Eileen Slavin


Blood Pi
Halloween season is in full spirit as River Falls University is having their best football season in over a decade and the students are celebrating. Jocks, nerds and sorority sisters alike flock to massive parties filled with music, drugs and sex but that's not all they'll find. There's a killer crashing parties. The school color's of RFU go from gold to red, as blood floods the campus grounds.
Captain K9
Assistant Editor
Captain K9 tells the story of Elizabeth Blue and her imaginary superhero show Captain K-9. Elizabeth's mother is the manager at a local public access station, where Elizabeth and her brother Benji spend their time after school and occupy themselves by making a show in an unused part of the station starring Zachary, Elizabeth's dog. When Elizabeth's best friend, Jessica, experiences changes in her homelife, she withdraws. Elizabeth, unable to understand the issues Jessica is having, interprets them as villainous, and reflects that in her show.
Script Supervisor
Много лет назад покинувшая родные края Райли Кентербери внезапно звонит её дядя, с просьбой вернуться домой, так как её отец бесследно пропал. Пересилив обиду на отца, который однажды отослал её в школу-интернат, Райли возвращается на семейную ферму, где творятся странные вещи под гипнотизирющее жужжание странной вертушки, найденной на месте сгоревшего цирка...