Ulrike Grote

Ulrike Grote

Рождение : 1963-07-08, Bremen, Germany


Ulrike Grote


Endlich Gardasee
Meine Oma spinnt
Apropos Glück
Täterätää - Die Kirche bleibt im Dorf 2
Die Kirche bleibt im Dorf
Green meadows, blue sky in Swabia: Actually, the world of the two villages Oberrieslingen and Unterrieslingen should be in perfect order. But she is not. Why? Because the two hostile villages have had to share a church and a cemetery since the Middle Ages, which has caused squabbles and squalor to this day.
Die Kirche bleibt im Dorf
Green meadows, blue sky in Swabia: Actually, the world of the two villages Oberrieslingen and Unterrieslingen should be in perfect order. But she is not. Why? Because the two hostile villages have had to share a church and a cemetery since the Middle Ages, which has caused squabbles and squalor to this day.
Eine halbe Ewigkeit
Schwester Lydia
More than fifty years have passed since Harry left his great love Elly head over heels to go to America. Now he has returned to see her again - and must discover that she lives as a nun in a Protestant monastery. At first she refuses to contact him, the pain is too deep that he has not been alive throughout the years. Only when she learns the true reason for his supposed silence does she let Harry back into her life. With the memory of the past times, the two also return to the old feelings. Elly gets into a deep moral conflict
Liebe deinen Feind
Das geteilte Glück
Britta Callenberg
Meine Tochter und der Millionär
Leo und Marie – Eine Weihnachtsliebe
Frau Meissner
Was wenn der Tod uns scheidet
Mütter Väter Kinder
Wiebke Thesen
Nachbarin Kirsten
Трагедия «Памира»
Freya von Krempin
После смерти жены моряк Аки Людрес решает снова вернуться в строй. Он принимает предложение от своего старого друга Эвальда, отправится на торговом судне «Памир» в Буэнос-Айрес. Однако он не подозревает, насколько серьезным испытанием для всей команды окажется этот рейс.
The Runaway
Ausreißer [The Runaway] is a 2004 German short film directed by Ulrike Grote, with Peter Jordan and Maximilian Werner. It follows Walter, an unemployed architect, who is getting ready to go for an interview. But just as he is about to leave his flat, an eight-year-old boy, Yuri, approaches him at the door, claiming to be his son. The film was nominated for an Oscar for Best Live Action Short Film.
Weihnachten im September
Gundula Meier
Eva Duden
Eine öffentliche Affäre
Ulrike Reich
Oh du Liebezeit
Sabine Eisenhut
Мрачное воскресенье
Frau Häberle
Будапешт тридцатых годов. Владелец ресторана Ласло нанимает пианиста Андраса, чтобы играть в его ресторане. Оба мужчины влюбляются в красивую официантку Илону, которая вдохновляет Андраса на написание его песни. Его песня «Мрачное Воскресенье» становится популярной и всеми любимой, но позже приводит к страхам, поскольку ее меланхоличная мелодия провоцирует на ряд самоубийств. В Илону также влюбляется немец Ганс.
Woanders scheint nachts die Sonne
In her new film CULPA, director Ulrike Grote tells the story of a couple who deals with a tragedy in very different ways. Although the event happened years ago, it remains omnipresent for the two main characters and has determined their lives ever since. Now they have reached a point where they have to choose whether or not to stay together or split up.