Claus Flygare

Claus Flygare

Рождение : 1945-08-20, Denmark


Claus Flygare


Pik og muskler
The world is cool and dark through Dante's eyes, which are obscured by the memories of a long-term abuse of her father. One night he is forced to face himself as he is confronted with a horrible truth. He must embark on a journey deep into a techno club where he finds hell and possibly himself.
Hjerternes fest
A single mom arrives at her ex-husband's house to celebrate Christmas Eve with their 6year-old-daughter and her new family, but things quickly escalate for the worse.
A Bond Between People
A young man engaging on a journey towards a better life battles the constant presence of his criminal past.
Счастливый конец
Хелле всю жизнь ждала, когда же, наконец, её муж-трудоголик уйдёт на пенсию и они смогут вместе насладиться осенью своей жизни. Ей хочется попутешествовать с ним, посмотреть мир. Но когда в последний день Петер возвращается с работы, происходит неожиданный поворот. Муж подготовил для неё сюрприз: он начинает новую карьеру импортёра вин и вложил все их сбережения в виноградники в Австрии. Хелле и Петер расстаются, и каждый движется своим путём, открывая новые возможности, сталкиваясь проблемами, мечтая. Но можно ли начать всё заново после 50 лет совместной жизни? И возможна ли жизнь друг без друга?
Счастливчик Пер
Pastor Blomberg
Действие разворачивается в конце XIX-го века в Дании. Питер — амбициозный парень из религиозной семьи, уезжает из ютландской деревни в столицу, чтобы получить образование инженера. В Копенгагене Питер называет себя Пером и задумывает большой инженерный проект — строительство системы каналов в Западной Дании. В городе парень сближается с богатой еврейской семьей и соблазняет старшую из дочерей. Но несмотря на свои успехи, Пер все ещё страдает от детских травм и патриархальных устоев, которые навязал ему отец-священник...
Fri for Flemming
Lau & Laudrup
Hjemløs mand
Soccer-lover Lau lives a lonely existence at the refugee center, as his brother Laudrup is hospitalized. When an epidemic breaks loose in Copenhagen, Lau escapes the evacuation of the center and sets out to rescue his little brother.
Игольный Мальчик
Жизнь стала невыносимой для 23-летнего Ника, который убежден, что он злой человек. Следовательно, он появляется в Орхусском университете с пистолетом в кармане, желая застрелить своих сокурсников.
One-Two-Three Now!
Jeppe falls for a mysterious girl from school, but their relationship is on borrowed time.
The Sunken Convent
An elderly man has a steady routine: working at a gas station, coming home and listening to the neighbours having sex. But something is going on in his own life. What?
Судный день Дэна
Дэнни - обычный датский подросток, с обычными для всех подростков проблемами: притеснениями в школе, ссорами с братом, безответной романтической влюбленностью в одноклассницу. Но однажды все меняется, когда в период аномальной жары, в окрестностях появляются бешеные каннибалы, пожирающие все на своем пути. Но плохо ли это для Дэнни?
Sailor's Song
A sailor returns home to Denmark for a single night and tries to track down his lost love whom he left many years ago.
A family saga spanning three decades based on the mythology of the most famous race horse Denmark has ever seen. A horse which did the impossible and put Denmark on the world map through its many great victories. The film is first and foremost about the family who owned Tarok and believed in its greatness - and who, against all odds, gave Denmark hope and courage to dream.
Lasses far
Nomansland is a modern homosexual love story about unconditional love and the importance of forgiveness. It describes the "no man's land" between sexual drive and the desire for love. It is a raw, non-caricatured depiction of the Danish gay underground.
Overlæge Andersen
Former Danish servicemen Lars and Jimmy are thrown together while training in a neo-Nazi group. Moving from hostility through grudging admiration to friendship and finally passion, events take a darker turn when their illicit relationship is uncovered.
An elderly theater director returns to Copenhagen in order to reconnect with his estranged son.
Pure Hearts
To the mentally ill Kriss, the world is divided up into 'good and evil', just like in the old B&W melodrama, 'Pure Hearts', which Kriss and his fellow patient, Willy, spend their days repeatedly watching at the psychiatric ward. To Kriss this film is the bible. One day after a serious conflict with one of the hospital's other patients their viewing rights are retracted. Kriss is deeply frustrated by this, until he realises that Linda, the young girl in the film, actually exists in the shape of the film's star, the actress Ulla Vilstrup. Setting fire to the hospital, Kriss and Willy escape into the night, determined to find her, because life is what you make of it.
После свадьбы
Wedding Chauffeur
Якоб Петерсен посвятил свою жизнь помощи беспризорным детям Индии. Когда его приюту грозит закрытие, он получает необычное предложение. Датский бизнесмен Йорген предлагает ему 12 млн. долларов. Правда, имеются некие условия… Якоб должен не только вернуться в Данию, но и принять участие в свадьбе дочери Йоргена. Свадьба становится настоящим испытанием, поворотной точкой между прошлым и будущим и ставит Якоба перед самой серьезной в его жизни дилеммой…
Flies on the Wall
My Larsen is a documentarian in her early thirties. Self-centered and assertive, she likes to challenge and provoke her surroundings. She takes on an unusual assignment to make a film about the conservative township of Ravnsborg, but she learns there is a dark side to life in this small town. Someone is trying to cover up a terrible secret and they will stop at nothing, even murder, to keep My from discovering the truth.
История двух братьев, старший из которых отправляется воевать в Афганистан, а младший берет на себя заботу о его жене и ребенке…
What's Wrong with This Picture?
A snapshot of the state of the Danish nation: in one of the stories, a woman enters a pole-sitting contest in a desperate bid to reinvent herself. Another is about Erik, whose wife has been lobbying a Better Homes and Gardens type magazine to do a spread on their perfect home. When the editors finally relent, she makes Erik sip his red wine in the laundry room lest he stain their cream-colored couches. Svend, the last remaining Marxist in Copenhagen, is the impassioned organizer of a political mass meeting where no one shows up. Finally, Jens, a pizza and porno connoisseur, connives his way to some booty by convincing Gry the model that he lives with his mentally challenged brother. Over the course of a week, their paths cross and nothing, and nobody, is ever quite the same again.
Anja & Viktor
Highschool sweethearts Anja and Viktor find themselves in a lesser state of love when Anja graduates and gets a job in the city.
Due to a failed séance of her flat mate's quirky grandparents, the cat of law student Maria gets possessed by demonic powers and starts some horrible massacres, adding even more trouble to Maria's already complicated personal situation after the split from her boyfriend Henrik.
Истекающий кровью
Лео и Луиза — молодая пара, живущая в небольшом датском городе. Лео крайне недоволен своей жизнью, работой, неуютной квартирой и тем, что его подруга забеременела. Однажды в клубе, принадлежащем Луису — брату Луизы, Лео становится свидетелем перестрелки и жестокого избиения. Поначалу он потрясён увиденным, но впоследствии насилие приобретает для него определённую привлекательность, и его гнев и недовольство собой обращаются на Луизу.
Angel of the Night
The Police Chief
Rebecca has inherited her grandmother's Gothic mansion and brings both her best friend an her boyfriend for a weekend. While exploring the crypts they discover an old dusty book, which describes the life of a vampire. As the story unfolds, it becomes apparent that the vampire was Rebecca's great grandfather, Rico.
Королевство II
Betjent Nielsen
Set in the neurosurgical ward of Copenhagen's Rigshospitalet, the city and country's main hospital, nicknamed "Riget", "Riget" means "the realm" or "the kingdom" and leads one to think of "dødsriget", the realm of the dead.
The Snooks in the Limelight
Последний раунд
Проникновенная история о последнем дне и ночи молодого человека в Копенгагене. Его прощание с друзьями, городом, семьей. Его прощание с жизнью.
Stolen Spring
At their 25th high-school anniversary some bourgeois citizens remember their time in school as a happy one. In reality it was quite the contrary. The school was a madhouse in which the teachers, especially Blomme, tormented the students. As a result one of them became a murderer.
A Modern Woman
Donna wants to live the perfect Free Woman life. At the same time she needs the daily comfort of a close relationship to her girl-friend Britt. Britt is romantically inclined in an old-fashioned way and would rather opt for life with a wrong man than with no man at all.
After librarian Isolde attempts suicide, she leaves her politician husband for a younger student with a dark past. Isolde's former husband, however, has something else in mind for the young man.
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