Pascale Montpetit

Pascale Montpetit

Рождение : 1960-07-28, Montreal, Quebec, Canada


Pascale Montpetit is a French Canadian actress. In 1990 she won a Best Actress Genie Award for Darrell Wasyk's H and in 2002 for Mario Azzopardi's Savage Messiah, 2 Gémeaux Awards, a Jutra Award and a Mons International Festival of Love Films award.


Pascale Montpetit


L'Ouragan F.Y.T.
Black Forest
Jura Department, France. A judge orders the re-enactment of a crime scene in order to shed some light on inconsistencies in a murder case. Under the eye of Lady Justice, the accused, a family of three women from Quebec, have to thoroughly relive the day of the crime.
Kiss Me With All Your Love
Irma St-Germain
In 1940s Montreal, a young man wrestles with his emotions for his domineering twin sister and his best friend's girlfriend.
The Saver
When teenaged Fern is orphaned in the middle of a harsh Montreal winter, she is determined to avoid her mother’s tragic fate, and take care of herself. With Youth Protection nipping at her heels, she lies about her name and age, to get a job as a janitor another as a cook. Juggling life and work and the discovery of the book, ‘50 Ways to become a Millionaire: All you need to do is save,’ Fern decides to do just that, replacing her grief with the quest to become a millionaire. Written, directed and edited by award-winning filmmaker Wiebke von Carolsfeld (Marion Bridge, Stay), The Saver stars the newly discovered Imajyn Cardinal and is based on the young adult novel by Edeet Ravel.
Женщина узнает, что она беременна и возвращается домой, тогда как предполагаемый отец не хочет иметь ничего общего с ней.
Красный Холм
Бланшары - рабочая семья, живущая на Красном Холме. Для окружающих они представляются обычной рыбацкой семьёй. И лишь немногим известно, что они занимаются ещё и тайным промыслом - избавляются от трупов, сбрасывая их в реку на съедение гигантскому осётру, который по рассказам патриарха семьи Оноре является его родной матерью. Элен, единственная из семьи Бланшар, кто не живёт на Красном Холме. Она замужем за беспринципным бизнесменом Эриком Мильжо, который хочет снести все старые дома в районе, чтобы застроить его элитным жильём. Противостояние интересов получает весьма неожиданную развязку, связанную с семейной легендой.
Silence Lies
Pauline Gauthier
Depuis une sérieuse dispute avec son frère Fred, qui lui servait de modèle, Viviane, photographe professionnelle, a mis en veilleuse ses ambitions artistiques. Or, le hasard lui fait rencontrer Guillaume, un jeune mécanicien dont la photogénie naturelle l'inspire. Réticent, ce dernier se laisse convaincre de poser pour Viviane qui, retrouvant son énergie créatrice, fait de lui le sujet d'un projet d'exposition. Bientôt, l'artiste constate que le jeune homme, qui vit toujours chez ses parents, porte les stigmates d'un douloureuse expérience familiale, qui le rend asocial et autodestructeur. Tout en cherchant à percer le mystère de Guillaume, Viviane tente un rapprochement avec son frère.
The Refugees of the Blue Planet
For around ten years, natural disasters have been occurring more frequently, causing widespread destruction; yet industrialized countries still refuse to implement or persist in doubting the actions they must take to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and fail to revise their policies for economic growth. Decisions taken high up directly affect the way of life of thousands of people, in Canada and elsewhere. In 2003, the United Nations indicated that for the first time in history, environmental refugees (25 million) outnumbered those fleeing from war or political persecution (23 million). And their numbers keep on increasing.
How to Conquer America in One Night
A young Haitian (Michel Mpambara) who loves America visits his uncle (Maka Kotto) in Montreal.
The Phantom of the Operator
The Phantom of the Operator is a poetic film collage that documents the construction and rise of female telephone operators and their eventual replacement with computerized communications systems.
A Wonderful Spell
Set in the summer of 1942 during WWII, the film traces the trajectory of simple people thrown into extraordinary lives, revealing the heart-warming flame of hope and humanity that endures, even in times of war and dispair. As young Julien, his family and a group of friends traverse the French countryside after fleeing the institution they called home, Julien must deal with his father's extreme violence and his mother's rosy fantasies and once again form a family that society tries to forget.
The City Without Windows
One day, all the windows in the City disappeared... Then the rain started... No matter what people tried, nothing could stop the water. Soon, disease spread, robbing people's abilities to speak; the endless rain killing all other forms of communication with its acidic torrent. This was a time when dialogue became a new challenge. When everything we knew had to be reinvented. This was also a time, in the midst of a chaotic, decaying environment, when a man tried to cope with the loss of his former lover.
Дикий Мессия
Герой этой загадочной истории, Рош Терио, обладал непреодолимым обаянием и необъяснимым воздействием на людей. О его нетрадиционных извращенных взаимоотношениях с влюбленными в него женщинами рассказывает этот фильм, основанный на реальных событиях. Трудно устоять перед Роком. Но скромная сотрудница социальной службы Пола Джексон решает вступить в борьбу с Диким Мессией...
The Stork Derby
Vivianne Kennelly
The woman who birthed the most children in the City of Toronto within a certain time period would inherit a fortune in the midst of the Great Depression
L'invention de l'amour
Somewhere in Montreal, Antoine (David La Haye) toils as a struggling writer. The end of his relationship with Matina (Irene Stamou) causes him to work obsessively on his new novel, and also makes it difficult for him to interact with the opposite sex. One day while moping over Matina, Antoine is hit by a car driven by Charlotte (Pascale Montpetit), a married mother of two and the manager of a hip boutique. Despite their differences, an attraction quickly develops between Charlotte and Antoine, and they soon add Elisabeth (Delphine Brodeur), a brainy and beautiful teenaged prostitute, to their sticky couplings. Meanwhile, Charlotte's husband Joey (Andreas Apergis) sits at home and watches dispassionately as his wife abandons him and their kids for epic nights of passion.
La beauté de Pandore
Director Charles Biname rounds out his trilogy of Canadian urban malaise films (Eldorado and Le coeur au poing being the first two works) with this film about a one night stand gone horribly, horribly wrong. Not long after Vincent (Jean-Francois Casabonne) meets the vivacious Pandore (Pascale Bussieres) at the Montreal port for a business meeting, the two are soon rolling around in a hotel room. Vincent's ardor cools for the lass when he learns of her ominous secret, and his button-down wife Ariane (Maude Guérin) walks out on him.
La petite histoire d'un homme sans histoire
Femme de ménage
A man in his mid-40s is killed by a truck just after receiving a prescription against death from his doctor. He then regains consciousness in a video store, and with some further difficulties, receives a film of his life. Although full of factual inaccuracies, it is an enjoyable examination of his birth, youth, marriage, family and death. Unfortunately, his request for a sequel is denied, and as he advances down the corridor to God, technical difficulties are experienced.
La position de l'escargot
Tunisian-born Myriam, a Sephardic beauty, lives in Montreal. Théo, her grad-student boyfriend, breaks up with her, and she's desolate. She house-sits for a friend for several weeks: during that time, her father arrives looking for her after 20 years, Théo realizes he misses her, and she meets the quirky Lou, a poetry-spouting squatter who introduces himself by clipping a lock of her hair during a movie; he later breaks into her flat to chat with her. She's angry with her father, confused by Théo, and delighted with Lou, whose free spirit and undemanding attention inspire her. Working out her feelings about her father gives her to key to decide what to do next.
Louise is living in Montreal, unemployed. Her sister Paulette often gives her a hard time. She only gets to see her poetry-quoting married boyfriend Julien once a week. She hangs out a lot at the dance studio in her building... Louise decides to offer an hour of her time to strangers on the street. "An hour of myself", to do whatever they want to do. But one hour precisely, that's it. This leads to many different situations, some funny, some sexy, some sad. Louise talks to someone who later turns out to have been an undercover reporter. The reporter anticipates a bad end for Louise...
Come Out!
A heartbroken man wants to kill himself but pretends the opposite to avoid the eternal damnation.
A round of unerotic sexual couplings in Toronto, interspersed with interviews about an impending total eclipse.
This free-form Canadian drama chronicles the dysfunctional lives of six young people living in Montreal during the summer of 1994. All of the characters are in their twenties, and all are dissatisfied with modern life. Rita is hell on rollerblades and makes her free-wheeling living snatching purses and breaking into cars. She camps out in the apartment of her wealthy friend, Roxan who devotes her spare time to caring for the homeless. Lloyd is a skinhead Deejay for an alternative radio station. His self-important, outrageous ranting provides the background for the rest of the stories. Lloyd is in love with Loulou, a barmaid at a punk club. Loulou is involved in a boring relationship with liquor store clerk, Marc; she looks to Lloyd for excitement. Finally there is screwed-up Henriette, who is so busy venting her neurosis in her shrink's office that she has no time to listen to the doctor's advice.
This free-form Canadian drama chronicles the dysfunctional lives of six young people living in Montreal during the summer of 1994. All of the characters are in their twenties, and all are dissatisfied with modern life. Rita is hell on rollerblades and makes her free-wheeling living snatching purses and breaking into cars. She camps out in the apartment of her wealthy friend, Roxan who devotes her spare time to caring for the homeless. Lloyd is a skinhead Deejay for an alternative radio station. His self-important, outrageous ranting provides the background for the rest of the stories. Lloyd is in love with Loulou, a barmaid at a punk club. Loulou is involved in a boring relationship with liquor store clerk, Marc; she looks to Lloyd for excitement. Finally there is screwed-up Henriette, who is so busy venting her neurosis in her shrink's office that she has no time to listen to the doctor's advice.
Chili's Blues
Waitress du snackbar
This French-Canadian drama takes place just after JFK's assassination and provides insight into the psychological ramifications of that event with its portrayal of a love story between a confused teen and a travelling salesman in a Quebec railroad station. The date is Dec. 19, 1963 and train service has been delayed by a snow storm. Pierre-Paul is a door-to-door salesman. Chili is a despondent teenaged girl. When Pierre-Paul enters a washroom stall he is surprised to find a girl hunched over with a gun in her mouth. He runs to tell the stationmaster, but she has gone by the time they return. He tells the stationmaster that the girl was wearing a kilt. Unfortunately, the station is filled with other school girls dressed in the same outfit. Eventually Chili comes up to Pierre-Paul and a careful romance is initiated as she tells him over her troubled life.
A junkie couple board themselves in their apartment while they try to kick their heroin habit.