Margareta Pogonat

Margareta Pogonat

Рождение : 1933-03-06, Iasi, Romania

Смерть : 2014-05-11


Margareta Pogonat


Being forced into prostitution by her father, she finds solace in her friends and her journal.
Bless You, Prison
Based on Nicole Valery-Grossu's European best seller autobiographic novel "Bless you, prison", the film is a true story, with real events and characters. A young intellectual woman, Nicole is arrested. There follow three months of exhausting interrogation and isolation. Alone in a cell, she undergoes a spiritual experience similar to that of the great mystics.
The Stone Cross
Andrei Blaier's film catches the last days of The Stone Cross a low class brothels area that became some kind of an institution in the landscape of Bucharest before the Communist period, doomed to destruction under the new rules of proletarian morals that the Communists were trying to impose. The idea could be the start of a great film, with the prostitution being seen not so much from its destructive and exploitation perspective, but rather as a form of freedom in a time when the whole society was falling under the rule of propaganda, hypocrisy, and repression. In a world due to fall under tyranny for the coming decades prostitution becomes a metaphor of the old more free way of life.
I Hope to See You Again
Party Secretary
A young engineer which settled in Bucharest after his studies, returns to his village to spend his sick leave. He takes on a project to moderniza an old mill.
The Convoy
Mrs. Olteanu
Personal Issues
Comrade Florescu
Communist activists have to let out steam due to increased pressure in their professional life.
A Winter Night's Dream
Natalia Panait
A romantic comedy of the 80s, a remake of a 1946 well-known movie with the same title. He - known writer, mature, tall, handsome, courted women meets her - young, sprightly, naive, dreamy love for him after she read all his books.
The Moment
This movie is about a person that was convicted in the 50s by the stalinist policy of the times, then released and re-educated at the workplace in 65, as the policy changed.
A happily married teacher finds out that a child of hers she believed dead for 10 tears is alive. On the trail of her first lover, she reconnects with her lost daughter.
Gloria nu cîntă
Happiness Is So Close
Mimi Raiu
Cristina, a girl from a well situated family, falls in love with a young working man, who manages to get into college.
The City Seen from Above
Maria Sorescu
Maria Sorescu, director of a re-education school, becomes mayor of a town. She tries to improve the predecessors' record.
Актёр и дикари
Elvira Caratase
Toma Caragiu plays Costica Caratase character inspired by the personality of the great actor Constantin Tanase. The action takes place in the interwar period and focuses on the conflict between actor and Iron Guard movement ("savages") offended by a satirizes artistic performances. Film question the artist's freedom of expression and the danger posed by his involvement in social issues existing in a dictatorship world.
Three Secret Letters
A director of a shipyard abusively fires a foreman who has opposing ideas.
Young engineer Doru is called to the Prosecutor's Office and questioned on his wife's unlawful ways of making money. Soon he'll learn about her true character and he'll regret having broken up with Livia, a woman who truly loved him.
Through Dusky Ways
Monica Holban
When you're a newly divorced woman with two older children, it is very difficult to "rebuild your life". By chance, Monica meets someone new, but will she be able to seize this new oportunity for happiness?
Папесса Иоанна
Village Woman
Легендарная история Иоанны фон Ингельхайм, которая в IX столетии в обличье мужчины дошла в религиозном служении до высших чинов римской курии, и в конце концов под именем Иоанн VIII обманом взошла на папский престол..
Love Begins on Friday
A high school graduate, disappointed by the failure to be accepted in college, finds balance amongst the coworkers at her new job in a factory.
Then the Legend was Born
Neta Crișu
Used to move along with the construction projects they were working for, a group of people decide that is time to settle.
Kingdom in the Clouds
A young man's quest for a kingdom promising eternal youth and immortality. To reach his goal he must fulfill the three wishes of the Emperor's daughter, retrieve three golden objects, answer three riddles set by the Lord of Time, and overcome an evil witch and escape the Kingdom of Lies ruled by an evil Emperor and the young man's nemesis, the Prince of Lies. In return for good deeds along the way, he is given a magical horn and feather to aid him in his quest and is served by a flying horse, All this before he can finally enter the Kingdom of Youth without Old Age and Life without Death and marry the Emperor's daughter.
Petru and Constantin, former faculty mates, have different views concerning their lives and professions; while the former has a bright imagination, is very creative and daring, the latter is looking only for personal comfort and material satisfaction. They contend for the same woman – but even if she loves Petru, she marries Constantin for his material condition. Though he finds in Constantin an adversary who does not hesitate to remove him, Petru will surpass him professionally.
Воспоминания детства
The Gypsy Woman
По одноименной автобиографической повести классика румынской литературы Иона Крянгэ. В канун Рождества в своей квартире в районе Тикау города Яссы Ион Крянгэ, которого играет выдающийся румынский актер Штефан Чуботэрашу, с нежной ностальгией вспоминает своё детство, проведенное в родном селе Хумулешты, свои шутки и приключения, приписываемые персонажу Ники в его книге.
Два выигрыша
Как-то раз чиновник Попеску приобрёл два лотерейных билета. В удачу он не верил, но случилось неожиданное. Самые крупные выигрыши по лотереям, организованным двумя акционерными обществами, выпали на номера Попеску. От счастья он совсем потерял голову — спешно подал прошение об отставке и даже устроил настоящий дебош в министерстве. И вот Попеску в сопровождении всех своих друзей торжественно подъехал к банку... Но банковский служащий не выдал ожидаемого выигрыша — номера билетов не соответствовали названиям обществ, организовавших лотереи.
Bird of the Storm
Adam, a young and poor fisherman, falls in love with Uliana, but the girl's parents want her to marry Simion. To get rid of him, Simion blames Adam of the drowning of his fellow fishermen he was with out in a storm.