Detective Jones arrives at the house of a young couple, Ashley and Brad, blissfully engaged and preparing for their upcoming marriage. They had a mysterious break in at their home. While Det. Jones discovers nothing at the scene, we later find out it is their wedding planner, Mandy, who starts stalking them. She goes as far as sabotaging Brad at work. Ms. Johnson, his boss, has no choice and places him on permanent leave as this Wrong Wedding Planner will stop at nothing to exact revenge.
Во время поездки на выходные группа друзей вынуждена искать убежище в заброшенной тюрьме, где полвека назад работала монахиня по имени Сестра Мондэй. Ее подозревали в убийстве заключенных, но до того, как ее смогли допросить, монахиня исчезла. Во время исследования тюрьмы, герои узнают пугающую правду.
10 years after the events of the original film, a rash of new meathook-murders makes Dan suspect this may be the same Killer responsible for the death of his twin Sister and her friends. Taking matters into his own hands he tracks down the maniac in an underground cavern and not only comes face-to-face with the meathook wielding mongoloid, but his entire sadistic family as well!
Проклятая старинная игрушечная обезьянка из дома Дефео сеет хаос и подчиняет себе главу семьи, после того как он невольно принёс ей жертву во время ежегодной семейной встречи.