Mari Törőcsik

Mari Törőcsik

Рождение : 1935-11-23, Pély, Hungary

Смерть : 2021-04-16


Mari Törőcsik (born Marián Törőcsik; 23 November 1935 – 16 April 2021) was a Hungarian stage and film actress. She appeared in more than 170 films from 1956 to 2020. She won the award for Best Actress at the 1976 Cannes Film Festival for the film Mrs. Dery Where Are You?


Mari Törőcsik


Psycho 60
Marion Crane
A frame-for-frame remake of the famous Shower Scene of Hitchcock's Psycho with 60 actresses for its 60th anniversary, a different actress in each shot.
Aurora Borealis: Northern Light
The Aurora Borealis is a story of family that is rich in twists and turns. It breaks the depths of the relationship between mother and daughter. A successful lawyer in Vienna, Olga is called back to Hungary when her old mother, Mary suddenly falls into a coma. While Mary is floating between life and death, Olga finds a deeply silent secret. The increasingly passionate research leads back to the post-war Europe of the '50s.
Just Drop Dead!
Drop dead please! Following the sudden death of a mysterious engine driver in his sixties, the Wife, the Lover, her illegitimate Daughter and an increasing number of shady characters from his spurious past want to know the true identity of the man they loved. They are dying to know which of them was really loved by him, and where he has hidden the fantastic fruit of his double life. In their deadly struggle, our heroes find themselves in the center of a satirical crime comedy, the sinful roots of which stretch back to the eighties, the closing decade of the socialist era.
Three women from three generations are forced together, mentored by an old diva and a transvestite, to form a band. They are successful on stage, but off of it they are not getting along at all.
Így, ahogy vagytok
Small-town politics (corruption etc.) in Hungary.
La valle delle ombre
Nonna Clara
Matteo, a boy from the city, goes to visit his grandfather in a secluded mountain village, where preparations for a local ancient festival are under way. Matteo spends the eve of the festival with Lidia and three other boys from the village. The group of kids begins a dangerous game, bringing up obscure mysteries that are rooted in the past of that mountain valley. Matteo thus goes through a sort of initiation, at the end of which he is able to exorcise his fears, but only after becoming uncomfortably conscious of the existence of evil.
Eszter's Inheritance
The aging Eszter clarify outstanding relationship.
In the closed world of a Catholic monastery shortly after World War II the post-war insecurity exacerbates the walls. A new world order has arrived. The monastic life begins to break down as some of the monks start to morally decline.
Noé bárkája
Noah's Ark .
A Guest of life
'A Guest of life' is inspired by the journey of Alexander Csoma de Koros. The eccentric 19th century set out from his native Transylvania to central Asia on foot, only taking his knowledge of 13 dead and spoken languages with him. He wanted to find the ancestors of the Hungarians, but once reaching Tibet he stayed there, compiling an English-Tibetan dictionary, translating and abridging Buddhist teachings and literature, including the Book of the Dead. The film however is not a biopic, but a collection of impressions of Tibet, recorded on an 8mm camera, overlaid with excerpts from Csoma's diary and translations, spoken on the many languages familiar to Csoma. Intercut with the documentary-style footage are animated segments, which tell Transylvanian folktales that have been weaved around the legendary figure of Csoma.
Paths of Light
Two stories running in parallel: In one, a model is surrounded by men wanting to use and abuse her though, without realizing it, she is protected by a strange tramp guardian angel. In the other, a blind goldsmith struggles to produce his latest commission in the midst of his alcoholism and depression. Both then descend further and further into their own personal hells until they finally re-find peace with themselves and then their stories briefly merge.
A Long Weekend in Pest and Buda
Török Mari
Iván is living in exile from Hungary when he receives word that an old flame is ill. His return to Budapest rekindles old memories and reopens old wounds.
Inge Dietrich
A movie from the italian director Fabio Carpi.
Вкус солнечного света
Революции, войны, чудовищный фашизм, концентрационные лагеря заставляли их на протяжении долгих десятилетий изворачиваться под ударами судьбы, скрывать свое происхождение, изменять фамилию и веру, чтобы в конечном итоге прийти к выводу, что несмотря ни на что надо быть верным только самому себе и своему народу.
Long Twilight
A tale about an independent-minded university professor who leaves her family to travel across the countryside to visit a friend.
Apa győz
The Outpost
Gizella Weisz is an middle-aged office worker, who gets a promotion one day. Her boss told her that a new outpost is waiting for her. There she would be heading a new section. She travels from place to another and finally arrives at her new outpost. It is a remote shed, where a half-insane co-worker is waiting for her. It is obvious that Weisz has not been promoted, but punished. However Weisz does not realize that herself. Without questioning she just accepts her promotion.
Edit anyja
On Tour
Helga Madarász
This Hungarian comedy depicts the exploits of 8 members of a travelling troupe of actors and musicians as they move about the country performing a series of one night stands.
Indian Winter
Tamás is trying to escape the meaninglessness of everyday small town life. He becomes an Indian and builds a hut by the forest. Although he later returns to the town to is mother, he remains an eccentric even there; a cowboy. Everybody pokes fun at him, only children regard him with respect. He finds a friend who also wants to become an Indian, but the boy is soon shut into an insane asylum.
Scorpio Eats Gemini for Breakfast
This is a story of a man who wants to grasp and hold his beloved one by him and a woman who insists on that her love can't be grasped; 'she' only can deliver hers. It has written Comedy, Romance etc... but, this movie doesn't include anything funny, I believe. After I see the movie, I thought that love springs through a one's heart and it has its own spirit. It doesn't have to have any company. The matter is if it coincides its mate; that's it.
Lojzi mama
The story happens in 1989 in the suburbs of Budapest, where the neighbor maintains an underground worker's guard training base, while the youngsters fall victim to a mistakenly posted letter.
Az apostol
Мой дорогой доктор Граслер
Mrs. von Schleheim
In pre-WWI Austria-Hungary, a physician struggles with his decision about which woman will he marry.
Diary for My Father and My Mother
This story follows a young student, who is orphaned as she grows to adulthood in the shadow of the 1956 Hungarian uprising. Coming from the Communist intelligentsia, she sees her friends and family react differently. Her lover, a married factory manager, supports the patriots and later assists fellow workers in staging a strike. Meanwhile her sister and others express anger at being forced from their homes during the revolution and continue to express a hatred for the rebels afterwards. But in the end they realize that for all people, real life is not possible after the revolt and its brutal suppression by the Soviets and their collaborators.
Музыкальная шкатулка
Magda Zoldan
Адвокат Энн Тэлбот узнаёт, что её отец, венгерский иммигрант Майкл Дж. Ласло, находится в опасности в связи с тем, что его американское гражданство отменено. Это произошло из-за обвинения в военных преступлениях, совершённых во время Второй мировой войны. Между тем он настаивает на том, что это грубая ошибка. Энн решает выступить защитой её отца.
Just For Kicks
The life of Tamás, antiquities dealer, runs in a normal, everyday way, he is stealing, swindling, cheating on his wife just like everybody else. Suddenly three men, who live in the attic, start harassing him. They construct coarse and unpleasant schemes against him and carry them into effect at the most unexpected times and places.
The Book of Esther
During World War II Eszter has to choose: she either follows her husband abroad, who is chased by the Gestapo or stays with her daughter from her first marriage.
Whooping Cough
The story of 10-year-old boy and his family against the backdrop of the bloody events of 1956, in Budapest. Children do not yet understand what is going on, but they're happy because the schools are closed. But gradually, to adults and children comes the understanding that something terrible is happening. Disappearing relatives, friends, and even killed some. Tips sent an army to put down the counterrevolutionary rebellion.
A nagymama
Langó Seraphine
Daniel Takes a Train
Mariann's mother
In December 1956 there is a chaotic situation in Hungary. The revolution is put down by the Soviet army. People leave the country in large numbers for fear of revenge. A young soldier (György Angeli) who also took a part in the revolution, takes a train to Vienna together with his friend (Dániel Szerencsés). Written by Tamas Patrovics
My First Two Hundred Years
Divided into two different halves separated by mood and subject matter, this is an uneven drama about the experience of one Hungarian Jew before and during the fascist takeover of Budapest. The hero Pali (Zoltan Bezeredi) arrives back in Budapest from the U.S. and meanders among the intellectual and social elite before he leaves for a brief stay in England. There he has an even briefer affair with a happy-go-lucky aspiring actress (Anna Kubik), and after a few other encounters with movie mavens, he heads back to Budapest -- quite inexplicably. The rest of the film deteriorates into a dark realm of hatred and violence.
1866. The Habsburg monarchy fight a war against the Italians and the Prussians. General Klapka, who emigrated to England after the fall of the 1848-49 freedom fight of Hungary, exploits the situation and organises a Hungarian legion with the help of the Prussians, then attacking the Austrians in their back sets out to return to Hungary.
Poor Johnny and Arnika
Százarcú boszorkány
The poor but carefree vagabond Johnny meets the princess Árnika and they fall in love. An evil witch casts a spell on them which turns one of them into a duck. In order to be free of the spell they embark on a long journey to meet King Ajahtan Kutarbani, the only one who can lift the spell.
Based on Shirley Jackson's eerie short story The Summer People.
Satire from the makers of hungarian classic Love (1971): director Károly Makk and writer Tibor Déry. Made for TV.
Eternal Light Inn
A mama (as Törõcsik Mari)
The scene of the story taking place in the 18th century is an inn, which is advertised by its owners for sale. The inn was namely the scene for mysterious disappearances and murders, but the result of all these events, the treasury is hidden and guarded by the mother. Everybody want to get it from her during one night: the inn-keeper couple, the fake couple who arrived as buyers, Colonel Majorossy with his son, the secret agent and the servants.
Women's Hands
A man becomes acquainted with the mystery of female hands during a trip.
I Dream about Colours
The director has intertwined an old amateur film, shot about the Kosztolányi-family, with the adaptation of three short stories of the author. Just like the actors of the amateur film, the main characters of the three short stories are making desperate attempts to appear easy-going and self confident in the eyes of the world. In the hero of Key, the father who at home appears to be an unapproachable, important person, is suddenly revealed to be an insignificant and humiliated office clerk before his son. In Bathing, it is the severe, "tough guy" father who does not know himself and is therefore depressed and causes an irredeemable, tragic accident. In China Vase, the important guest invited with great reverence breaks into pieces the only treasure of the poor clerk couple with a nonchalant gesture. Yet, there is hope: after many years, the woman tells the mystically enlarged story with appropriate self-irony.
This sour and melancholic film recalls a few days of a forty-year-old woman in a crisis. Teréz is always disciplined but feels depressed and aimless after her divorce.
A lőcsei fehér asszony
Géczy Julianna
Mrs. Dery Where Are You?
Dery is a grande dame actress of the Sarah Bernhardt school of big-gesture theater. Her beauty and popularity is fading, and a new school of acting which involves the use of one's own emotions (a-la Eleanora Duse) is emerging in the person of her younger Viennese rival. She thinks of retiring from the stage, and reunites briefly with her estranged husband in a newly-built manor in the country. Finding that life there is boring, she returns to town, the theater, and her old friends.
Электра, любовь моя
Минуло 15 лет, как убили Агамемнона. Его убийца Эгист отмечает очередную годовщину правления. В устроенный по такому случаю День Правды каждый может сказать Эгисту все, что о нем думает. Но народ безмолвствует. Эгист приказывает говорить правду, а в ответ слышит лишь похвальбы. Бунтовать пытается только Электра, дочь Агамемнона.
Cat's Play
Karoly Makk's heartbreaking story of two unmarried sisters who cast wistful glances back at their lives, but still believe in hope and love, earned an Academy Award Nomination for Best Foreign Language Film in 1974. In this follow-up to the director's internationally acclaimed Love, Makk once again exhibits his extraordinary skills at drawing emotionally compelling performances from his talented female leads. Makk's film opposes the bleakness of the outside world with passion, love, and loyalty.
A lány anyja
Sons of Fire
This poetic film presents the ballad of the boys who turned into stags, by the associative means of music, painting and folk art. At the same time it is a memorial to the martyrs of the 1944 Sátoraljaújhely prison revolt and shows its butchery reflected through the fate of three brothers.
There Was Once a Family
Erzsi néni
This film describes the narrator's childhood, the years before and after the Hungarian Soviet Republic, in a burlesque and fabulous style and with the humour of a child's fantasy.
Мертвый край
Juli, Kántor felesége
This Hungarian film chronicles the slow deterioration in the life of Juli, a farmer's wife. As the countryside grows ever more deserted because people are moving to towns or large collective farms, she spends more and more time alone. Despite her best efforts to appreciate her situation, her despair grows. The loneliness is briefly interrupted when she and her husband take in an old woman and care for her, but the woman dies. Shortly after her son visits, she is killed in an accident which may have been a suicide. ~ Clarke Fountain, Rovi
Good Evening, Love
Varga Veronika
The film adapts a true story from the beginning of the 70s.
Trotta is a 1971 West German film directed by Johannes Schaaf. It is based on the 1938 novel Die Kapuzinergruft (The Emperor's Tomb) by Austrian author Joseph Roth. It was chosen as West Germany's official submission to the 45th Academy Awards for Best Foreign Language Film, but did not manage to receive a nomination. It was also entered into the 1972 Cannes Film Festival.
Ants' Nest
The head of the nunnery is dying, and the members are divided in two groups as the election of the new head approaches. Led by Virginia, the younger nuns stand up for changing the strict religious dogmas and would like a modern school with genuine science, a bathroom to be built, and a freer spirit. Their candidate is sister Magdolna, who went to secular universities, too. The seminarists, led by Király Erzsi, also rebel against the older nuns' strict discipline and the depressed atmosphere of the institution. However, Magdolna does not want to stay involved in the fight because she is deterred by Virginia's sinful attraction towards her and the tools Virginia is using to gain victory at any price.
Лука регулярно посещает прикованную к постели свекровь. Муж Луки, Янош, был арестован по политическому обвинению, и она не знает, жив ли тот еще. Она скрывает это от его матери, присылая ей письма, от имени Яноша, который снимает фильм в Нью-Йорке. Лука обнаруживает, что Янош жив, и ее увольняют с работы из-за мужа. Умирающая мать с тревогой ждет возвращение ее сына из Нью-Йорка.
N.N. the Angel of Death
The two main characters of this ironic account of the general condition of intellectuals are the charming psychologist, Korin György, and the unexpected. Korin starts a television series of people in their 40s. In the afternoon just after the first section, however, he is reported to be dead as a result of a rather strange accident. Everything turns upside down.
Temperate Zone
Kalán Imre, the district doctor lives in a small village surrounded by mountains. One day he is visited by two young relatives of his and their friend, a doctor at the beginning of his career. The name of the doctor is Király András, and he happens to be the great love of Kalán's young wife from her unmarried years. The orthodox Stalinist Kalán's entire life is filled with his great passion, hunting. The suffocating, narrow lives of the prominent people in the area are slowly revealed to András.
A Journey Around My Skull
The film is a story of a double journey. The main character of the first journey is the author himself, who, while sitting in his customary café, suddenly realises that he has hallucinations. The psychologist reassures him that all this is merely repression. The symptoms, however, appear again. Soon it turns out that the author has a brain tumour. Professor Pötzl in Vienna suggests operation right away. The intervention, through which he is awake, is carried out in a Stockholm clinic.
Love, Emilia
A 1970 film.
A Mad Night
Évike - Lajos felesége (as Törõcsik Mari)
The grotesque comedy with crime elements takes place in a grocery store.
Mari (as Törõcsik Mari)
Молодой архитектор с трудом получает заказы в компании, где он работает, и ему не нравится место, где он живет. Когда же у него появляется возможность преуспеть в этом мире, все идет не по плану.
Мальчишки с улицы Пал
Nemecsek anyja
По мотивам одноименного романа Ференца Молнара. "Красные рубашки" стремятся отвоевать игровую площадку у "Ребят из улицы Пал". Под руководством генерала Бока, с помощью песочных бомб и безмерной детской сообразительности, мальчишки защищают свой пустырь от врагов. Но борьба двух групп завершается трагически.
Binding Sentiments
Balassáné - Edit
Edit, who became the wife of a politician out of a simple peasant girl, suddenly becomes a widow as a result of an accident. She never loved her husband. She lives a wealthy and lonely life amidst false friends, facing one of the last alternatives of her life, i.e. having to face her past in the hope of an independent new beginning.
Kéktiszta szerelem
Тишина и крик
Осень 1919 года. Венгерская Социалистическая революция пала под натиском хортистской армии. Остатки сопротивления жестоко подавляются. Действие фильма происходит на хуторе, затерянном в степи.
A House of Cards
Barta has been investigating for a year in the murder case of a professor of medicine. Keller, the victim, has been shot dead in his own villa. Barta joins the closest relatives and they all travel to Dunaszentmárton by ship for the inaugural ceremony of his tomb.
The pseudo crime story honours the bohemian world at the beginning of the century.
And Then The Guy...
In this caricature-like film an old film director offers his memories of his career to his former student, now a studio manager, as an idea for a new film. We can see the director in Berlin in the twenties, where his task is to make a film star of Hungarian origin cry out of homesickness.
The film takes place in the outskirts at the end of the fifties. Gabi and Vince meet at the factory party. As the man learns that Gabi raises her little son alone, he does no longer want to marry her. An unclear and for Gabi humiliating relationship forms between them until the old suitor of Gabi, Feri appears.
Othello in the Province
An ambitious theatre director arrives in Gyulaháza from the capital. The aim of the young Debrődy is to shake up the locals and turn the life of the town upside down.
No Love, Please
Любимый деспот
По роману Деже Костолани "Жаворонок" о жизни провинциального венгерского городка. Вайкан Агошт и его жена провожают в поместье к родственникам свою дочь Илону. Илона очень некрасивая девушка, почти урод, и надежд на замужество у нее нет, потому что молодые люди избегают ее. Провожая Илону в деревню, супруги надеются, что там она, может быть, выйдет за вдовца, служащего дяди Илоны. После отъезда дочери Акош и его жена начинают встречаться с прежними знакомыми, ходят в театр. Наконец-то они вздохнули свободно. Тяжесть ежедневного присутствия дочери-урода их больше не давит. Начав теперь вращаться в обществе, Вайкан постепенно убеждается, что здесь царят скука, грязь, мелкие интриги и жалкий флирт. Оказывается, жизнь пуста и бессмысленна не только в их семье, но и у других людей из их городка. А возвращение дочери в дом опять обрекают семью Вайка на замкнутость и отчужденность.
The turnings of this satirical story are accentuated by the comments of the Director and the Author. Éva is in love with Zoli. She expects to live a wild and modern life by his side, not the boredom of a petite-bourgeois household. On a drunken morning, Zoli writes a poem. The poem is published in a morning paper and divides readers. Because of the poem the young man is dismissed it from his work, and his landlord kicks him out from the apartment.
The film depicts the period between 1945-60 through the life of a communist couple. Barna Judit, just released from a concentration camp and Horváth László, with an illegal past are brought together by the communist movement. They study and make plans together in the hope of a future that will make sense. The marriage they just entered, however, gets ruined soon by the events of history.
The Lost Paradise
Sebők Zoltán, the brain surgeon, performed a secret abortion on his lover and the woman died. The man waiting for the autopsy (and his arrest) escapes to his father's villa at Lake Balaton.
Májusi körhinta
За супружество — тройка
Эльфи и Арпад, дружившие много лет, несмотря на протесты их родителей, поженились и поселились отдельно в маленьком домике. Вскоре же между ними начались ссоры и они разъехались. Но через некоторое время, поняв, что искренне любят друг друга, Эльфи и Арпад снова соединяются.
Autumn Star
The scene is a small town in the Hungarian Plain, the time is Summer 1945. The diggers who have been left out of land distribution are demonstrating in front of the City Hall. Upon the advice of an unemployed engineer having returned from captivity, an uncultivated and barren piece of land is distributed among them.
The Land of Promise
At the beginning of the 50s, Jani, the young pitman, goes to work to a new mine. To his disappointment, he is only employed as a trammer. After lengthy disputes he manages to get to the post he desires.
Три этажа счастья
О пяти молодых супружеских парах, въехавших в новые квартиры, но не сумевших наладить семейную жизнь. Слесарь Густав Форшанг часто ссорится с женой Кати, так как она больше любит развлечения, а он увлечен техникой. Молодой профессор Биркаш, орнитолог, страдает от неустроенности быта, так как его жена работает библиотекарем и из-за недостатка времени не может заниматься домашним хозяйством. Эрси, жена строителя Шипош, стыдится, что они только поженились, а она уже ждет ребенка. А парикмахер Ференц Альберт страдает от неверности жены, бывшей манекенщицы. А вот Янош и Тереза Корбус не могут полностью насладиться своим счастьем, так как не имеют квартиры и, живя вместе с родителями, должны во всем им подчиняться.
Три звезды
her daughter
В фильме три новеллы. Первая — о стойкости и мужестве рабочих военного завода, которые накануне вступления советских войск в Венгрию объявили забастовку. Вторая — о трех советских воинах, которые во время боя попали в крестьянскую избу, где больная женщина просила привести священника, чтобы он окрестил ее новорожденного. Воины выполнили просьбу женщины, чем заслужили ее благодарность. Уходя, они оставили мальчику на память три звездочки со своих головных уборов. Третья — о том, как советские войска, заняв один из венгерских городков, спасли жизнь большому количеству людей, скрывавшихся от зверств фашистов в одном из подземелий.
Be Good All Your Life
A moving story of a bright and sensitive schoolboy growing up in an old, established boarding school in the city of Debrecen in eastern Hungary.
Walking to Heaven
If there has ever been pure and undestroyable love, this is it. That is how Imre and Vera feel. The talented chemist loses his best friend for the girl's sake, then gives up his profession, only to be able to stay in the capital with Vera. But the young actress at the beginning of her career is neglected. Imre accepts an uninteresting, but well-paying position. They seem to be happy together.
Sword and Dice
During the freedom fight led by Rákóczi, Schwartzenau carries the wages of the Emperor's soldiers to Tokaj. A small group of freedom-fighters, led by Captain Árvay, attack the major's escort, then hide in the local inn. Árvay introduces himself to the entering Schartzenau as a Hungarian aristocrat, while Simon Pali rushes to get help. The major has a passion for games, they start throwing dice.
Бессонные годы
Пять новелл, охватывающие события от Первой мировой войны до самоотверженной борьбы венгерского народа против оккупантов в 1942 году.
Puppy, Varga Borbála
О бесшабашной и озорной девушке, буквально притягивающей к себе всевозможные курьезные ситуации. Куда бы она не попала, все вокруг начинает искрить и переворачиваться с ног на голову. Оттого-то и герой ее романтических грез не сразу может разглядеть в бедовом сорванце прелестную юную женщину.
St. Peter's Umbrella
Bélyi Veronika
A comedy about a lost inheritance, love and a red umbrella, which, according to a local legend, belonged to St. Peter himself.
Анна Эдеш
Édes Anna
В центре фильма судьба бедной девушки-служанки Анны, обманутой родственником хозяев. Доведенная до отчаяния, девушка убивает своих хозяев.
Железный цветок
Cink Vera
По новелле Эндре Геллери Андора. Действие фильма происходит в Будапеште в 1930 году. Кругом царит безработица. Вера и Иштван любят друг друга, но у них нет квартиры, нет денег. С большим трудом Вере удается найти работу. Боясь потерять ее, она становится любовницей хозяина магазина. Узнав об этом, Иштван отворачивается от нее.
Suburban Legend
The film, depicting life in the tenement houses of Angyalföld in the thirties joins the neorealist currents of Hungarian film. Ambrus Pista, the good humoured, attractive tram conductor is loved by women for his excellent job as well. With his lover, the street-walker Terus they spy upon the neighbour as he beats his wife in jealousy.
Два признания
Венгерская криминальная драма о двух подругах, которые встают на скользкую дорожку. Героиня картины «Два признания» — девушка по имени Ержи — скрывается от ненавистного ей отчима, который не гнушается рукоприкладством, дома у подруги Иби. Но Иби связана с воровской бандой и постепенно втягивает в свои черные дела приятельницу. Ержи становится участницей запутанного преступления.
Pataki Mari (as Törõcsik Mari)
Мелодрама, повествующая о любви деревенских парня и девушки. В разгар карнавала они наслаждаются обществом друг друга, целуются и обнимаются. Они садятся на карусель и с наслаждением катаются. Но когда аттракцион закончен, молодые возвращаются к печальном действительности. На другом празднике, свадьбе, события достигают критической точки. И тогда герои решаются во имя своего счастья выступить против иерархического уклада деревни.