Joaquín Pamplona


Gay Club
A group of homosexual friends tries to set up a gay club in a town in Andalusia, meeting the opposition of the chief who will use all his resources to try to prevent it.
La insólita y gloriosa hazaña del cipote de Archidona
Don Jovino
Красное золото
Ограбленный и избитый в порту одного из карибских островов Виктор отстал от своего судна. Без денег и документов он опустился на самое дно жизни — туда, где нищие и обездоленные вынуждены продавать свою кровь хозяевам острова, чтобы выжить. Контрабанда крови и плазмы является основным источником дохода для правителя крохотного государства Альмейды. Основным, но не единственным. Есть еще соляные прииски, на которых работают обращенные в рабство бездомные. Вскоре в их число попадает и Виктор.
Las desarraigadas
Arturo Premón
Such As You Are
Inspector de policía
Lina, who works as a servant, is saving money with his boyfriend Daniel, who is fireman, in order to get married. But the weddings' day, when his fiance is goint to the wedding, he recieves an urgent call because of a big fire in the forest. So he decides to go to the fire and leaves his fiancee at the church. Lina feels that Daniel prefer the fire than her so he goes to her town hitchhiking. Carlos, who has just robbed a bank, picks her.
La espada negra
Kingdom of Castile, 15th century. A group of nobles, who question the dynastic legitimacy of Princess Juana, daughter of King Enrique IV, conspire with the purpose of overthrowing him.
Mauricio, mon amour
Guerreras verdes
Con la música a otra parte
Jefe de oficina
Игра в запретную любовь
Школьный учитель литературы Луис Эскрива прощается со старшеклассниками, которые уезжают на лето. Когда он едет домой, то замечает на обочине двух «голосующих» тинэйджеров из класса — парня и девчонку и подбирает их, приглашает на ужин и привозит к себе. Он живет на окраине города в уединенном замке вместе со своим наперсником и слугой Хайме, с которым его связывают более чем странные отношения. Учитель начинает сексуально унижать и мучать и девушку, и парня. Так начинается жестокая игра, где игроки меняются местами и в конце концов оказываются в патовой ситуации. Девушка оказывается не так уж невинна, как кажется поначалу.
Un lujo a su alcance
Comisario de Policía
Miguel is a massage therapist and is married to Marta. Between them they have mounted a beauty institute, named "Beautiful" and Martha, as director of the institute, operated at Miguel ends up exhausting. Everyone thinks that Michael can not take it anymore, but who dies of a heart attack she is. Miguel decides then live your life doing what you want, in the company of his dog Rustin, and locks in your home, not wanting to go to work and not see anyone. The Beautiful Girls prepare several tricks to get him back, to no avail. Until one of them, Pili, managed to get into the life of Michael ...
Como matar a papá... sin hacerle daño
El reprimido
El insólito embarazo de los Martínez
Inspector de policía
One man becomes each day more and more fat. The exercise does not help him. Finally he goes to the doctor that finds out his problem: he is pregnant.
Celos, amor y Mercado Común
Los extremeños se tocan
La llamaban la madrina
Trini is the daughter and granddaughter of thieves. Before it was a specialist in the art of opening safes, but one day decided to change their way of life and is now a cashier at a supermarket. It has also taken a law student boyfriend, but all will be dashed when his father stop, Mr. Baldomero, for stealing 36 kilos of appliances.
Ligue Story
El abogado
Pierna creciente, falda menguante
Don Joaquín
После смерти матери Тристана оказывается под опекой своего не вполне бескорыстного дяди дона Лопе и вскоре сбегает от него с молодым художником Орасио. Разворачивается история соблазнения и возмездия.
Juicio de faldas
Blood in the Bullring
Like every night, Manuel remembers the old days of glory, when after the war he was a famous bullfighter. He and his friend Juan were the fashionable couple. Now Juan is a prominent businessman in bullfighting. But Manuel's feelings toward him have changed radically: an inexplicable hated seizes him when someone mentions his name. It has been more than twenty years since that afternoon, when Manuel was bullfighting and fell to the ground.
Why Does Your Husband Deceive You?
Eduardo, a man about to get married to his lifelong sweetheart, begins having second thoughts about the step he is going to take. His future wife is not one-of-a-kind and, among the wedding guests, there are several women he would not mind spending the rest of his days with. So, while the ceremony carries on, he fantasizes about the lifestyle he could experience with some of them.
Long Play
Sargento Guardía Civil
A rainy day forces Joaquin, Joe Luis and Alvaro to refuge in Martins' house. They also go there two Swedish girls who want love and spanish ham; a nun with hobbies of racing driver; a fat priest; a policeman unable to establish order; and the father of Joaquin, a fortune hunter. In the chaos that is triggered, the five young people discover their common love for music and they form a band.
Los flamencos
Diego, retired from flamenco due to an illness, is obsessed with the memory of Antonia Jiménez, a beautiful woman he loved in the past and with whom he formed an artistic duet. Now, after having triumphed on the stages of half the world, she returns from America, while he is dedicated to survive in the suburbs of Madrid mixed up in shady business. He kills the man who stole his woman. A tragedy could be sensed in the air.
Ringo and Gringo Against All
Two bumbling southern soldiers are still trying to fight the war well after its conclusion. Source: SWDB
Loca juventud
Johnny Durán, who is seventeen years old and son of a multimillionaire, arrives to Madrid for hollidays. In the capital he become friend of a group of boys and girls with whom he shares great moments; but soon he realice that they are a clan of thugs and decides to distance themselves. He also meets Paula, daugther of an italian family that is travelling, and they both feel atracted by each other. Since then, started happening a serie of unexpected events which the guy will have to solve with tenacity and responsibility.
Rififi in the City
Ayudante del comisario
In an unnamed Central American state on the eve of a crucial election, a young police informer working for police officer Miguel Mora bent on uncovering the shady works of popular politician Maurice Leprince is killed. However, thugs working for Leprince began to be killed one by one as well.
Los dinamiteros
Doña Pura, don Benito and don Augusto are three venerable old people who usually coincide each month in the queues of the mutuality windows to collect their pension, an opportunity they take advantage of to talk about life. When they learn that the old don Felipe, an acquaintance, is very sick and is alone and without money for a decent funeral, they decide to ask for a loan to help him, but, as they do not grant it, they decide to rob the savings bank. To do this, they will plan everything thoroughly and manufacture a homemade explosive.
Twins from Texas
western movie
Un español en la corte del rey Arturo
Rey Arturo
An Español gets transported to King Arthur's court.
Fair of the Virgin of La Paloma
Life goes quietly in a traditional neighborhood of Madrid. Two beautiful girls, Susana and Casta, trade workers in the area, accepting mature attentions of a pharmacist, Don Hilarion. This affection dislike the young Julian, who is in love with Susan. Third movie version of the famous zarzuela by Tomas Breton. With musical arrangements by Gregorio Garcia Segura, the film tries to update the original story to fit the Madrid of the 60's.
Life Goes On
Police Commissioner
Madrid, Spain. Eloísa, a self-sacrificing wife and efficient mother, lives in the neighborhood of Maravillas with her husband, a violent policeman; her sanctimonious son, who spends his life studying and praying to atone for the sins of his family; and her two daughters, obsessed with wealth, who hate each other deeply.
Los derechos de la mujer
Don Conrado
Juan marries prestigious lawyer María José. As she won't give up her career to become a housewife, during their wedding night Juan pretends to leave his job and acts out the role of a traditional housewife himself.
The Sadistic Baron Von Klaus
Steiner's Editor (uncredited)
Jess Franco returns with another campy gore-fest featuring the strange goings-on in a tiny hamlet called Holfen. When women wind up knifed and gouged in the village, everyone thinks the deaths are due to a curse wielded by a cruel 17th century baron. Von Klaus heir Ludwig is distantly related to the royal, which makes him the target of suspicion. Can he clear his name, or will he wind up giving in to his dark side?
Martes y trece
Guardia civil 1
Lola and Maria are two Spanish young ladies engaged to Franz and Pepe, all so eager to spend their honeymoon that the moment seems never to come, as all sorts of problems pave their way.
La venganza de don Mendo
Don Mendo, Marquess of Cabra, gallant and dashing knight of medieval Castilian, is also a virtuous mandoline player and a specialist in climbing towers. But he has a bad run, all played and all lost at seven-thirty (card game), and lost his honor playing in his latest escalation of love to the apartment of his beloved and beautiful Magdalena. Don Nuño Manso de Jarama, father of Magdalena, has pledged the hand of his daughter to the Duke of Toro, and surprises Don Mendo in the room of Magdalena. To save the honor of his beloved one, Don Mendo says that no love has led him to the Tower, but he has climbed to steal. Magdalena is clean of all suspicion, and he is condemned to die buried in the castle wall. The Marquess of Moncada and other noble gentlemen, all friends of Don Mendo, facilitate his escape.
Los económicamente débiles
091: Police speaking
A police inspector makes his service in a patrol car attenging emergency calls. A memory hauns him, the death of her daughter, who was killed hit by a car that fled. The car is located and the inspector goes there and confrontation will be violent.
Hospital general
Hombre en bar