Stephen Sutton


Кокаиновый медведь
Special Effects Technician
1985 год. Из пролетающего на лесами штата Джорджия самолёта наркокурьер выбрасывает несколько пакетов кокаина, часть из них находит барибал и съедает содержимое. Животное приходит в неистовство, и теперь всем туристам, рейнджерам и случайно попавшимся ему на пути бедолагам сильно не поздоровится.
Message and the Messenger
Reginald Landry
Jessica Clark starts a business with no plan, no money, and no integrity. She is convinced that God will bless her business solely because she faithfully pays tithes and offerings to her church. Jessica, like other members of Abundant Life Cathedral, is experiencing hard times and have yet to receive the financial blessings so passionately promised by her pastor. After witnessing Jessica's dysfunction, delusion, and doctrinal detriment, successful businessman, Michael Juniors, offers to help. Although Jessica deems Michael to be a "demon from hell," he ironically proves to be her blessing and ultimately helps Jessica see God, life, love, and business in the perfect light.
Special Effects Technician
Four aging superheroes in a retirement home in Ireland come together for one last hurrah.