Zhana and Toni meet on a crowded beach. She is hanging around bars; he is seeking amorous adventures. They spent the night together, then jump into Mercedes sport car and get into a breath-taking race. In the morning, they learn that a man has been run over during the night. A dark suspicion comes over them. They travel again the same road again. The resulting confessions strip their masks from them... Believing him to be guilty, Toni wants to turn him in. However, the real culprit is detected. They move on - but in different direction...
Line Producer
A young engineer arrives in a small provincial town and falls in with a traffic police inspector, a driving instructor, and a cannery-engineering manager. From sheer boredom, the inspector tickets a driver who has not broken the regulations. The driving instructor takes advantage of his position to seduce one of his students. To kill time, the engineering manager spends his time intriguing. These passions seem to be all that the three of them live for.
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Sick and tired of the daily grind, engineer Filip Gerakov encounters on the beach Maria, eccentric wife of a prosperous research associate. Maria leads a leisurely if somewhat dull existence. Deep down, she craves for normal, spontaneous relationships and emotions. Filip and Maria soon make friends. They find in each other what they themselves have lacked. Their friendship gradually grows in love. Sharing their dreams and making plans for the future, the lovers vow to be inseparable and to make a new life. One day Maria's husband arrives in his black limousine. Watched at a distance by Filip, Maria makes her choice: she leaves with her husband, opting for the good life she is used to.
Девушка Анна Чикирова, по прозвищу "Волчица", приговорена за аморальное поведение к 10 месяцам пребывания в воспитательной трудовой колонии. Она считает, что ее осудили несправедливо, и ведет себя вызывающе. Но под благотворным влиянием директора колонии Кондова Анна осознает бессмысленность своего поведения в прошлом и начинает понимать, что только общественно-полезный труд поможет ей найти место в жизни.
The struggles of a captured partisan to escape