Antonio Vico

Antonio Vico

Рождение : 1903-04-16, Santiago de Chile, Chile

Смерть : 1972-03-20


Antonio Vico


The Happiness Curve
A lonely middle-aged writer, overwhelmed by selling his apartment after a breakup, finds companionship with three unexpected new roommates.
A fierce passion grows between a well-known actress and a gypsy, from whom she seeks advice about her role in a new version of Pygmalion.
Capullito de alhelí
Moises is a mature homosexual, which is having an affair by correspondence with Hilario, a recently widowed man who lives in Valencia. They decide to meet in Madrid and live together. But the chosen day is 23 February, the one in which Lieutenant Colonel Tejero attempts a coup d'etat.
Dos mejor que uno
Rafa and Jeromo are a curious couple of friends. Their friendship began in childhood as well as his love for Silvia, which have been in love since childhood. Silvia Jeromo elected, and Rafa decided to disappear. Years later he returns and finds that the couple is experiencing a serious emotional crisis...
La desconocida
Faced with rumors that strange phenomena are happening in a town, two pairs of friends go to that rural area with a tent to investigate. At night they see strange lights and record an inexplicable sound. The next day, Laura appears before them, saying she is lost.
De camisa vieja a chaqueta nueva
Убийство в Центральном комитете
На пленуме ЦК Компартии Испании, едва вышедшей из подполья после смерти Франко, происходит убийство. Во время кратковременного отключения электричества прямо за столом президиума был заколот кинжалом Генеральный секретарь Гарридо. Вести следствие было поручено комиссару Фонсеке, ярому антикоммунисту, во времена каудильо собственноручно не гнушавшемуся пытать противников режима. Новый лидер коммунистов, Сантос, решает провести собственное расследование и нанимает частного детектива Пепе Карвальо. Помогать ему от партии назначена бывшая участница боевого крыла Кармела. Но стоило сыщику взяться за дело, как ему пришлось убедиться, что его расследование очень интересует спецслужбы сверхдержав...
Spoiled Children
Fabián de Luna
This satirical comedy follows the strict older generation pitting themselves against the pleasure-seeking youths, both in 1947 and in 1978.
Father Cami's Wedding
A Jesuit priest in 1950s Spain becomes disillusioned with his faith, swapping religion for politics and carnal knowledge.
Curse of the Black Cat
A notable opera singer tries to commit suicide because of a emotional breakdown. While hospitalized in a psychiatric clinic, her daughter cautiously approaches the man she considers to be the blame for the state of her mother in order to gain her revenge.
Тайные удовольствия
Hijo de Ignacio
Красавец мужчина 40-летний президент банка Эдуардо на улице случайно встречает молодого парня Мигеля, в которого влюбляется с первого взгляда. Чтобы завоевать этого парня он выслеживает где тот живет и посылает ему приглашение устроиться к нему в банк на работу. Приглашение было принято. Более того, вскоре Мигель становится личным секретарем банкира, допечатывая на машинке его незавершенный роман. «Крепость» с каждым днем все больше попадает в осаду. Что не осталось без внимания со стороны друзей и сослуживцев Эдуардо. В конце концов мужчина решает в открытую признаться парню в своих чувствах...
Три слова, потрясшие Запад – пришел, увидел, пристрелил
Jeremiah Carey
Банда из трёх человек похитила 300 000 долларов. Но своя доля не устраивает никого из них. Члены банды пытаются перехитрить друг друга, чтобы сорвать куш. Но в итоге все трое вынуждены объединиться перед лицом четвёртого персонажа, пытающегося оснять их добычу.
The Desperate Ones
Ulug Beg
In 1941, two Polish brothers escape a Soviet gulag. Their only escape route is through the impossible mountains of Afghanistan and the KGB is on their tail.
El arte de no casarse
Marqués padre (2)
Four stories about the arts of not getting married. Alfredo Landa performs the roles of a lawyer who has just finished his military service, a young marquis on his wedding day, a flirt and a soldier who deals with three girls at the same time.
La cesta
La vuelta
Isidro el labrador
Tomasón 'El Descreído'
За пригоршню долларов
Фильм является вольным римейком самурайской драмы Акиры Куросавы «Телохранитель» (1961), действие которого перенесено на границу США и Мексики. В небольшой пограничный городок Сан-Мигель приезжает бродяга-стрелок (Клинт Иствуд). Жителей на улицах нет, первый, кого он встречает — усаженный на лошадь мертвец, к спине которого приколота издевательская записка «Adios, amigo» («Прощай, друг»). Со слов хозяина салуна стрелок узнаёт, что городок стал ареной противоборства двух банд, которые занимаются контрабандой — мексиканцев Рохо и американцев Бакстеров. Обе банды равно сильны, и ни одна не может взять верх над другой...
La chica del gato
Mudo (uncredited)
Guadalupe is an orphan as a child by Eulalio host and Euphrasia, who incite to steal and commit crimes. She opposes and decides to leave the house to avoid it in the company of a goldfinch and his trusty cat. The girl comes to live independently but failures will accumulate, until he accidentally meets Baby, a lady of good family, and among them emerges a sincere friendship.
La revoltosa
Don José
Mari Pepa, a beautiful laundress of Madrid, and Felipe, a carpenter, are in love but they are always quarreling over trifles. However, she must marry with the fence Don Leo to help his father, a drunk player who has committed a robbery and has determined the family jewels.
Two Against All
Two brothers, Bull and Jonathan Bullivan, witness the murder of bandit Black Boy who had been terrorizing Golden City. The bandit had been put in place by the city mayor, who wants the local residents to leave so that he can keep their land, where there is oil. The two brothers eat a chicken that has been fed with a strong tonic and they become sort of invincible for a few minutes. The mayor, pressured by the villagers, appoints the Bullivan Brothers as sheriffs and tasks them with the arrest of Black Boy.
Ювелиры лунного света
Когда-то те, за кем полицейские гонялись по горным дорогам, называли друг друга «ювелирами лунного света». Добропорядочная девушка Урсула, отправляясь на каникулы, не подозревала, что в ближайшее время ее жизнь сложится так, что она окажется одной из них. Урсула решает провести каникулы в поместье своей тети Флорентины и дяди Мигеля. Приехав, она оказывается свидетельницей конфликта между Мигелем и местным деревенским парнем Ламберто, в которого девушка влюбляется с первого взгляда. Мигель и Ламберто становятся настоящими врагами и для этого у них достаточно причин – Ламберто обвиняет Мигеля в гибели своей сестры, а тот, в свою очередь, всеми силами старается избавиться от парня, который может причинить ему массу неприятностей. В очередной стычке, защищаясь, юноша случайно убивает Мигеля. Теперь за Ламберто охотится полиция и ему грозит тюремное заключение. Тогда Урсула, рискуя собственной жизнью, решает спасти любимого…
The Shadow Battalion
Dreams, hopes and passions of the inhabitants of a populous and humble tenement in Madrid. Among them, an inventor who invents always what is already invented, a composer, a hostess, a locksmith, a delivery of a pastry ...
The Irony of Money
Sebastián García
The finding of a wallet with a lot of money is the common theme of four stories, featuring a shoeshine from Seville, a clerk from Salamanca, a bullfighter from Cuenca and a newspapers seller from Paris.
Мой дядя Хасинто
Много лет назад Хасинто был известным матадором, а сейчас влачит жалкое существование вместе со своим маленьким племянником Пепоте. И вот ему предлагают вновь выступать на арене...
Ha pasado un hombre
Fail in Communism
The story of two students in a school of terrorism installed in the south of France and considered a "sanctuary" and not by the Virgin of Lourdes, sent to Spain to fulfill a dark mission that failed dismally when mistaken for a priest with his link.
The Miracle of Marcelino
Fray Puerta
Left on the doorstep of a monastery as an infant, Marcelino was raised by the monks. He was well-cared for but lonely and missed having a mother. One day he found a special friend in the forbidden attic, hanging on a cross. A friend that would repay Marcelino's kindness by granting him one heart-felt wish.
Boyfriend in Sight
Don Vicente
In 1914, a young woman is taken to a coastal resort by her parents to find her a suitable husband.
Mercedes' Husband
Carlos goes to visit his girlfriend Juana at the asylum where she works. Once there, the director introduces him to his niece, who is obsessed with playing the harp, and to a nurse who repeats word for word what Carlos says.
Serenata española
Fortunato Méndez
Fortunato is a loser, a family man, who has lost his job and tries his luck in all the trades he finds. However, it seems that his name —that means “fortunate” in English— is not in line with his situation, since, no matter how hard he tries, fortune does not want to smile at him.
El difunto es un vivo
Don Heliodoro/Doña Urraca/Fulgencio/Inocencio
An animals' collectionist is despised by his wife so that he decide to comeet suicide, but the notice about the death of his brother, a pianist who lives abroad makes him change his mind. He makes his family think that he has commited suicide and some days after announce the arrival of his brother and he impersonate him. His wife recibes him with an affection that he was unaware to.
Su hermano y él
Marqués de la Burunda
El genio alegre
In an Andalusian village lives a rich and austere family whose son and heir worries his mother about his dissolute lifestyle. When cousin Consolation arrives, she changes their life like a joyful genius, and things start to change.
Los cuatro robinsones
Four friends pretend a cruise to escape their wives and go clubbing, but they are forced to go through face-saving shipwreck, becoming castaways.
Mariquilla Terremoto
Mariquilla lives with his uncle in the village of Las Canteras, where she is beloved for his grace and cheerful nature. Her uncle wants her to debut in the theater, but her nervousness and shyness make her performance not a success.
Currito de la Cruz
Currito de la Cruz
The Wicked Carabel
Amaro Carabel
Based on the novel of Wenceslao Fernández Flórez, this comedy where two friends try to become criminals achieved certain recognition.
Patricio miró a una estrella