Peter Ho

Peter Ho

Рождение : 1975-09-13, Los Angeles, California, United States


Peter Ho is a Chinese American singer, actor and model based in Taiwan.


Peter Ho


The Monkey King: The Legend Begins
Erlang God / Erlangshen
The Monkey King: The Legend Begins is the re-imagined version by Hollywood of the film The Monkey King: Havoc in Heavens Palace, the origin and birthplace of The Monkey King Story.
Двойной мир
Chu Hun
Военачальник одной страны, видя, что соседнее государство наращивает военную мощь, организует соревнование, чтобы выявить лучших воинов. Узнав об этом, молодой сельский житель Дун Илун решает принять вызов, несмотря на сомнения односельчан. Так начинается его путешествие.
Eight Sons
Li Dashan
In the southern Jiangxi region in the 1930s, in this place known as the "red cradle" of the Chinese revolution, there was a mother who sent her eight sons to the Red Army and rushed to the front lines of the battlefield. But the war was ruthless, and six of the brothers died one after another, leaving only the eldest brother Yang Daniu and the youngest child full of cubs.
Кунг-фу монстр
The Learned Priest
События разворачиваются в эпоху правления династии Мин в Китае. Глава иностранного государства подарил Императору загадочное существо. Приручить монстра поручено укротителю зверей, но тот решает освободить добродушное создание. Когда известия о пропаже животного, получившего прозвище Лаки, распространяются по дворцу, за его поимку назначают огромную награду. На поиски Лаки отправляются мастера боевых искусств, бродячие монахи, бандиты и нищие. В это же время группа мятежников решает ограбить казну Императора...
Меняющий игру
Lin Zihao
После провала операции лидер радикальной студенческой организации Ли Цзыхао сидит в шанхайской тюрьме. В этой же тюрьме сидит и молодой бандит Фан Цзе, который однажды оттуда сбегает. Во время побега Цзе случайно вламывается в камеру к Цзыхао, парни бегут вместе, а после Цзыхао исчезает. Но их пути расходятся не на долго — вскоре беглец спасает Цзе и его сводную сестру от нападения конкурирующей бандитской группировки, после чего Цзе представляет Цзыхао своему крёстному отцу и главе банды мистеру Тану. Бывший радикал и глава преступного мира в прошлом были далеко не друзьями.
The Precipice Game
Ye Qing
Liu Chenchen, a free-spirited young woman, rebels against her wealthy family and elopes with her boyfriend to join a cruise-bond treasure hunt. But what began as an innocent game with promises of great reward soon turns into a battle for survival when the contestants are thrown into a mysterious world of intrigue and chaos in the middle of the sea. Liu relies only on her wits and her new friends to survive, all the while unmasking foes and learning that nothing is what it seems. But as her companions are attacked one by one, Liu must do everything she can to escape.
Мастер меча
Yen Shih-San
Всем известному и признанному мастеру владения мечом Янь Шисаню недостаточно просто признания, он хочет победить единственного мастера, который лучше него управляется с мечом — Се Сяофэна. Вот только найти того не удалось. Отец Сяофэна говорит, что его сын умер, и показывает могилу. Разочаровавшись и потеряв цель в жизни, Шисань погружается в пьянство и решает покончить с собой — выбирает себе гроб и место покрасивей на первом попавшемся кладбище, но от самоубийства его останавливает местный крестьянин.
Murder at Honeymoon Hotel
Doctor Choi
Da Zhi is a doorman at a luxury hotel. He uses his vacation in exchange of a presidential suite at the hotel to satisfy his wife's wish. However, the manager gives the presidential suite to a celebrity and breaks the deal with him. He tries to ask bargain with the movie star, but strange things happen during his dealing, and a conspiracy begins.
Wang Bingsheng
During a dangerous rescue mission, Commander Tiejin and his troupe are locked in heated battle when he stops dead seeing none other than the brother he lost five years before, now fighting alongside the enemy.
Spicy Hot in Love
Liu Jiayi
Love can be bitter, sweet, or spicy. The film revolves around three couples from Beijing, Hangzhou and Chongqing.
One Minute More
Shen Hao-Chieh
Wan Zhen (Janine Chang) is an editor of a fashion magazine where she is competent that she can do her job successfully but was very clueless in real life. Since her boyfriend Hao Jie (Peter Ho) works from home, he looks after her so well that they adopted a golden retriever (Li La) which drastically changed Wan Zhen’s life that she begins to woke up early and cook for Li La. Wan Zhen is soon promoted and begins to devote more to her work but as her career soars, her time become hectic. Will Wan Zhen choose the job she loves or Li La who has become family to her?
Jie Sen
One day Ruo-fei found himself traveling into the past during a national game. Ruo-fei was strangely obsessed by an athlete named "Lone Wolf", who had a very special charisma. Lone Wolf’s dream was to become a pilot. During the game, Lone Wolf met an American guy named Jason whose family was very wealthy. Jason was a vigorous man who was determined to win this martial arts tournament. Lone Wolf and Jason became the main focus of the entire game and a lot of people were betting on the outcome of their upcoming fight. Finally, it was time for the final battle, the duel started, two different temperaments and two different backgrounds but yet the fighters understood each other, equal in strength; each had its own qualities and merits, making the duel very suspenseful. Lone Wolf and Jason were once enemies (rivals) and now appreciated each other. Who would win the final battle and became the real hero?
Король обезьян
Всемогущий Король Обезьян однажды прогневил богов и был заключен ими в ледяную бездну среди Мраморных Гор. Спустя 500 лет маленький мальчик случайно снимает заклятие и освобождает героя. Теперь Короля ждет новое испытание: ему предстоит сразиться с Кровожадным Драконом. Сможет ли великий герой, владевший магией и кунг-фу, спасти людей и победить Могучего Дракона?
Cold Steel
Mu Liangfeng
Sharpshooter Mu Liangfeng (Peter Ho) with Platoon Leader (Tony Leung Ka Fai) perform specific tasks, with the big villain “ghosting” (Guo Mingxiang) and start match-ups/duel. The trailer for director David Wu’s “Cold Steel”... could be a hell of a lot of fun. Everything you could possibly want from a Chinese action flick is in full effect, especially if you like your sex and carnage presented in an insanely stylish fashion.
Once Upon a Time in Tibet
Set during the Second Sino-Japanese War(1937-1945), the US army brings supplies to China by flying over the Himalayas. A love story then ensues between an American pilot and a Tibetan girl who saved his life when his airplane crashed.
My Belle Boss
Yang Xiong
Месть Софи
Карикатурщица Софи — симпатичная беспечная девушка, у которой очень много чудных идей. Ее парень Джефф — высокий и красивый хирург в присутствии всех родственников и друзей сделал ей предложение. Софи была самой счастливой женщиной на свете. Однако при одной обычной операции Джефф знакомится с известной кинозвездой Ван Цзинцзин и влюбляется в нее…
My DNA Says I Love You
Gigi and Marlene, two single women both in their late 20's, work at a bio-technology company, researching and developing medicine to suppress specific genes and observe their effects on the human body. Gigi is born with the "clean-freak" gene and her obsession with keeping things tidy causes problems in her relationships. Marlene, on the other hand, is born with the "fat gene" and needs to regularly take pills to maintain her weight. Marlene panics when she learns that her "anti-fat" pills will be taken off the market. Their personal problems coincide with romantic ones. Marlene grows frustrated maintaining her long-distance relationships via the Internet, and Gigi leaves her boyfriend when she discovers he's cheating on her.
The Legend of Lu Xiaofeng 10
The Legend of Lu Xiaofeng 9
Ximen Chixue
The Legend of Lu Xiaofeng 8
The Legend of Lu Xiaofeng 7
The Legend of Lu Xiaofeng 5
The Legend of Lu Xiaofeng 3
Второй пропущенный звонок
Chen Yuting
Проливной июльский дождь не дает выйти на улицу… Киоко работает в детском саду на полную ставку, а по вечерам изучает детскую терапию, и у нее почти не остается времени, чтобы встречаться со своим парнем Наото — честолюбивым фотографом. Однажды Киоко забегает в китайский ресторан, где подрабатывает Наото. На пороге из ее мобильника раздается жуткий звонок. Они узнают этот звук, он предварял звонки с «прогнозом смерти», звучавшие в прошлом году. Они вспоминают о том, что произошло… запись собственного голоса, кричащего от ужаса… неизбежность конца. И вскоре мрачная смерть входит в мир Наото и Киоко, и становится очевидным, что проклятие не снято…
The Secret Pursuit
Mai Long
Mailong is working as a photographer for a bridal studio, and his boss is a gorgeous lady who falls for him. However, he cannot accept her love because of his previous extraordinary love story and some complications connected to it.
Kamen Rider 555: Paradise Lost
Leo / Kamen Rider Psyga
In the near future, the world is ruled by the Smart Brain Corporation, with 90% of the population being Orphnoch, and the once prominent human race is nearing extinction. Takumi Inui, Kamen Rider Faiz, was once regarded as mankind’s savior until, in an attack by Smart Brain troops, he was presumed dead. Since then, human rebel groups have staged attacks on Smart Brain’s complex in an attempt to steal the top-secret Emperor Belts, with no success. Kiba Yuji, Naoya Kaidō and Yuka Osada attempt to ease tensions between both races but their peace meeting is interrupted by Smart Brain troops and their newest warrior, Kamen Rider Psyga. Takumi, believing himself a young cobbler named Takeshi, regains his memory and becomes Kamen Rider Faiz again to settle things with Smart Brain once and for all.
Dark War
Ken Tsui
Ken Tsui, a member of an underground organization, is sent to Manila to execute a member of the Filipino government. When he succeeds, he is arrested and sentenced to death. When a psycho cop helps Ken escape, Ken finds refuge with Chang, a man who he helped save. While working in a hotel, Ken is also an assassin who takes a life for only 10 dollars. Meanwhile, the psycho cop begins a killing spree and must find Ken, as Ken's brother, Harry wants him back in the Triads.
The Egg
A portrait of two people thrown together by circumstance and a bit of larceny. Chiao-Dahn might be a low-level gang member, but he's also a first-class goofball-more likely to break out dancing than to break the law. Ordered to kidnap and bring the beautiful but slightly spoiled Yumi to San Francisco, the seemingly hapless Chiao-Dahn soon finds himself at LAX, with no idea how to get to S.F. and saddled with a kidnapping victim who would rather go shopping than cooperate.
Рождённый королём
Lui Fu Kwan
«Рождённый королём» — это шестая часть из серии фильмов под общим названием «Молодые и опасные», рассказывающей о буднях китайских триад и конкретно о ребятах из банды «Хун Хинг». На этот раз действие больше сосредоточено на «Цыплёнке», который женится на японке, дочери босса японской банды «Ямада» Итиро Кусакари. В общем-то, он доволен ей, несмотря на то, что это была практически свадьба «вслепую» — он не знал свою жену до церемонии. Однако он не один, кому нравится дочка Итиро — в бешенстве от неразделённой любви её насилует Акира, приёмный сын Итиро, после чего он уходит к тайваньским триадам, представитель которых, Лиу начинает агрессивный захват власти, намереваясь снести со своего пути наших героев. Начинаются покушения на лидеров триад. Назревает война между бандами…
When I Fall in Love... with Both
Sam Ho
From Singapore to Hong Kong to Macau, 3 different women with different lives experience the same situation of falling in love with 2 men and how they deal with the dilemma. In Singapore, meet Joy who's torn between her boss and an idealistic baker. In Hong Kong, Cherry dreams of the strong, macho type but also wants the sweet, sensitive New-Age guy. In Macau, Cecilia and Chun-Nam have been an item since high school. The passion dies, as it always does, and while working in Macau, Cecilia meets old schoolmate Tung. One night, Cecilia sleeps with both Chun-Nam and Tung, and gets pregnant.
Deja Vu
How does fate work in love? This is main theme examined in this movie. When we begin, there are two storylines taking place, until the "fated" couples are paired...but are they really the right couples? Or has fate got another twist in store? At first Vivien is charmed by Peter's blunt nature, and Peter by her opposing stands. Meanwhile, Vicki and Nicky have a great time together, simply enjoying each other's simpleness. The tables turn however, when Peter moves to Hong Kong for family problems, and Vicki too has to leave for her studies...
The Truth About Jane and Sam
Sam, a fresh graduate from Singapore, works as a journalist in Hong Kong to gain wider exposure in life. He chances upon Jane, an intriguing mainland girl who lives a wayward, depraved life on the streets of Hong Kong. Because of her previous experiences in life, she is highly distrustful of men and spends her days smoking, taking drugs and booze. Sam, from a rich Singapore family, finds his social view broadened as he spends time with Jane in an effort to capture a good feature story. What started out as fascination over her for a cover story develops into a heart-warming love story. The two fall in love but their love is tested under the harsh light of societal comparisons.
The Lovers
Ting Mong Chun
In 3A.D., during the Eastern Jin Dynasty, parents dress a very pretty, very privileged girl like a boy so she may be educated in a local boarding school. There, she falls in love with a poor, but handsome and industrious young man, but their short love affair ends in disaster.