Fabienne Bichet

Fabienne Bichet


Fabienne Bichet


When Elina, a young aspiring rapper forced to move from Finland to southern France, meets Sofia, her new step-sister and an impressive ballerina, she immediately falls in love with her.
A Kid
Matthieu, a 33 year old Parisian who finds out that the father he never knew has died and decides to go to his funeral in order to meet his two siblings in Quebec. But once in Montréal, he realizes that nobody is aware of his existence or even interested in it. He is alone, in hostile territory…Filled with secrets, this story about one man’s coming to term with the foreign family he never knew he had is complex with interconnected themes such as masculinity, family, paternity and filial devotion coiling in the layers underneath.
Underground Time
After eight years of close collaboration with her supervisor, Mathilde suddenly finds herself inexplicably victim of moral harassment by him. In parallel, Thibault has just split up with his girlfriend after a frustrating two-year relationship where they exchanged very little. Mathilde and Thibault have never met, they are just two figures among millions of others. Two people who may bump into each other or who may merely pass each other by. But one day in September, their paths meet.
William the Conqueror
England, 11th century. William the Conqueror (ca. 1027-1087) wins the Battle of Hastings (1066), changing the shape of medieval Europe and the course of English history. An account of the life of the extraordinary Norman warrior who became king.
Железная лестница
Действие фильма разворачивается в 1963 году. Этьен Ломель начинает все чаще испытывать сильные боли в желудке. Врачи не могут поставить диагноз, и это рождает в больном подозрения по поводу своей жены Луизы, с которой до брака они непродолжительное время были любовниками, в то время как она была замужем за другим, а смогли пожениться только после смерти ее прежнего мужа, впрочем, не заставившего себя долго ждать и вскоре покинувшего этот грешный мир…
One Fine Day, a Hairdresser
Casting Director
How do you ask a wild, impetuous hairdresser on a date if you're a pathologically timid philosophy student with no social skills?