Daniel Brühl is perhaps Germany’s most famous actor, starring in films such as Goodbye Lenin and Quentin Tarantino’s Inglourious Basterds. Often seen as the eternal nice guy, he has also played a darker range of characters in a number of languages. Portrait of a surprising and versatile actor.
Biopic about Alice Schwarzer.
Frank, a man without a criminal record, attacks a money transporter and then turns himself in to the police. His behavior is a mystery. In prison he meets the unscrupulous and suspicious Arab Fuad, who is protected by his clan. To get closer to Fuad, Frank intervenes in the drug business within the walls and gets caught between the two rival groups of German and Arab inmates. It is only the prison guard Susanna with whom Frank will be able to build a relationship of trust, not knowing that she is part of Fuad’s business and has a sexual relationship with him. However, they come emotionally close. What only Frank knows is that his wife and his daughter died in a car accident. Fuad was the hit-and-run driver that remained unpunished. Frank seeks revenge.
These young women are an odd couple. Julie is quick-witted and stubborn. She celebrates idleness and even voluntarily checks into a psychiatric clinic. Nurse Agnes, on the other hand, is always eager to do the right thing and to meet everyone's expectations of her, which is not always easy. When the two of them accidentally meet one day, odds are they won't get along. But they quickly feel attracted to one another, despite their enormous differences.
Знаменитый ди-джей Томас и его подруга Линда наконец решили пожениться. Хотя провал последнего альбома сильно расстроил пару, Томас и Линда намерены устроить свадьбу несмотря ни на что. Одновременно с этим Томас узнает, что брак его лучшего друга Нильса оказался под угрозой после 25 лет совместной жизни: Нильс выяснил, что его жена Джетта недавно переспала с другим. Этим любовником оказывается старый приятель Томаса, который умирает на его холостяцкой вечеринке. Теперь троим друзьям предстоят похороны, на которых все может измениться. Главное — успеть на свадьбу, а времени почти не остается. К счастью, все согласны в одном: главное в жизни — это любовь!
Annika Hombach
Dalia Scheidegger
Allmen and the mystery of the dahlias.
Jette Harms
Когда им было всего 18 лет, Нильс, Томас и Андреас считали себя бессмертными. Увы, приглашение на встречу бывших одноклассников 30 лет спустя лучше любых слов напоминает, как быстро летит время. Приятели считают, что это отличный повод снова пуститься в разгул: их ждут лихие вечеринки, выпивка и женское общество! По крайней мере, таков был первоначальный план… Но вместо этого их ждут сопутствующие возрасту проблемы, неоднократно разбитые сердца и непослушная дочь женщины, когда-то сумевшей покорить Томаса: семнадцатилетняя Лили обожает указывать старшему поколению на его ошибки! Щедрая порция гелия, много коктейлей мартини и вдохновенная лекция о вреде «экстази» пускают их планы под откос. К счастью, по дороге домой друзья осознают, что в жизни есть вещи и поважнее — дружба, семья и настоящая любовь!
Friederike Winter
Михаэль, его жена Фредерика и их 8-летняя дочь Сельма после того, как Михаэль потерял работу, вынуждены переселиться в заброшенную квартиру в Санкт-Паули. Раньше в этой квартире жила таинственная китаянка, умершая много лет назад. Но сразу после переселения с новыми жильцами стали происходить странные вещи а потом Фредерика бесследно исчезает. Пытаясь её найти, Михаэль открывает страшную тайну, корни которой уходят в годы Второй мировой войны.
Painter Freddy lives with his wife and child on Lake Tegernsee and is working on his comeback until one day his life suddenly turns upside down: He is accused of beating up his wife and as a result of which he is said to have custody of his eight-year-old son withdrawn . But Freddy can not remember having committed the alleged acts and protests his innocence. In this grave crisis, Eddy appears, Freddy's childhood friend. Both look confusingly alike and Eddy immediately begins to interfere in Freddy's life, in which worse things happen. Only Freddy knows that he has a doppelganger, an imaginary one at that - how is he supposed to convince those around him that it is Eddy who is to blame for all the disasters? Freddy is slowly losing control of his life...
Karla Seewald
Baby belly or scholarship in the US - in Ella's Baby, the accidental pregnancy of a 16-year-old student turns the life of a patchwork family on its head. Tijan Marei plays the teenage girl whose "first time" messes up the already fragile family structure. In the role of her single father, who is planning to make a new offspring with his new girlfriend - played by Katharina Schüttler - Benno Fürmann can be seen. Director David Dietl tells the story in a humorous way, without losing sight of the seriousness of the topic.
Gabi Henke
Сибилла просыпается утром в незнакомом номере отеля. В руках её — окровавленный нож, на кровати — огромное кровавое пятно, и она совершенно не помнит, что произошло. В панике Сибилла бежит из отеля и вскоре узнаёт, что в другом номере этого же отеля был найден убитым её муж, исчезнувший ещё полтора года назад. Положение Сибиллы кажется безвыходным, и ей не остаётся ничего другого, как самой попытаться выяснить причины случившегося.
Music Coordinator
Autumn 1944; a young soldier named Karl Franke has been shipped to Courland and must prove himself to his fellow soldiers in his first mission.
Mimi has her hands full. Her son Felix is hyperactive, her ex-husband Johnny is a mess, her father is a chronic gambler. Then Felix signs her up for a Swiss casting show, because Mimi wanted to be a musician originally. So Mimi decides to head for Switzerland, since it could pay all their debts. But then the whole family wants to come...
Anneliese Bräuer
On 9 April 1940, German soldiers arrive in the city of Oslo. The King of Norway faces a choice that will change his country forever. The King's Choice is a story about the three most dramatic days in Norway's history, the royal family's escape and King Haakon's difficult choice after Nazi Germany's invasion of Norway.
Lou Andreas-Salomé, the woman who enraptured 19th century Europe’s greatest minds, recounts her life to Ernst Pfeiffer in this German film directed by Cordula Kablitz-Post. A published novelist, poet and essayist, Salomé’s desire to live a life free from convention scandalized society but spurred genius and passion in others, including Friedrich Nietzsche, Paul Rée and her lover, the poet Rainer Maria Rilke. Under the tutelage of Sigmund Freud, she became the first female psychoanalyst.
For a job, Alina has to accept longer working hours and long business trips. The single mother has to reorganize her everyday life with her daughter Lilia and asks her ex-boyfriend Jarek to teach her the violin lessons. While Lilia finds it difficult to come to terms with the new situation, Jarek soon finds pleasure in contacting violin teacher Clara and her sons - much to the dismay of Clara's husband. When Lilia gets the chance to change to another teacher as a master student, the contact with Clara breaks off. Until Jarek and Clara meet again by chance a few months later.
Svens Mutter
The friends and amateur detectives Rico and Oskar experiencing their last adventure together. Here everything is really only one well, because now they live next door to. Ricos mother Tanya and Buhl are together, Oskar is with his father Lars pulled to Rico into the house. But dies as the grumpy Fitzke, the trouble begins. The stone Breeder inherited Rico his beloved stone-collection over which the boy also very pleased - but then he and his buddy note that Rico's favorite stone calf stone was stolen. The task now is to make the thieves apprehended. And because there are on the way to the Baltic Sea, Rico and Oskar must as soon as possible afterwards. Glad Tanja is flown by Buhl in the "snogging holiday" ...
Claire Gehrich
Берлин, 1940 год. Отто и Анна Квангель, пара из рабочего класса, узнают, что их единственный сын погиб на поле боя и решают самостоятельно противостоять нацистскому режиму. Вскоре гестапо начинает охоту на эту «угрозу».
Miss Rottenmeier
Девочка Хайди живет со своим дедушкой в маленькой альпийской деревушке. Она и её друг Петер пасут в горах коз и вполне довольны своей жизнью. Но однажды всё меняется — Хайди призывает к себе её богатая тётушка из Франкфурта.
Всего 13 минут не хватило плотнику Георгу Эльзеру, чтобы изменить ход мировой истории. 8 ноября 1939 года в мюнхенской пивной «Бюргербройкеллер», где Гитлер каждый год в годовщину «Пивного путча» выступал перед ветеранами Национал-социалистической рабочей партии Германии Эльзер вмонтировал самодельное взрывное устройство с часовым механизмом в колонну, перед которой обычно устанавливали трибуну для вождя.
Erika Grzimek
A portrait movie about the famous German zoo director, zoologist, book author, editor, and animal conservationist in postwar West-Germany.
Rita and Georg have long been divorced - actually. But every Christmas they become a couple again. Then they play Georg's parents, Clara and Paul, the happy spouses because Georg just does not dare to tell them the truth. Rita in turn pretends to be in a new relationship, although in truth he is still attached to her. Even his job as a senior physician, the good-natured nurse has just come up with. But Rita also conceals her worries. The two do not suspect that Clara and Paul have already seen through the masquerade of the two and play their own little game.
Рождество не за горами, праздник любви, а вот с последним кое-кому очень не хватает. Ханнес сталкивается с проблемой, что он изменил своей девушке Кларе с учителем начальных классов и его возлюбленная теперь не хочет его прощать, а Кики не может думать ни о чем, кроме мужчины мечты. Мартин, с другой стороны, сожалеет о том, что бросил жену, и хочет вернуться к ней. Клаус не совсем уверен в отношениях и сомневается, стоит ли ему на самом деле жениться на своем друге Викторе. Керем счастлив в браке и скоро станет отцом троих детей, но перед праздниками его семья находится на грани разорения. Его жена Симона ничего не знает обо всем этом...
Clara Immerwahr
Clara Immerwahr and her husband to be Fritz Haber are both young and gifted chemists. Their struggle for acknowledgment in nationalistic Germany during World War I lead to the development and use of the first chemical weapons.
Bianca März
Öllers and Niederländer have everything under control. For the past six years, the two successful business consultants have been traveling through some of the seediest countries around the world in order to satisfy their clients greed. They have achieved almost everything, but there is one career move left: to finally become a partner in the company! When they find out that their team colleague Hellinger made the cut, they are at their wits end. Up or Out is the name of the game. The fact that Hellinger falls from an office window for no explainable reason doesnt seem to help the situation. Of all people, the young and ambitious Bianca steps in for Hellinger. Öllers and Niederländer are irritated, sarcasm spreads, neuroses break out. The fight for survival within the company takes its toll the AGE OF CANNIBALS dawns.
A "romantic comedy" based loosely on the suicide of the poet Henrich von Kleist in 1811.
Феликс — тридцатилетний холостяк, гоняющий по Мюнхену на велосипеде, иногда видящийся со знакомой девушкой ради коротких, но продуктивных встреч. Все его друзья уже давно ведут семейную жизнь, имеют по паре-тройке детей и погрязли в быту. Жизнь Феликса вполне его устраивает, до того момента, как к нему вваливается его незадачливый младший брат со своим зверьком. И вот тут-то жизнь парня резко меняется. Зверек умудряется в буквальном смысле лишить парня возможности быть отцом.
A kindly but poverty-stricken fisherman catches a magical fish. The fish begs him to let it go, claiming to be a prince. The fisherman lets it go and tells his wife all about it. The fisherman's wife is overbearing and greedy and she demands that he go back and ask the fish to grant him a wish out of gratitude. The fisherman does not have any desires, so the wife tells him to make the fish give them a nicer house, which is what she wants. Mandje! Mandje! Timpe Te! Flounder, flounder, in the sea! For my wife, good ilsabil, Wills not as I'd have her will."
Bettina Bischoff
Кай, Беттина и Марк становятся частями любовного треугольника, когда Марк влюбляется в своего коллегу Кая, в то время как его жена носит под сердцем их ребенка.
Eva Leupold
Нина, молодая девушка — сирота, неожиданно становится свидетелем убийства, совершенного богатым предпринимателем. Теперь она — большая проблема на пути бизнесмена. Девушке негде укрыться, некуда бежать. Ее спасением становится бывший солдат Макс. Отныне он ее ангел-хранитель. Чтобы остаться в живых, им нужно срочно исчезнуть…
Нико уже почти тридцать, он не закончил учебу в университете, его бросила подружка, отец лишает финансовой помощи, а психиатр подтверждает, что у него неустойчивая психика. В поисках выхода и хоть каких-то денег, хотя бы на чашку кофе, Нико бродит по улицам Берлина, что превращается в череду случайных встреч со знакомыми и не очень. Нико персонаж неоднозначный, чье поведение провоцирует непрекращающуюся цепь комических ситуаций…
Эпическая история о двух семьях из Гётеборга во времена второй мировой войны. Молодой Симон Ларрсон узнает, что он — усыновленный ребенок, у которого есть еврейский отец из Германии. После войны Симон отправляется на поиски отца.
Fanny Dannewald
Brigitte Kuhlmann
The story of Venezuelan revolutionary, Ilich Ramirez Sanchez, who founded a worldwide terrorist organization and raided the OPEC headquarters in 1975 before being caught by the French police.
Felicia Schlesinger
Die Akte Golgatha (or: Akte Golgatha) is a TV movie from 2010, produced by UFA TV production. The film is based on a novel by Philipp Vandenberg and combines elements of an adventure film with a comedy.
Beatrice Rohner
2010 documentary film on the Armenian Genocide by the Young Turk government of the Ottoman Empire during World War I. It is based on eyewitness reports by European and American personnel stationed in the Near East at the time, Armenian survivors and other contemporary witnesses which are recited by modern German actors.
David, a waiter, finds an unpublished manuscript in a dresser drawer. To impress a girl, he claims to be the author. When the novel becomes a best-seller, the real author introduces himself and begins to take over David's life.
Thirty years after giving her daughter up for adoption in order to join the terrorist underground in Germany, Judith is tracked down by her now adult daughter Alice to a vineyard in the Alsace where she is now living with a new family and a new identity. Alice calls on her mother to give herself up, but Judith doesn't regret any of her past deeds.
The film tells the early life story of Marcel Reich-Ranicki, who was born in Wloclawek, Poland in 1920. During the Third Reich, the family was in great danger. Nevertheless, he returned to Germany with his wife.
The lonely bank-employee Phillip follows a strict pattern of somewhat compulsive actions keeping his encounters with strangers to a minimum. When his home one day is robbed of all content and he later meets the enchanting blind cellist Lina, he finds, however, he needs to start improvising and taking chances.
Documentary satire about a project by Christoph Schlingensief: Ten years after his TV project "Talk 2000", Schlingensief started to work on a new talk show – at least that was what he claimed. But in reality, it was obvious that the pilot episodes he produced would never be broadcasted. Nevertheless, all celebrities from the political and cultural sphere, Schlingensief had requested, accepted his invitation, including the filmmaker Oskar Roehler, the televangelist Jürgen Fliege, the politician Claudia Roth, or the rapper Sido. It is beyond question, that the talk show panel took an unconventional course directly from the start – and was soon threatening to turn into an uproar.
Hedda Tesman, his wife
Hedda and Jørgen Tesman come back from their honeymoon to their brand new house in the western part of the city. It is apparent from the start that the couple is a mismatch, and it becomes clear that Hedda will soon be bored to tears by her petit-bourgeois existence. Until she hears a man she loved a few years back is in town, the writer Eilert Løvborg.
'Sunday Girls' is a portrait of four young German actresses: Laura Tonke, Nicolette Krebitz, Katharina Schuettler and Inga Birkenfeld. They are members of a new group of young actresses who try to put their passion for films into practice, away from the mainstream TV market. Their individuality and their will to remain independent is what makes them so interesting... their luck, their fears, their goals, the things that life is made up of... "Of course I'm a little in love with them, that's how all films start." (director RP Kahl)
Arzttochter Susa Merbold
Annika Schmelzer
Annika's life and experiences as a young woman include peculiar sex, an unfortunately cold best friend, a terrible tutor/boyfriend, and a sensible and beautiful boyfriend (Kai). Her family life and lie collide in such a way that it is impossible for her to tell the truth even when she desperately wants to.
German film.
The film starts in the early evening of a normal day: Sophie, a 20 year old girl, is pregnant and wanders through the night to get sure about her future life. Does she want to be a mother or do an abortion? Does she love her friend or not? Who is the father of her unborn baby? Trying to figure out what to do Sophie encounters many people, and in the morning she has come to a decision. But this is not the movie's end...
Several episodes set on Christmas Eve.
Lukas, a young schizophrenic man, has to deal with a new town, a new relationship, and the paranoia in his head.
With 1970s Germany in the background, this film depicts the story of a family from the “R.A.F. Terrorist” group and their search for a normal life and their inner self.
TV drama about a young girl who is sexually abused inside her own family
After an argument with her boyfriend Dennis in a disco Anne goes home alone, leaving him and his friends Raf and Nicole behind. The next day she reads in the paper that two men and a woman are wanted for stabbing a man to death near that disco.
The story The Cry of Love is about the love between two men. Lara brings her first boyfriend, the good-looking Yannis, to the barbecue party in the family circle. Yannis, who flirts with his appearance, is a prostitute. When Lara's father Holger discovers Yannis' secret, he is both confused and fascinated. More and more, he feels drawn to Yannis.
Swetlana Wokowitsch
Sven is a twelve year old pocket-picker and works for Jens, boss of his gang in school. Teacher Vera Loewe becomes one of his victims. When she realizes that he's one of the pupils in her new class, she confronts him and wants to help, even against his will.