Vittorio De Sisti
Рождение : 1940-11-23, Derna, Libya
Смерть : 2006-04-22
1950s. Gege (Giuseppe Cristofaro) is a delicate child who lives in a hard world that does not accept it. He thus takes refuge in the dream to escape the many small daily harassment. His desire would be to become an airplane pilot and for this the notes of "Volare" by Domenico Modugno accompany his days.
Eddy is the detective of a general store. His girl is Barbara who works in the same store. Barbara receives a gift, a bottle of scent, and later she dies burned. Police detective Turoni begins to investigate and Eddy, wanting to revenge Barbara, does the same. Another girl, Porzia, is murdered in the same way and Eddy finds out that the motive of the crimes dates back some fifteen years.
AKA as Break Dance and Smurf (1984) Dir. Vittorio De Sisti From IMDB: This film, promoted in Germany by Bravo Magazine to exploit the breakdance craze, actually featured very little breakdancing other than some (presumably second unit) footage of the notorious breakdancer, Mr. Robot.
Rubina arrives in Rome from the high mountain in search of her boyfriend Carlo, who refuses to keep her word of marriage, in view of which she falsely accuses him of having raped her and the boy is imprisoned. Rubina is placed as a maid in David's house. David who has a bizarre family runs a boutique with his son Leo. She soon becomes a clerk in the store, where she conquers everyone, and marries Leo. She will have various sexual experiences. But she gets pregnant by her boyfriend who has since been released from prison.
Passionate rock'n roll dancer, Rodolfo has his partner Ornella as a partner. Frozen by the frivolous behavior of the boy, however, the young girl no longer wants to learn to dance with him. Finally, when Rodolfo had lost all hope of replacing it, Ornella, who has meanwhile accepted the court of a ballroom impresario, returns to her decision.
Passionate rock'n roll dancer, Rodolfo has his partner Ornella as a partner. Frozen by the frivolous behavior of the boy, however, the young girl no longer wants to learn to dance with him. Finally, when Rodolfo had lost all hope of replacing it, Ornella, who has meanwhile accepted the court of a ballroom impresario, returns to her decision.
Alessandro has a thing or two to learn. Carroll Baker, in her role, is the perfect teacher.
Alessandro has a thing or two to learn. Carroll Baker, in her role, is the perfect teacher.
Italian documentary
A decadent countess (Françoise Prévost), middle-aged but still attractive, forces her young and timid daughter (Agostina Belli) to marry a rich butcher. But the couple’s sexual relation is troubled, because the girl has her fair share of inhibitions. So she abandons her house and seeks refuge at her sister’s place. During her absence, her husband finds consolation in his mother in law’s arms.
A decadent countess (Françoise Prévost), middle-aged but still attractive, forces her young and timid daughter (Agostina Belli) to marry a rich butcher. But the couple’s sexual relation is troubled, because the girl has her fair share of inhibitions. So she abandons her house and seeks refuge at her sister’s place. During her absence, her husband finds consolation in his mother in law’s arms.
Plenty of fun erotic stories in the spirit of the "Decameron", united by one constant hero - unlucky cow Fiorina.
Plenty of fun erotic stories in the spirit of the "Decameron", united by one constant hero - unlucky cow Fiorina.
Second Unit Director
Маленькая дочь известного скульптора пропадает среди сырых венецианских улочек. Некоторое время спустя ее труп вылавливают из канала. Отец пытается выяснить причину трагедии. Известно лишь, что последний раз девочку видели в компании старухи, облаченной в черное.
After a year in Europe, the young Samantha, daughter of a prominent American politician returns home. She is convinced that she was sent home because she was romantically linked to Nat Brook, a black revolutionary. After one of his numerous protests against violence, Nat feels he is being followed by two men sent by her father . But in the duel that follows the young revolutionary knocks out the two stalkers . Then he breaks it off with Samantha because, beyond the his feelings for her, she is starting to feel like a burden to his protesting activities.
After a year in Europe, the young Samantha, daughter of a prominent American politician returns home. She is convinced that she was sent home because she was romantically linked to Nat Brook, a black revolutionary. After one of his numerous protests against violence, Nat feels he is being followed by two men sent by her father . But in the duel that follows the young revolutionary knocks out the two stalkers . Then he breaks it off with Samantha because, beyond the his feelings for her, she is starting to feel like a burden to his protesting activities.
A young peasant, Aldo Contini, come to Rome in search of a job. In order to observe two women who are sunbathing on a terrace, he climbs up to a roof, not knowing that he is on the roof of a palace, in which has been killed a little girl. Forced to escape, on his own from the moment in which someone discovers the corpse, he is mistaken for the assassin and only the providential participation of a policeman succeeds in saving him from the furious vengeance of an angry mob. In possession of some clues, he is subjected to a brutal interrogation by the police, during which Aldo, after having uselessly protested his innocence of the crime, ends up confessing to the crime in front of the enquirers.
"Mondo" sort of documentary around English customs.
Sound Recordist
Italy, the early 19th century. A villa is the home of a small English community, all rich and superficial people lounging about in its beautiful surroundings. Claire, George's wife, and Robert, her son, are murdered by a mysterious killer. Thinking the murderer is one of the family, distraught George devises a plan to unmask the culprit. Having met a woman, Ann, who is a dead ringer for Claire, he takes her back to the villa and announces their imminent marriage. Ann is considered an outsider and treated with contempt and hostility, while George fails to find any significant clue to the solution: everybody is to be blamed, at least morally, but the final revelation is more bitter than expected...
A man, released after a jail term for a crime he did not commit, raises a gang to go after the man who framed him.
В ночном клубе Лондона, частный детектив Бернар встречает будущую любовь своей жизни, красивую блондинку Джейн. Они случайно обнаруживают труп хозяина заведения. Сбежав с места преступления, они укрываются в квартире Джейн, где Бернар узнает, что девушка косвенно причастна к убийству. А в это время полиция и таинственные злоумышленники в серых плащах начинают преследовать влюбленных беглецов.
A pair of working class lovers - a secretary and an accountant, scheme to marry into the rich landed gentry.
Sound Engineer
Sound Engineer
В разгар гражданской войны таинственный стрелок скитается по просторам Дикого Запада. У него нет ни дома, ни друзей, ни компаньонов, пока он не встречает двоих незнакомцев, таких же безжалостных и циничных. По воле судьбы трое мужчин вынуждены объединить свои усилия в поисках украденного золота. Но совместная работа — не самое подходящее занятие для таких отъявленных бандитов, как они. Компаньоны вскоре понимают, что в их дерзком и опасном путешествии по разорённой войной стране самое важное — никому не доверять и держать пистолет наготове, если хочешь остаться в живых.
Boom Operator
A trilogy of comedic tales set in the Middle Ages.
Starblack is a hero who dresses in black and his face is covered by a black scarf and he carries in his shirt a black star, which he always leaves at the scene of his enterprises, as a symbol of justice. Soucre: SWDB
Dante Fontana is an antique dealer from Perugia infatuated with the culture of the British upper classes. His wife and relatives mock him and snub him, seeing him as a silly daydreamer doing no serious work. Unfussed, Dante plans a vacation to London to learn more about the culture he so admires. However, once in London, he struggles to fit in, is awkward, often makes mistakes betraying his Italian origins, attracting the scorn of the British upper classes he would like to impress.
В доме за городом живёт пять человек, между которыми постоянно происходят ссоры. Судьба связала вместе тех, кто в одиночестве не может выжить, и тех, кому кажется невозможным жить рядом с болезнью. Аугусто — единственный здоровый сын в этом сборище, чьи сложные и многочисленные проблемы угрожают благополучию его собственной жизни. Он хочет жениться, но чувствует, что это невозможно, пока он живет в семье, висящей у него на ногах, как бетонные блоки. Его младший брат Алессандро сочувствует брату и поэтому решает убить всех остальных членов семьи, чтобы Аугусто мог получить наследство и начать новую жизнь.
Sound Engineer
Древние земли Южной Америки хранят ещё немало тайн и секретов. А также они хранят великие сокровища, оставшиеся после таинственной и трагической гибели целой цивилизации - Страны Великих Инков. Этот народ умел не только сражаться и завоёвывать всё новые пространства, но и красиво, с роскошью и шиком отдохнуть. Именно поэтому до сих пор то там, то здесь случайно находят громадные золотые изделия, невероятные в своей красоте драгоценные камни, невиданные по мастерству и великолепию кольца и ожерелья… В этом фильме кучке авантюристов и искателей приключений противостоит мощная, хорошо законспирированная и разветвлённая тайная организация наследников Древних Инков. Кто из них выйдет победителем в безумной гонке за сокровищами?
Sound Recordist
Для майора Росси соблазнение являлось обычным и простым занятием, женщины становились легкой добычей в его руках. Но после бурного расставания с одной из подружек, которая в пылу гнева публично называет его импотентом, Андре обнаруживает, что она почти права — он уже не жеребец, готовый к совокуплению при любых обстоятельствах. Теперь он способен вступать в интимную связь с женщиной только когда ему что-то угрожает. Психоаналитик советует перейти к исключительно платоническим отношениям, но современный Казанова предпочитает постоянно пребывать в поисках опасных наслаждений.
Riccardo, an unhappily married middle aged Italian working for a shoe factory, goes to America on a four day business trip.
Sound Recordist
Нелегкая судьба Филумены Мартурано, героини одноименной пьесы Эдуардо де Филиппо, была близка всем советским женщинам. Ну а жизненным проблемам и устремлениям Доменико сочувствовали все мужчины. Нужда приводит юную Филумену в публичный дом, где она и знакомится с любвеобильным красавцем Доменико.
Спустя годы они встречаются вновь и она становится хозяйкой в его доме, но несмотря на их многолетнюю связь, он постоянно отказывается официально оформить их отношения. И вот наступил критический момент — убежденный холостяк Доменико решает жениться… на одной из своих многочисленных пассий. У любящей его Филумены остается последнее средство…
A vivid assortment consisted of three acts taken from the lives of modern 1960s Italians, always in orbit around the restless theme of sexual inhibition and the pursuit of pleasure in sex.