Late Mondo movie with about thirty episodes ranging from Denmark to Brazil to illustrate the sexual customs of various social groups, show sex change operations, embryonic diagnosis of genetic alterations, and artificial fertilization in animals. It also includes interviews with Vietnam War veterans, a report on hibernation, macumba, beauty pageants, international drug trafficking, and an imaginary nuclear holocaust.
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A group of employees, on a winter vacation, rather than skiing, spend their time in an attempt to impress the beautiful Angela and a sexy servant girl.
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Playwright irreparable failure is betrayed by a concubine with the lawyer that finances the charade. But one day arrives at his house Honey, Eastern African domestic workers to first service, to boot, is a billionaire and of royal blood.
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Три комедийных новеллы, объединенные одной темой: человек и его свободное время. 1) "Я буду вся твоя". Нагулявшись, Энрико решил, наконец, пожить на вилле с женой. Но Джулиана устраивает ему настоящее испытание воздержанием и флиртом с молодыми красавчиками. 2) "Да, Бауна". Незадачливый путешественник Вильсон прибыл в Африку охотиться на зверей, но вынужден был переквалифицироваться в проводники для туристов сафари. 3) "Культурный отдых". Взрослые дети убедили родителей впервые в жизни культурно отдохнуть и отправиться в путешествие по Италии. Это привело ко множеству курьезных приключений.
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Three short stories full of absurd Italian humor. Episode 1: Oddjobs man Elia is hired to be a waiter and soon finds himself caught up in a plot to knock off his mistress (in more ways than one). Episode 2: Della is convinced that aliens are on their way to consume the world and before long ends up a guinea pig on a spaceship from the planet Phobos. Episode 3: Roberto becomes a Bersaglieri in the Italian army and nearly causes a war between Italy and Switzerland over a packet of cigarettes.
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A man is arrested and condemned to five years in jail for robbery. After serving his term, he is out for revenge on the gang members he considers were to blame for his arrest. The prize for this deadly fight is a large cache of diamonds.
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Francesco Salmarani, a well-known doctor from Treviso, suddenly finds himself with an overdraft bank account as his wife's father has come from America demanding the purchase of a large Palladian villa. Tired of his wife, Francesco consoles himself with Paola and then lets himself be ensnared by the very young and beautiful Mary, who has come as housekeeper and father-in-law's lover. The need to fill the administrative gaps and the dream of running away with Mary lead the doctor to organize a coup against his father-in-law who, linked to the mafia, managed to transfer a large dollar patrimony, stolen from the gang, to the villa. The presence of the boy allows the commissioner to exonerate his son-in-law, Mary and Felegatti, of the death of the old mafioso. However, everyone will be left without the dreamed treasure which will fall to Mary and the son of the Salmarani who flee together.
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Девушка по имени Нора, работающая стюардессой, прилетает с очередным рейсом в Неаполь, и против своей воли оказывается вовлеченной в борьбу между соперничающими бандами.
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Бабник и задира Ругантино влюбился в замужнюю красавицу Розетту. Ее ревнивый муж сломал Ругантино два пальца. А потом супруг Розетты в порыве ревности зарезал аристократа, и вынужден был скрываться. А его место в постели Розетты оказалось свободным…
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A Sicilian worker, a member of the internal commission in a factory in Bergamasco, believes he has won it over the owner because he has obtained important improvements, but the astute employer sells the company to a multinational company.
Second Assistant Camera
В неком засекреченном институте, занимающемся биологическими и генетическими исследованиями, зверски убит охранник. Потом следует череда убийств самых разных людей, основной «виной» которых была причастность к этой первой нелепой смерти, иногда просто интерес к ней, какие-то догадки и разговоры.