Robin Aubert

Robin Aubert

Рождение : 1972-05-13,


Robin Aubert is a Canadian actor, director and writer from Quebec.


Robin Aubert
Robin Aubert


Tu ne sauras jamais
Tu ne sauras jamais
My Very Own Circus
A girl who comes from a long line of circus performers tries to fulfill her dream of going to private school.
Thanks for Everything
Sisters Marianne and Christine take a road trip from Montreal to the Magdalen Islands to spread the ashes of their late father. He wasn’t exactly an angel, and his associates are hot on their trail.
Une manière de vivre
Colette's life is shattered when her husband dies in a mysterious road accident. This may bring her closer to her daughter Gabrielle, a young bulimic woman who works as a luxury escort. The latter begins to take a strong interest in Joseph, a Belgian philosophy teacher who is passing through Montreal. She presses him with questions about existence, which scares the specialist from Spinoza, who quickly thinks of going home to find his lover. Except that he is intrigued by this presence and the power it has over him
Jeune Juliette
Fourteen-year old Juliette lives in the country with her father and her older brother. When Juliette was younger, her mother left the family to pursue her career in New York; from that moment, Juliette started to gain weight. Today, she’s not obese, but she’s clearly the heaviest girl at her high school. But that doesn’t stop her from being vivacious, funny and unrepentantly rebellious. Juliette has big dreams: she wants to throw the best parties, move to New York to live with her mother, and date the most gorgeous guy in her school, an older boy who is about to graduate. In short, she wants everything she can’t have—which sometimes makes her forget to appreciate those who really love her. We follow this brazen and endearing girl during her hectic last few weeks before summer vacation, and watch as she does some growing up—but not too much.
L’ inquiétante absence
"L'inquiétante absence" is a documentary that examines the current state of genre films in Québec. In an attempt to answer their questions, the filmmakers conducted several interviews with leading figures of Québec's genre cinema from various backgrounds, in addition to meeting with fans at festivals and conventions.
Luz, un film de sorcières
LUZ is an ambulance driver. Her work brings her to discover the inert body of Dorothée. That's when her dreams reveal the identity of the murderer: a malevolent woman who pursues her. There follows a duel between the two women, where the supernatural mixes with lightning.
Милия, скромная 12-летняя девочка из предместья, переходит учиться в городскую среднюю школу. Потерянная в новой для себя, не всегда приветливой обстановке, она старается справиться с дискомфортом, пытается свыкнуться с нелепицами школьной жизни и переживает первые победы и поражения юности.
Голодные Z
В небольшой деревушке неподалеку от Квебека все изменилось. Местные жители уже не те, что раньше: их тела разлагаются, а сами они стали интересоваться исключительно свежей плотью.
Голодные Z
В небольшой деревушке неподалеку от Квебека все изменилось. Местные жители уже не те, что раньше: их тела разлагаются, а сами они стали интересоваться исключительно свежей плотью.
Голодные Z
В небольшой деревушке неподалеку от Квебека все изменилось. Местные жители уже не те, что раньше: их тела разлагаются, а сами они стали интересоваться исключительно свежей плотью.
Caught stealing drugs from the wrong people, 27 year old Vincent is in trouble and on the run from the local mob. Fleeing to the backwoods, Vincent unexpectedly reconnects with his brother Michel with whom he’d cut ties many years ago. As he tries to maintain the semblance of a normal life hanging out with friends and playing in his band, Vincent witnesses his brother's own turbulent downward spiral.
Sent in Nunavik by a Deputy Minister, a cameraman who befriended the inhabitants of a small village realizes that the material he shot along the way will be used against the Natives to deport them.
Director of Photography
Sent in Nunavik by a Deputy Minister, a cameraman who befriended the inhabitants of a small village realizes that the material he shot along the way will be used against the Natives to deport them.
Sent in Nunavik by a Deputy Minister, a cameraman who befriended the inhabitants of a small village realizes that the material he shot along the way will be used against the Natives to deport them.
Sent in Nunavik by a Deputy Minister, a cameraman who befriended the inhabitants of a small village realizes that the material he shot along the way will be used against the Natives to deport them.
Sent in Nunavik by a Deputy Minister, a cameraman who befriended the inhabitants of a small village realizes that the material he shot along the way will be used against the Natives to deport them.
My Internship in Canada
Guibord is an independent Member of Parliament who represents Prescott-Makadewà-Rapides-aux Outardes, a vast county in Northern Quebec. As the entire country watches, Guibord unwillingly finds himself in the awkward position of holding the decisive vote to determine whether Canada will go to war. Accompanied by his wife, his daughter and an idealistic intern from Haiti named Sovereign, Guibord travels across his district in order to consult his constituents. While groups of lobbyists get involved in a debate that spins out of control, the MP will have to face his own conscience. 'My Internship in Canada' is a biting political satire in which politicians, citizens and lobbyists go head-to-head tearing democracy to shreds. Film starring Suzanne Clément, Patrick Huard and Mardy Men
Lucie sees Eloi, a homeless man, freezing to death in the alley, and takes him in. Living together proves to be difficult until Lucie's charity restores Eloi's humanity and her emotional maturity.
The Masters of Suspense
Dany Cabana
Hubert Wolfe, bestselling author, suffers from the writer's block for a long time. Thus, he often used a ghost writer, the talented but taciturn Dany. While the deadline for his next novel approaches, Wolfe still requires the help of his secret accomplice. But Dany is going through difficult times and finds himself before a blank page. So he hires a second ghost writer, Quentin, child care educator who lives under the yoke of his mother.
Главные герои фильма связаны друг с другом невидимыми нитями судьбы. У каждого из них свои проблемы, которые они изо всех стараются решить, но это, увы, не всегда удаётся. Однако, если постараться искренне постараться помочь ближнему, отданное добро обязательно вернётся.
Three friends go on a fishing trip. Well ... that's what everyone believes.
Everything Is All Right
Everything Is All Right
Everything Is All Right
Crying Out
A young man feels compelled to travel with his grand-father. Tthe young man wants to find his father who ran away with the corpse of his ex-wife.
Crying Out
A young man feels compelled to travel with his grand-father. Tthe young man wants to find his father who ran away with the corpse of his ex-wife.
À quelle heure le train pour nulle part
Отец полицейского
Gilbert Bouchard
Отец и сын – главные герои картины «Отец полицейского» (De père en flic). Они оба полицейские и работают в команде. Жак и Марк расследуют дело о похищении полицейского бандой байкеров. Чтобы подобраться вплотную к банде, они завязывают контакт с Чарльзом Берюбе, являющимся официальным представителем байкеров. Фильм «Отец полицейского» (De père en flic) сочетает в себе сильные стороны классического фильма о полицейских с уморительным учением об иррациональных отношениях между отцом и сыном.
Les cavaliers de la canette
The Boys IV
After four years of absence, the Boys are back on the ice! This time, the stake of the Canadian amateur tournament in which they participate is a game against the Legends of the National Hockey League.
Saint Martyrs of the Damned
A reporter goes to a mysterious village to investigate mysterious disappearances until one night, his friend gets abducted and every citizen wants him dead.
Saint Martyrs of the Damned
A reporter goes to a mysterious village to investigate mysterious disappearances until one night, his friend gets abducted and every citizen wants him dead.
Le nèg'
In the middle of the night, in the Québec countryside, all hell breaks loose as a black teenager is caught smashing a racially denigrating lawn ornament. Together the neighbours attend to justice against the vandal. Thorough the night there is mounting racism, fueled by alcohol, and violence. Le Nèg' opens the morning after when the police investigators arrive at the scene to take depositions.
Les Frères Morel
Gas Station Clerk
25-летняя Бибиан, недавно перенёсшая аборт, сбивает мужчину и скрывается с места инцидента. С этого момента жизнь девушки наполняется хаосом. Но неудачная попытка самоубийства приводит её к перерождению.
The Countess of Baton Rouge
Rex Prince
In a style evocative of Fellini at his most surreal, this bizarre French Canadian fantasy follows the romance between a young filmmaker and a bearded lady from a local circus during the 1960s. The story begins in a contemporary theater where a projectionist describes, to movie director Rex Prince, the ghostly spirit that seems to be haunting his film. The story then races backward to the 1960s when a half-mad, idealistic Rex was busily making his first film, a Marxist tract depicting poverty in Montreal. Edouard Dore, a well-connected editor works with him and it is he who takes Rex to a carnival late one night to meet the performers in a freakshow. The first person Rex meets is Le Grand Zenon, a hulking one-eyed fellow with the amazing ability to use his eye to project movie images on a screen with neither a projector nor film.
The Escort
In this melodramatic French Canadian comedy-drama, a sexy male escort sashays into the living room and life of a gay man and proves to be the catalyst for turmoil. Until Steve showed up to strip as a birthday present, the life of lovers Jean-Marc and Phillipe had settled into a comfortable but passionless rut. Jean-Marc is alone at the time and has sex with Steve. Later that night, Steve tries to change a light bulb and falls, causing his friends to jump to the conclusion that he tried to kill himself. Soon Phillipe too gets involved with Steve. Finding Steve a tonic to his doldrums, Phillipe begins pursuing a real relationship with him. Steve then proves to be a troubled character who is involved secretly with another man who has been diagnosed with HIV. The problem stems from the fact that the mystery lover is none other than Phillipe's dearest friend. Matters are complicated by Nathalie -- who secretly loves Phillipe -- and by his recently divorced mother.
An abandoned caboose becomes a junkie's hideout, a multiple murder has been committed. A police investigation leads nowhere, the crime remains unsolved, and Marceau, a hardened cop, resigns in the aftermath. But his troubles don't end there: someone is stalking him and his life is in danger. To save himself, Marceau recruits Camille, a young woman drummed out of the police academy for her inability to fire a gun. They make a pact: Camille agrees to flush out Marceau's potential murderer and Marceau, in exchange, undertakes to remunerate and train her. Camille plunges into Marceau's seedy underworld and encounters a raft of suspects. As Camille sinks deeper and deeper into this sordid world, she comes to terms with its violence and understands that the line between good and evil is narrow indeed. From this insight she draws the strength that had previously eluded her. Marceau's legacy... But who, exactly, is Marceau?