Silvana Sonego


For a Few Dollars Less
Script Supervisor
A bank clerk and his cousin, a "general", join forces to track down a Mexican outlaw.
Script Supervisor
An anthology film / black comedy about three ordinary men who become involved in violent crimes.
Летающая тарелка
Script Supervisor
Марсиане решили похитить несколько «типажей» из землян, чтобы понять нашу планету...
Il treno del sabato
Script Supervisor
Carmen di Trastevere
Script Supervisor
Carmen, wife of a certain Vincenzo detained for theft, chooses Antonio as a friend. When the husband is released from prison, he accepts the relationship in progress and continues to use the woman in his shady businesses.
The Nun of Monza
Script Supervisor
Virginia de Leyva, daughter of a Spanish Lord, becomes a nun in Monza, in 1600s. She becomes very strict with herself and the students until she's unable to resist a romance with the nobleman Gian Paolo Osio which will lead both to danger.
Дон Камилло монсеньор... но не слишком
Script Supervisor
На этот раз монсеньор дон Камилло и его извечный противник сенатор Пеппоне возвращаются в родной городок из Рима, чтобы разрешить спор по поводу старой маленькой часовни. Городские власти решили снести часовню и на ее месте построить жилой дом. И снова начинаются извечные козни между непримиримыми соперниками доном Камилло и Пеппоне…
I soliti rapinatori a Milano
Script Supervisor
The Traffic Policeman
Script Supervisor
An unemployed man gets a job as traffic policeman but the traffic in the big city creates innumerous problems for the poor guy.
Script Supervisor
Nando is dissatisfied with his repetitive and mortifying work. He manages to escape from daily mediocrity only at night, when he enters his fantasy world.
Vacations in Majorca
Script Supervisor
Ugly, persistent, and (initially) annoying admirer pursues a beautiful actress. At first he is laughed of, especially by his ultra handsome rival, but with his firm insistence, and gradually emerging charm, he seduces the lady, to the total shocked surprise of his rival.
Guardatele ma non toccatele
Script Supervisor
An American military aircraft with some female soldiers crash lands in an Italian air base to the delight of the Italian soldiers.
Il nemico di mia moglie
Script Supervisor
Marco and Luciana are married and in love, but the passion of Marco for football distract him, and make him impossible to keep a job for a long time: that's why the young couple keeps arguing.
Кармела и кукла
Script Supervisor
Кармела открыто не повинуется воле отца, который хочет выдать ее замуж за барона Просперо, и каждую ночь невероятным образом оказывается в комнате некоего Тото.
The Girl of San Pietro Square
Script Supervisor
Armando Conforti, his family and his friends have a business: they sell souvenirs near St. Peter's, in Rome, they change dollars, in short they get along.
Граф Макс
Script Supervisor
Альберто, молодой продавец газет, отправляется на отдых, где попадает в пикантную ситуацию, познакомившись со знатными людьми. По ошибке его принимают за графа Макса Орсини Варальдо. Однако Альберто не спешит рассказать правду новым друзьям, ведь с таким именем открывается столько возможностей...
The Seducer
Script Supervisor
Alberto is forced to face his wife and his two lovers at the same time.