John-Luke Roberts

John-Luke Roberts


John-Luke Roberts


Удивительное путешествие доктора Дулиттла
Pirate / Animal Performer
Семь лет назад доктор Дулиттл, прославленный врач-ветеринар, живущий в викторианской Англии, потерял свою жену. Теперь он ведёт затворнический образ жизни, скрывшись за высокими стенами своего поместья. Экзотические животные из его коллекции — его единственная компания. Но когда неизвестная болезнь становится угрозой для жизни юной королевы, доктору Дулиттлу приходится покинуть свое убежище и отправиться в невероятное путешествие к мифическому острову. В поисках лекарства для королевы он вступит в схватку с беспощадными врагами, познакомится с диковинными существами и будет вынужден проявить недюжинное мужество и смекалку.
Рождество на двоих
Klaus the German Clown
Кейт которая работает в магазине рождественских товаров, злоупотребляет выпивкой и давно бросила переживать из-за собственной жизни. Но всё меняется после знакомства с милым и очаровательным Томом.
John-Luke Roberts: All I Wanna Do Is [FX: GUNSHOTS] With a [FX: GUN RELOADING] and a [FX: CASH REGISTER] and Perform Some Comedy!
One of the Edinburgh Fringe’s most celebrated talents of recent times sets out on his first full national tour. John-Luke Roberts’ show this year was a complete sell-out run and one of the most talked-about shows of the festival: a dizzying avant-garde ride through the mind of a gifted comic-philosopher. One with a blue moustache. Who thinks far more about the Spice Girls than anyone should. A masterclass in prop, clown, costume and Mel C-themed comedy. And that’s all we can tell you on the website, because his stupid title takes up the rest of the allotted space.
Love Type D
After getting dumped for the 11th time in a row, Frankie discovers that she has a "loser in love" gene, which predisposes her to chronic failure and rejection for the rest of her life. She decides to embark on a quest to change her romantic future.
Asparagus Tips
A dinner party kicks off with the last guest to arrive, the oddly named Asparagus Tips. Upon introducing herself, we soon gather that her name comes from her asparagus hands. After the starter doesn’t go according to plan, she steps up to the plate, literally, and offers her tips for the party. A delicious delight that everyone wants more of, mostly at the disadvantage of poor Asparagus Tips.
Asparagus Tips
A dinner party kicks off with the last guest to arrive, the oddly named Asparagus Tips. Upon introducing herself, we soon gather that her name comes from her asparagus hands. After the starter doesn’t go according to plan, she steps up to the plate, literally, and offers her tips for the party. A delicious delight that everyone wants more of, mostly at the disadvantage of poor Asparagus Tips.
John-Luke Roberts: Look on My Works, Ye Mighty, and Despair! (All in Caps)
The cult-favourite alternative comic humbly invites you to his brand-new, absolutely brilliant hour of extraordinary-absurdist-character-comedy-nonsense-sort-of-stand-up and hubris.