Wirat Hengkongdee


Love Battle
Tan, an actuary guy who even calculates the romantic relationship comes up with a new insurance policy called, “Love Insurance” after being hurtfully betrayed by his girlfriend. It is an insurance that guarantees to policyholders 100% returns of the payment with 30% of interests if they don’t break up for 2 years after signing the contract. After the release of the insurance, it receives lots of attention. However, board members of the company challenge him to find the data to prove that most of the policyholders will be breaking up soon. Jeed, a former matchmaker who was transferred under Tan joins him to collect the data, but she is a woman who believes that love cannot be measured, an extremely opposite value from Tan. As they take off their journey to figure out whether the policyholders will break up or not, their battle with their pride begins.
Super Salaryman
A group of white-collar employees work against a tight deadline to launch a new energy drink, with the hope that they will be rewarded with a year-end bonus. The film explores the life of office workers and whether they have other dreams in life besides making money.
Super Salaryman
A group of white-collar employees work against a tight deadline to launch a new energy drink, with the hope that they will be rewarded with a year-end bonus. The film explores the life of office workers and whether they have other dreams in life besides making money.
Вернувшись к жизни после долгих лет сна, роботы Здоровяк и Микро с удивлением обнаруживают, что их тела прочно соединены крепкой цепью. Увы, время стерло им память, и теперь они вынуждены вдвоем отправиться в трудное и опасное путешествие, чтобы вновь обрести свободу. Долгие странствия, наполненные удивительными приключениями, трудными испытаниями и великими подвигами, превращают наших героев в настоящих в друзей. Но их дружбе предстоит пройти еще одно, самое главное испытание…