Julia Schindler
Patrick and Julia have an enviable, stable marriage, there is security and inspiration. But no sex. The couple's well-established life structure falls apart when they outsource the deficit with the help of a confident, attractive young woman, who completely underestimates her feelings.
Dr. Kahl
The 78-year-old former architect Richard Gärtner (Matthias Habich) wants to put an end to his life. However, this should not be done abroad, but quite legally with the help of his family doctor. For Dr. Brandt (Anna Maria Mühe), out of personal conviction, it is out of the question to get her elderly but healthy patient a fatal preparation.
Amidst the preparations for her 35th wedding anniversary, Meredith is surprised by the discovery that she is HIV-positive. Only her husband André could have been the carrier of the virus.
Максимилиан популярный психотерапевт, он справляется со своими заботами и проблемами, а также помогает пациентам.
Мужчина, прибывший во Францию после вторжения нацистов, присваивает себе личность погибшего писателя, чьи документы оказываются у него в руках. Застряв в Марселе, он встречает женщину, разыскивающую своего мужа, личность которого главный герой фильма как раз позаимствовал.
Rechtsanwältin Zech
Carlos Benede is in his thirties, single and helps minors cope with the after-effects of crime. Alexander is a strong-willed and precocious eleven-year-old, who witnesses the horrific death of his mother by his own father. Benede mentors Alexander and the two develop a bond. But when the trial of Alexander’s father is over, it’s time for the two to part. Alexander has been placed in the care of his aunt, but when she is no longer able, a new caregiver must be found. An unconventional counselor from the youth welfare office learns of Alexander’s trust in Benede, who himself grew up in a home, and reunites the two. Although not always easy, the relationship grows and deepens into one of father and son.
Lisa Poldack
Maria Jacobs
Thanks to the latest DNA technology, Bruno van Leeuwen finally has a proof in his hands, with which the rapist of the then nine-year-old Vicky can be convicted. Piet Martens, the neighbor of the girl's family, was the culprit. But despite the new evidence, he can not be brought to justice because the crime is now time barred. Martens leaves the police headquarters as a free man. Then Vicky falls on Martens and hits him with a bottle. The police separate the two and Martens' lawyer reports to Vicky about dangerous assault.
It was a devastating day for Arnold and his wife, Karen when their son, Christian, a soldier in the German armed forces, told them he was going to be deployed abroad. Everything is different now. Arnold has decided to retreat to a secluded mountain hut in Tirol along with his dog in order to finally find some peace of mind. Barely has he reached his snow drenched destination, when he discovers the threatening traces of an intruder. While ruminating over the news of his son and the conversations he had with his wife, Arnold must also battle against an unknown fiend if he wants to save his own life.
Джонатан и его тётя Марта работают на семейной ферме. Джонатан выполняет всю тяжёлую работу и ухаживает за отцом который болен раком. Напряжённые отношения между Мартой и Отцом только ухудшают ситуацию и Джонатану всё труднее ухаживать за отцом. Он нанимает сиделку Анку для отца. И влюбляется в Анку. Внезапно в деревне появляется друг детства отца Рон, отчего отец расцветает на глазах. Джонатан обнаруживает, что много лет назад, его отец и Рон глубоко любили друг друга. Семейная тайна разрушает связь между отцом и сыном, и Джонатан начинает осознавать, что он должен найти свой собственный путь, и любить значит уметь отпустить.
Hilde Grzimek
A portrait movie about the famous German zoo director, zoologist, book author, editor, and animal conservationist in postwar West-Germany.
Judith Lessing
The 14-years old Mona becomes pregnant. Problems in the family are the result.
Ilsa Hermann
Германия, начало 1939 года, канун Второй мировой войны. Смерть готовится начать свою жатву. Девятилетняя Лизель переезжает в Мюнхен к своим приемным родителям и с их помощью учится читать. С каждым днем чтение становится ее жизненной потребностью, и Лизель начинает воровать книги — единственную отраду ее жизни. Все, что она узнает из них, помогает ей понять события, происходящие вокруг нее — гонение на евреев, антифашистское движение, унижения и голод. Все это, в конце концов, сложится в ее собственную историю, историю ее жизни.
Heike Rogel
Two married couples, in their mid-40s, have been friends for a long time. Until one husband believes he has to bring an indiscretion to the public about the other and the respective life plans and moral concepts are called into question. Matthias Brandt, Barbara Auer, Heino Ferch and Katja Riemann can be seen in the leading roles of this outstanding, chamber play-like television film.
Lisa Schubert
Based on a novel by Bernard Schlink (The Reader), The Weekend follows Jens as he leaves prison 18 years after being arrested as an RAF terrorist in Germany. Back with his family, friends, and ex-comrades, including his former lover Inga, Jens’ unexpected arrival disrupts their lives, forcing them to re-examine the violent idealism of their youth, especially as he insists on learning who had betrayed him to the police years before in this intense, gripping drama
Katarina Weiss
Из дома богатого предпринимателя Вернера Ламберга в полицию поступает звонок от его перепуганной жены Сандры с просьбой о помощи. Приехавшая по вызову группа обнаруживает в доме кровь, следы борьбы и его жестоко избитую жену, запершуюся в спальне. Вернера сразу же арестовывают по подозрению в совершённом насилии. Но он утверждает, что не виновен. Для судьи Катарины Вайс это будет трудным делом. Истец и ответчик представляют суду совершенно разные версии произошедшего тем вечером.
По мотивам сказки братьев Гримм. Родители Золушки давно умерли, и она живет в доме злой мачехи, выполняя работу прислуги. Поплакаться о своей тяжелой судьбе Золушка приходит на могилу матери. Однажды Золушку отправляют в деревню продавать поросят. В лесу повозка с поросятами опрокидывается. Молодой человек, виновник этой ситуации, помогает Золушке поймать разбежавшихся поросят. Но девушка не знает, что это был принц...
Judith Lohmann
Carla Schön
Divorced and single bailiff Carla Schön has many problems with her pubescent daughter Eva. However, she cannot use these problems because she has to work in her everyday life. Even in her hobby, orchestral playing, she is absolutely tense. But then she meets the musician Andi Jannings and falls in love with him. He is a dry alcoholic and is in constant dispute with his ex-wife. To make matters worse, he is also a caretaker at Eva's school. Torn between her new love and daughter, Carla soon finds that her next job has to do with Andi. He has money problems and, accordingly, has not made any maintenance payments to his ex-wife.
Res Schade 2006
It is the love story of Resa and Oskar who meet in the 1970s in the midst if the leftist studen movements. For Resa it is love on first sight when she encounters the handsome and self-confident activist Oskar and is willing to do anything to get his attention. The relationship she dreams of finally comes true, but quickly problems arise. One day Oskar disappears without a trace from her life completely. Years later both meet again - now more mature and with surprising careers...
Эффи Брист — молодая, свободолюбивая девушка из хорошей семьи. Меньше всего на свете ей хотелось бы выйти замуж по расчету, но именно такую судьбу выбрали для нее родители. Эффи становится женой барона фон Инштеттена — человека почти на двадцать лет старше ее, полностью поглощенного политической карьерой и к тому же бывшего поклонника ее матери. Супружескую жизнь Эффи трудно назвать счастливой — покинув родной дом и переехав в поместье мужа в городе Кессин, она вынуждена коротать дни в одиночестве. Жизнь в Кессине не предлагает молодой девушке простора для развлечений до тех пор, пока в городе не объявляется майор Крампас. Опытный дамский угодник быстро соблазняет неискушенную в сердечных делах Эффи, и впервые в жизни она узнает, что такое настоящая любовь. Но этот короткий роман имеет трагические последствия.
Barbara Frick
Greta Santavilla
Gesine Storath
Barbara Gunthen
В фильме показана история женщины, которая оставляет свой родной город ради многообещающей работы и новой жизни, преодолевая возникающие трудности на пути. Ее брак разрушен, в родном городе нет перспектив. Уехав на Запад Германии, Йелла вовлекается в мир безжалостного и крупного бизнеса. И, казалось бы, все складывается успешно, но в самый неожиданный момент возникает угроза для ее новой жизни — бывший муж Бен…
Sylvie Wagner
Lena Droemer
For ten years Lena Drömer has been traveling to Tuscany alone for four weeks every November - at least that's what her husband, the Protestant pastor Hermann, and her daughter believe. But this time it will be a journey without return. Shortly after her departure Lena is killed in a bus accident near Bremen. Her death gives up Hermann Rätsel. Why did she die in the north, when she wanted to go to the south? When, as every year in November, a postcard from Lena arrives from Italy, Hermann sets off in search of the truth.
Anne Mahrtaler
Betta Bode
A boy has to decide between being gay and being a professional swimmer. He takes the latter, marries and gets a son. 19 years later the whole thing explodes.
Fräulein Schäfer
Successful architect Robert has a one-night stand with a mysterious lady in red. The next day they meet again, but Carolin is now a corporate lawyer working on a major contract for Robert ...
Anita Böhler
Clara Feldhof
The attractive young Franka runs the traditional porcelain manufactory Rhomberg with her father. In contrast to her fun-loving sister Joe, the sensible Franka has no time for men. That changes when she meets the sensitive, good-looking Luca - who unfortunately has just married her "best enemy" Nathalie. Franka suddenly has to fight against unfamiliar feelings. Joe falls seriously in love too, but is the easy-going bartender Marco the right one for her? The lives of the two sisters are turned upside down.
Caroline Wiethoeft
Родители отдают своего сына Иоганна Кристофа Фридриха Шиллера в Военную академию герцогства Вюртембергского, надеясь, что он станет военным врачом. Но все 8 лет, проведенных в учебном заведении, Фридрих посвящает литературному труду. Его пьеса «Разбойники» с успехом идет в театре Мангейма. Барон Дальберг, покровитель театра в Мангейме, узнав, что Фридрих пишет новую пьесу, предлагает переехать в этот город. Назначенный полковым лекарем Шиллер приезжает, хотя и становится дезертиром. Узнав об этом, барон отказывает ему в своем покровительстве.
Corinna von Gordenthal
A dog who was named after the Beatles album, inherits his master's fortune. His owner's two children, however, devise a plan to make off with his wealth.
Ivonne Schumacher
A German couple travels, shortly after reunification, to the Netherlands. Happiness does not last long. The wife receives a letter from an unknown woman.
После смерти родителей две сестрёнки разлучены. Лотта растёт в Нидерландах, Анна - в Берлине. Два совершенно разных мира. На исходе Второй Мировой войны они отыскивают друг друга, что приносит лишь разочарования. Анна выходит за офицера СС, Мартина, погибающего затем в боях, а Давид - жених Лотты, еврей, замучен в концлагере. Пятьдесят лет спустя престарелые Анна и Лотта сталкиваются на курорте. Возможно ли воссоединение сестёр?
Katharina Steinberg
Marion Böhmke
Anna von Wallenberg
Heike Hasselhoff
A television reporter searches for alien life forms and gets entangeled in a web of intrigue.
(Voice, German version)
Marion Hänsel directed this personal meditation on the joys and responsibilities of parenthood, in which a narrator reads Hansel's philosophic musings on raising her young son on her own, while carefully shot and selected footage of different cloud formations from around the world provide a striking visual backdrop. Catherine Deneuve read Hänsel's text in the original French-language version of Nuages; Charlotte Rampling did the honors for the English-language print, while Barbara Auer, Carmen Maura, and Antje De Boeck respectively lent their voices to the German, Spanish, and Dutch editions of the film.
With 1970s Germany in the background, this film depicts the story of a family from the “R.A.F. Terrorist” group and their search for a normal life and their inner self.
Ute Ritter
Sina Bukowski
Gertrud Venske
Britta Bauer
Meta Förster
Claudia Breutigam
Johannes Breutigam, a successful architect, is confronted with his real life on a New Year's Eve. His wife is cheating on him, his partner Losfeld has betrayed him and his company is on the verge of bankruptcy. Deeply depressed and desperate, he rents a hotel room on the 32nd floor. He writes a farewell letter to his wife and opens the window to jump into the depths. A young woman is standing on the window sill next door, apparently up to the same thing. With the promise to spend the last evening of the year with her, he manages to save her and himself for the time being. This is the beginning of a strange, romantic, comical story that takes place on a single New Year's Eve and in which two people change their lives
Lydia Kominka
Berlin, Germany. A cruel murder took place in an appartment building. Somebody bit off quite a piece of the victim's penis, who then, of course, lost a lot of blood, before being struck down at the head. Leading investigator Bernhard Kominka, being in stress due to a mentally retarded son and a problematic wife, seems to be the only one to see a lady in a red coat. After a while, his theory of her being the murderer may prove to be true, but the Cop also kind of fell in love with this new, interesting person in both of his lives: professional and private as well. Borders dissolve. His decision may be disastrous in any way.
Charlotte Becker
María has fled her home of Germany in the wake of the aftermath of the second world war and comes to Iceland to work on a farm.
Dr. Maria Jonasson
Mafalda La Rocca
In this grim German drama, a troubled 14-year-old boy's pent-up rage and frustration leads him to involvement with a bad crowd and gets him caught up in an inescapable spiral of increasingly self-destructive and deadly violence.
Astrid Protter
Irmgard Bode
A screwball comedy about relationships between women and men.
Maria Shiminskaja
A science fiction comedy directed by Nico Hofmann.
Uta Schwengeler
Madregilda / Ángeles
Madrid in the 40s: in an old neighborhood tavern, every first Friday of the month at nightfall Moor Hauma organizes a unique and secret card game. The Caudillo, Francisco Franco, meets with several friends of Africa's campaign for a game.
Claudia Fischer
A Greek father, estranged from his German wife, kidnaps his daughter from her busy career mother in Berlin, and brings her home to live with his family. An international custody battle follows.
Maria Grund
Black comedy about a lucrative business. Grandmother, mother and daughter live together in a love-hate-relationship and run their business with divided responsibilities: via marriage ads they are looking for candidates. It’s the daughter that gets dressed and styled according to the new mission: no matter if vamp or tree-hugger she twists the men around her little finger until they clear their accounts from all the savings. The money ends up in coffee tins stored in grandma’s fridge. But where do the men end up when they discover the secret of the trio?
Nana Schröder
A pair of mismatched cops stumble onto a major protection racket involving a seedy restaurant.
Elke Kramer
Friedrich (Uwe Bohm) manages to escape from East Germany to the West in the 1950s. On his arrival, he is greeted with the words Herzlich Willkommen, or "cordial, heartfelt welcome." However, once he finds employment, what he experiences is anything but a cordial welcome at his new job, where he is a teacher/counselor for "wayward children" located in a former castle. The institution is headed by a former Nazi who runs it with the help of the more criminal, bullying boys. Despite these obstacles, Friedrich manages to establish a rapport with a boy who wants to go "straight," and also begins to have an affair with an attractive female teacher at the school.
Post-war Germany in 1946 while people are struggling to make ends meet, the film follows Hermann, a war veteran who finds employment at a train station. As he falls in love with an agricultural worker and starts comitting thefts, his fragile psyche seems to fall more and more out of balance.
Larissa Asselt
The young toolmaker Gerd Asselt knows how to exploit his acquaintance with the influential Albrecht Maybach for a breathtaking career: With pumped money, he takes over companies in need of reorganization and quickly racks up an entire business empire. But pride comes before a fall...
Within four episodes ("Er am Ende", "Muss ich aufpassen", "Eva" and "Are You Lonesome Tonight?" ) are being told adventures of love sick Felix. On Sylt he meets two nymphomaniac women, in Hamburg he meets Eva, a girl who is even more love sick and later he meets Luci who gives him an indecent proposal. Thus he flees again...
The emotion and feelings should not be confused with sentimentality. Emotion is ancient and more powerful than any artistic expression. The film observes young couples face difficulties while trying to move their love experiences clear decision making. A film full of ideas, details and associations, fictional scenes, documentary footage, archival materials and opera music.