A portrait about the Dutch writer Herman Koch. Koch started his career with the popular TV-show 'Jiskefet' and went on to become the best selling and most translated writer from the Netherlands
Две семьи: будущий премьер-министр Стэн Ломан и его брат Пол с женами. В меню помимо роскошных блюд – злость, зависть, безумие, жестокость. На повестке дня — их дети-подростки и чудовищное преступление, которое они совершили и которое может круто изменить жизнь всех собравшихся за столом. Как далеко способен зайти отец, чтобы защитить свою семью?
Story about two brothers and their wives, and the interactions between them and their two high school age children. When the kids get into serious trouble together, how will the parents relationships change with and among each other? Will the parents protect the kids or force them to face the consequences of their actions?
Two brothers and their wives have dinner in a fancy restaurant to discuss their teenage children's misdeeds. An excoriating assessment of Europe’s contemporary social ills.
Good morning, this morning! After six full-length (and sold out!) HMH performances of "The Do You Still Fucked Tour" with De Lullo's April last year, is now the turn of Edgar, Jos and Storm to make their appearance in a real Debtors / Creditors Musical. This DVD will report on the seven special performances. The characters can escape from their office life and with other types Jiskefet immerse themselves in a Van den Ende world. What the men do exactly, we can not tell yet, but it's at least as hilarious as Lullo's tour will be sure. Tsjesus!
A famous movie actor claims that he has written a book. As result, a real author, not a very well known writer, vengefully kills him but then dies as a result of an accident. Next, they both find themselves in after-life, where souls of all famous people are gathered.