумно влюблен в красавицу Гертруду, вся деревня любуется этой прекрасной парой. Вскоре в деревню приезжает проповедник, следующий в Иерусалим. Он призывает всех ехать вместе с собой за спасением души. Многие крестьяне решают последовать за ним. Сестра Ингмарссона тоже загорелась этой идеей, она принимает решение продать усадьбу крестьянину Перссону. Но Ингмар не желает терять отчий дом. Он бросает Гертруду и женится на дочке Перссона. Покинутая Гертруда уезжает в Иерусалим. У Ингмара не получается жить с нелюбимой женщиной. Любовь к Гертруде мешает ему, и он тоже едет в святой город, чтобы вернуть ее. Сможет ли она простить его?
White Lies
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Swedish painter Anders Zorn gained notoriety for his nudes. His works are currently worth millions. The film is set in the time when Zorn, already respected for his art, was commissioned to paint a portrait of the Swedish king. Though an excellent painter, Zorn's personal life is dreadful. A boozer and a womanizer who frequently cheats on his wife, Zorn constantly seeks approval for his art. When he travels to the U.S. for a tour he meets Emilie Bartlett the wife of sculptor Paul W. Bartlett with whom he begins a sporadic affair. After Paul commits suicide, Zorn and Emilie move to Sweden. Zorn disregards his wife's feelings and openly displays his affections for Emilie.
Дом духов
Director of Photography
Мстить или прощать? В доме крупного чилийского землевладельца, пережившего не одну беду — от «золотой лихорадки» до военного переворота Пиночета, не понаслышке знают, что такое мужество и огромная сила духа. А как считает Изабель Альенде, чей роман лег в основу экранизации, «дух — это космическая энергия, которая если и поселяется, то не в одном человеке, а сразу в нескольких поколениях».
The film depicts a young woman's first task as a homemade. The task is to help a disabled man with a toilet and dressing
Director of Photography
Liv Ulmann's directorial debut also had her co-authoring the screenplay (with poet Peter Poulsen) as based on a Henri Nathansen's 1932 novel about an affluent late 19th century Jewish merchant family in Copenhagen. Ulmann focuses on strong-willed daughter Sofie's progress through life: a love affair with a gentile painter, an arranged marriage , childbirth and ever more fateful challenges.
Благие намерения
Director of Photography
История родителей Ингмара Бергмана. В 1909 бедный студент Хенрик Бергман влюбляется в Анну — девушку из состоятельного семейства. После свадьбы Хенрик становится священником на севере Швеции, но спустя несколько лет жизни в сельской местности Анна срывается и решает вернуться в родной город…
Director of Photography
Kaj, Lennart and Robert are 30-somethings who go out to dance every weekend. At one dance they meet Inger, whom Kaj falls in love with. Kaj has some friends who are playing in a band. The drummer Tommy is known for being the local Casanova, seducing women when ever he gets the chance. It doesn't take him long to have an affair with Inger, behind Kaj's back.
Peter and Petra
Director of Photography
A short story from the book Nils Karlsson Pyssling.
Женщины на крыше
Director of Photography
Швеция, 1914-й год. Девушка по имени Линнея устраивается на работу в небольшой фотомагазин господина Фишера. Вскоре в доме, где она проживает, появляется фотохудожница Анна, приехавшая из Австрии. Анна подбивает Линнею позировать ей в качестве натурщицы, а заодно умыкать для неё фотопластинки в магазине. Угловатая и закомплексованная Линнея довольно быстро раскрепощается — и душевно, и физически.
Time of the Wolf
The young nobleman Inge is riding through Sweden, looking for his twin brother, Arild. He meets a group of gypsies who welcome him. They met Arild earlier and believe that the brother is Arild. Inge falls in love with the mysterious girl Isis.
Director of Photography
Конец 19-го века. Полная шведских эмигрантов лодка прибывает на датский остров Борнхольм. Среди них Лассе и его сын Пелле. Они находят приют на ферме, но к ним все равно относятся, как к чужакам. Несмотря на это, отец и сын не сдаются в своем стремлении к поиску лучшей жизни.
The Serpent's Way
Director of Photography
A salesman and his son sexually abuse the generations of women of a poor family as payment for debt. Janni must see his mother, sister, niece and wife all being exploited, and the family grow bigger with the abuser's kids.
Моя собачья жизнь
Director of Photography
Одиннадцатилетний Ингмар живёт вместе с матерью, которая больна туберкулезом, и со старшим братом. Отец по делам службы находится в Африке. Чтобы избавить мать от забот и дать ей немного подлечиться, парнишку отправляют на лето к дяде в отдалённый посёлок, где всё ему чуждо и непривычно. Но именно там Ингмар знакомится с Сагой, своей ровесницей, воспринимая её искреннюю влюблённость просто как мимолетную детскую причуду. После возвращения Ингмара в город вскоре в больнице умирает его мать — и дядя окончательно забирает мальчика к себе. Ингмар ещё обостреннее, чем раньше, чувствует собственную неприкаянность, лишается прежних надежд и иллюзий, называя свою жизнь «собачьей».
False as Water
Director of Photography
John is the owner of a small publishing company. One day John meets the poet Clara and falls in love with her. A movie about jealousy and death.
Åke and His World
Director of Photography
Åke and his world is a long, lyrical study of a Swedish country doctor of the 1930s. Åke is the doctor's six-year-old son, from whose point of view the film is told. His best friend is Kalle Nubb. Åke is very frightened of the janitor Bergström as well as the lunatic Anne-Marie.
The Inside Man
In 1981, after the successful test of a submarine tracker device developed by the Swedish scientist Paul Mandell and sponsored by the US government through his representative Miller, his industry is totally burned and the laser device is stolen. Stig Larsson from the Swedish Secret Agency suspects of an inside job and brings the Swedish Marine Thomas Kallin to investigate Paul undercover as his driver. The naive Kallin is double-crossed but continues his investigation while Larsson finds the truth about the heist.
P & B
Director of Photography
Pettersson and Bendel are both worn, run-down and broke. Despite this they decide to start a business and become rich. Unexperienced they are open to any deal. They tamper, scam and exploit loopholes that exist.
Kalabaliken i Bender
The famous Swedish Karoliner army has suffered its biggest defeat ever at Poltava in 1709. The Swedish king Karl XII is waiting in the small village of Bender for the Turkish sulton to help him defeat his arch enemy, the czar of Russia, Peter the Great. But the Turks think he's an expensive guest and want him out of Turkey. However, he refuses. The sultan then decides to send Karl XII a princess to marry him, to get him out of the country (a bride for a bribe). The two Swedish soldiers Lagercrona and Kruus are to escort the princess. They experience many different adventures on their way to Bender, namely because other Swedish soldiers and agents try to stop them from ever reaching the village, because they don't want Karl XII to leave Turkey. After their long adventure to get there and a few misunderstandings, the famous "kalabalik" of Bender, where the Turks decide to drive Karl XII out of Turkey by force, begins.
The Simple-Minded Murderer
Director of Photography
The feeble-minded Sven's mother dies and he gets work as a farm-hand at the rich, affluent Höglund's farm. He has to work without pay and sleeps together with the cows. He meets the disabled Anna who is the first one to treat him as an adult. One day he has had enough of Höglund's maltreatment and moves in with Anna's family. Plot by Mattias Thuresson.
The Rooster
Director of Photography
In 1944, Cederqvist comes to a small cloth factory to see how the all-women employees can work more efficiently. At the beginning he is greeted with suspicion and his efforts at courting the young ladies are futile. But as soon as he buys himself a car it becomes much easier, especially since he has the power to relocate people to an easier line of work. Plot by Mattias Thuresson.
Мадикен из Юнибаккена
Director of Photography
Мадикен — озорная девочка. Ей почти 7 лет, и она живёт в Юнибаккене вместе с мамой, папой, сестрёнкой Лисабет и работницей Альвой. В жизни Мадикен каждый день происходят интересные события — мамин день рождения, школьная экскурсия, Рождество, и весёлые школьные будни. Каждую Мадикен и Лисабет выдумывают что-нибудь новое, с ними невозможно соскучится.
The Charter Trip
Director of Photography
Stig-Helmer and Ole Bramserud on a trip to the Canary Islands for Christmas.
Ты с ума сошла, Мадикен
Director of Photography
Мадикен — озорная, упрямая и смелая девочка, полная жизни; радуется и печалится от души, проказничает и делает добрые дела. А еще у нее есть враги, друзья и любящая семья. Что еще нужно для счастливого детства?
Hempas Bar
A drama unfolds during a few spring days in a small Swedish town in the 1950s. Guy study hard at school, but wins no appreciation from his father. His brother Helge returns from his job at sea. They hang out at Hempas bar.
Come to Casino
Director of Photography
A Stranger Came by Train
Director of Photography
An American gangster of Swedish origins returns to his homeland to set up shop as a morality crusader, much in the manner of the later phenomenon of televangelists. While indulging in behind-the-scene shenanigans including rape and murder, the gangster (played by American Clu Gulagher) preaches to large audiences, using mass hypnotism and show-biz razzmatazz to get his message across. The film also features a brief performance by Per Oscarsson, following his highly publicized "retirement" from screen acting.
A Handful of Love
Director of Photography
Set against the backdrop of the 1909 general strike, Hjördis is employed as a housemaid in a wealthy Stockholm family.
Visions of Eight
Director of Photography
Eight acclaimed filmmakers bring their unique and differing perspectives to the 1972 Summer Olympic Games held in Munich. The segments include Lelouch's take on Olympic losers and their struggle to remain dignified even in the face of bitter disappointment and defeat; Zetterling's dramatic exploration of the world of weightlifting; and Pfleghar's piece on young Russian gymnast Ludmilla Tourischev's majestic performance on the uneven bars.
Niklas and the Figure
Director of Photography
Young Niklas and his friend the Figure are looking for the homeless dog for Niklas.
Joe Hill
In the early 1900s, the legendary Joe Hill emigrates with his brother to the United States. But after a short time, he loses touch with his brother. Joe gets a few jobs but is struck by all the injustice and tragedy going on. He becomes active in the forbidden union IWW, a union for workers without trades. It is forbidden to demonstrate and to speak in public but Joe gets around that by singing his manifests with the Salvation Army. He manages to get more and more people to go on strike with him but he also makes powerful enemies doing that. Finally he gets connected with a murder and during the trial he fires his lawyer and takes upon himself to become his own defender.
The Magic Circle
Director of Photography
Loosely based on the Sala gang, a group of five people that committed murders and thefts in Sweden in the 1930s.
Шведская история любви
Director of Photography
Романтическая драма о возвышенной первой любви двух подростков-идеалистов и противоречии с миром взрослых, погрязших в ежедневных проблемах и разуверившихся в жизни. Он подрабатывает в гараже помощником механика и ездит на мопеде. Она ничего не делает, только красит губы. Они курят до посинения и боятся заговорить друг с другом. Но, пройдя через мордобой, слезы и первое похмелье, они все-таки доберутся до конца фильма вместе.
Одален 31
Director of Photography
Фильм повествует о столкновении участвующих в забастовке рабочих и военных, призванных подавить демонстрацию.
White Ants
The director travelled to Tanzania and interviewed several European missionaries and plantation owners, shedding light on the negative effects of colonialism.
The White Match
Documentary film about the protests against the 1968 Davis Cup tennis match between Sweden and Rhodesia, in Båstad, Sweden. In a series of interviews, demonstrators and members of the Swedish government give their views on sport, politics and civil disobedience.
Elvira Madigan
Director of Photography
Hedvig Jensen is a famous ropewalker and is known to her public as Elvira Madigan. She meets Lieutenant Sixten Sparre, a Swedish officer who is married and has two children. They both decide to run away, but since Sixten deserted the army, he cannot find any job and the couple encounters many hardships. Moreover, while on the run, Sixten meets a friend who tries to convince him to come back to his country and family.
Come on Roland!
Director of Photography
In this absurdist comedy Roland Jung is a young man who wants to write, but when he is in desperate need of money, he has to take a job at an advertising agency in Stockholm. He lands on the department for cosmetics and especially deodorant preparations. He is asked by the agency to do market research among the youth to determine their reaction to a new drug against pimples.