Rafaela Aparicio

Rafaela Aparicio

Рождение : 1906-04-09,

Смерть : 1996-06-09


Rafaela Aparicio


Mala yerba
The Sea and the Weather
Jesus returns to Spain after a long exile in Argentina. The family he meets is very different from the one he left: they live under the sadness of being the losers of the war, Marcela, before a beautiful young woman, is now an alcoholic, and the youngest can not even understand them. Jesus wants to start a new life in Spain but he feels out of place; Time has turned him into an inhabitant of the other side of the 'puddle'.
Scent of a Crime
Tinacia Mazón
Spain, 1950s. The corpse of an unknown person appears in the town square of Bocentellas, within the mythical territory of Región. The inhabitants will ask for help to Captain Medina, young officer in command of a nearby military fort, until the arrival of the judge.
The Impeccable Sinner
Honorio Sigüenza is a man in his forties who has always lived under the yoke of his possessive mother. When his mother dies, he undergoes a radical transformation that will lead him to live numerous love affairs in the face of the disapproval of his cousin Veni, who wanted to marry him.
La vida alegre
Ana starts working as a Doctor in the S.T.I.U. (sexual transmission illnesses unit) at a Hospital. She begins meeting a lot of strange and bizarre characters there, while her jealous husband has to deal with it...
Silver-beet Face
Mujer Hospital
On a road in the deep Spain, a wanderer with no fixed course and light luggage awaits someone to take him somewhere. His name is Antonio and this is how he will end up in a small provincial town, where he will be involved in a plan to steal a canvas of incalculable value.
Esto sí se hace
Fabian and Casimiro are two respectable married men, who have their little adventures every now and then, like any good husband. The problem begins to Fabian when his wife Adela, accompanied by her friend Martirio, discover him with another woman. After this, and as revenge Adela decides to return the ball to Fabian, with his best friend. Aware of the plan, Fabian looks for someone to solve thesituation and finds Casimiro, which is suitable, precisely because he lacks "it".
Год пробуждения
Сюжет фильма разворачивается вокруг гражданской революции в Испании средины двадцатого века. В это время вся планета погрязла в войнах, но даже те, кто не принимал участия во Второй мировой, не отставали по числу несчастных судеб. Именно в такой ситуации оказались два главных героя киноленты – Иисус и Мануоло – братья, которые сложно переживали за судьбу собственной Родины в послевоенное время.
¡Qué tía la C.I.A.!
Our Father
The story of a Spanish Cardinal who is told he only has one more year to live. He decides to return to his hometown, after an absence of 30 years, to sort out his affairs.
Игла 2
Пако оказывается ввязанным в убийство, и, несмотря на попытки отца, оказывается в тюрьме и снова начинает принимать наркотики. Выйдя на свободу, Пако не может привыкнуть к «нормальной» жизни и вместе со своим тюремным приятелем снова начинает совершать преступления.
El último penalty
La madrina
Dos mejor que uno
Sra. Julia
Rafa and Jeromo are a curious couple of friends. Their friendship began in childhood as well as his love for Silvia, which have been in love since childhood. Silvia Jeromo elected, and Rafa decided to disappear. Years later he returns and finds that the couple is experiencing a serious emotional crisis...
Cuando Almanzor perdió el tambor
¡¡¡A tope!!!
Madrid, 80 A couple, Juanjo and Rachel, threatening their relationship when Juanjo falls in love with another girl, Marta.
The Angry Cid
Madre de Rodrigo
Rodrigo Díaz de Vivar, “Mio Cid”, is in love with Jimena, but the Count of Oviedo, his father, challenges him to a duel and is killed. He before him curses Rodrigo, that if he marries Jimena, he will lose his manly faculties. And, in fact, when he gets married, Rodrigo becomes effeminate.
La loca historia de los tres mosqueteros
Gitana vieja
Это рассказ из уст девочки-подростка о ее семье, об отце, которого она боготворила и считала порой за волшебника и который однажды ночью исчез безвозвратно.
Un rolls para Hipólito
Vendedora de boletos parroquiales
Hipólito, a factory janitor whose workers are on strike, is choosen as spokesperson for your workers' complaints to the principal. He, who is not willing to budge, decides to earn the concierge, naming his personal secretary.
Vivir mañana
Doña Rafaela
El gran mogollón
En busca del huevo perdido
Cristóbal Colón, de oficio... descubridor
Madre de Boabdil
Todos al suelo !!
El primer divorcio
Madre de Narciso
Huevos revueltos
Raimundo Vázquez is architect and director of an important enterprise, he is serious and old-fashioned. His daugther of 16 years old, Susana, tells his that is pregnant...
Profesor eróticus
Madre de Margarita
A young professor of sexology advantage to spend the honeymoon at hotel in Mallorca where he has a congress. There he meets colleagues of different nationalities who also attended with their wives. A number of changes in the novel drugs that are causing a number of unexpected reactions ranging from professional envy jealousy. The situation causes wobble love affair honeymooners.
La cripta
Madre superiora
A patient is released from a mental hospital to help the police find a student who disappeared a few days ago.
¿Dónde estará mi niño?
Manolo is a famous singer who has a brief affair with Diana, a beautiful hitchhiker. Diana becomes pregnant and gives birth to a child, Lito, the Manolo ignores their existence. Seven years later, Diana wants her son Manolo meet and therefore decided to look for him. However, when he is suffering a great disappointment because Manolo does not remember her. One person who remembers the father Manolo, who follows that Lito is his grandson and both plan unite Manolo and Diana.
Unos granujas decentes
Rosalía 'La Pingajos'
Маме исполняется 100 лет
Женщина возвращается после долгих лет отсутствия на юбилей матушки. Она уже не боится старого дома, странных отношений между местными жителями. Фильм как бы подводит итог скрупулезному метафорически-поэтическому исследованию режиссёром последствий франкизма.
La insólita y gloriosa hazaña del cipote de Archidona
Maestra del taller
Estimado Sr. juez...
Señora de Sánchez
Gusanos de seda
Dª Piedad
Esposa y amante
Madre de Luisa
Luisa's daughter attempted suicide. While attending the clinic and, contemplating the state of his daughter, Luisa recalls the early happy years of her marriage to Pedro, a popular and friendly sports journalist. Soon after came the first deception of her husband.
Estoy hecho un chaval
Juan, a 65-year-old accountant, is going to be a father. At the same time, he's going to retire. Needing extra money, he tries all kinds of jobs, with no success. But his wife saves the day, with her embroidery which sells well in Germany.
The Apolitical Man
Enrique Tolosa is a boss administrator of a small company which employs 50 workers. There never has gotten into politics, has made ​​himself stood professionally and created a family and no one has asked opinion on how would be the destiny of their country. The story begins whenheI first asked to give their vote at the polls for the election of political parties. With the decision to vote is faced with doubt and decides to investigate on their own to know which political trends that are managed as possible, is the one he goes to his temperament.
Смена пола
Doña Pilar
В фильме рассказана история жизни несчастного и очень женственного мужчины по имени Хосе. У него сплошные проблемы. Когда он еще был мальчиком в Каталонии, его отец пытался научить его быть «настоящим мужчиной». Для этого он брал его в соседний город в бордель, чтобы там мальчик мог переспать с проститутками. Однако мальчик избегает такого «счастья», но приходит в восторг, когда видит шоу трансвеститов, в ходе которого они полностью обнажаются. Он сбегает из дома, выучивается на парикмахера, и сам становится трансвеститом. После многочисленных любовных историй с мужчинами, он познает свою транссексуальную натуру и уезжает в другую страну, чтобы сделать операцию по перемене пола.
The Shameful Secret of a Good Boy
Señoritas de uniforme
Mauricio, mon amour
Doña Engracia
Guerreras verdes
Cuando los maridos iban a la guerra
El in... moral
Los hijos de...
Canciones de nuestra vida
El adúltero
País S. A.
A useless kidnapper tries to kdnap a rich industrialist.
No quiero perder la honra
In Madrid, during the postwar, Miguel, decide to live supported by women. He has two workers who doesn´t make much headway, for that reason, advised by one of his friends, he decides to go to other town to find a young girl, naive but ambitious in order to take her to the city and make her work.
Uncle, Are You Really Coming From Paris?
Alberto comes to the capital to take care of her nine nephews. Intrigued by the question of sex, children will ask questions to Uncle Albert ... it uses the help of a neighbor.
Un lujo a su alcance
Doña Engracia - madre de Marta
Miguel is a massage therapist and is married to Marta. Between them they have mounted a beauty institute, named "Beautiful" and Martha, as director of the institute, operated at Miguel ends up exhausting. Everyone thinks that Michael can not take it anymore, but who dies of a heart attack she is. Miguel decides then live your life doing what you want, in the company of his dog Rustin, and locks in your home, not wanting to go to work and not see anyone. The Beautiful Girls prepare several tricks to get him back, to no avail. Until one of them, Pili, managed to get into the life of Michael ...
Sleep, Sleep, My Love
A dark and surrealistic comedy about a man who gives drugs to his wife, to make her sleep and avoid arguing with her.
Los caballeros del botón de ancla
Carlos, Enrique and Jose Luis are three great friends, students of the Naval School of Marín. Future marine have to test their loyalty when love enters their lives ... Remake of a film's own Ramón Torrado, 1948 entitled "Botón de Ancla" and that he had met in 1960-another adaptation of the same novel, starring the Dynamic Duo.
Анна и волки
La madre
Анна, молодая иностранная гувернантка, приезжает в загородный дом в скучном районе под Мадридом. Её встречает хозяйка дома Лучи, о трёх дочерях которой предстоит заботиться Ане. На семейном ужине Ана знакомится со своими эксцентричными нанимателями. В семье три брата средних лет (Хосе, Хуан и Фернандо), их больная мать, Лучи, жена Хуана, и их дочери. Ана начинает получать эротические письма, подписанные неизвестным обожателем, желающим быть с ней. Их доставляют из отдалённых мест, которые становятся всё ближе...
Matrimonio al desnudo
Spanish comedy.
El último proceso en París
Enfermera Jefe
Manolo by Night
While Manolo, employed in a tourism agency in the Costa del Sol, enjoys the foreign babes, his wife suffers at home in the city. Advised by a girlfriend she plans revenge by simulating pregnancy. At first, Manolo is very happy to have a baby. However, soon he realizes that he cannot be the father since he was not in the city at the time of conception.
¡Qué cosas tiene el amor!
Madre prefecta
La descarriada
Nati has no choice but to work as a prostitute to support her siblings. Unfortunately she has not had much success; it's difficult to get customers and she also owes money to her "protector", Florencio. But one day a kind of Prince Charming shows up...
La curiosa
Mujer chismosa
Guapo heredero busca esposa
Two Magazine Girls
A Madrid theater is looking for girls for a new company of magazines.One of the girls presented is Catalina, very sawy and restless, daughter of a seamstress of the theater. Another candidate is an innocent girl who studies ballet abroad and is the daughter of a famous star, Cecilia Alcaraz. Soon the two girls become good friends and Catalina intends to succeed Alice. Alicia's success also benefits her friend making them the most famous theatrical couple times. But with success comes love, which is also a major impediment to their careers.
¡No firmes más letras, cielo!
Sabino Grupe, head of accounting at a major insurance company, Elisa's husband, a beautiful fashion model who has had to leave the gateway to the most dangerous jealousy of his consort. In return, he has put Sabino sign letters and letters to exhaust their funds. Until one day he had enough and breaks with the consumer society and everyone.
El padre de la criatura
Doña Catalina
Eduardo and Antonia are a mature couple excited about their daughter expecting their first grandchild. But life will change completely when some laboratory tests confirm that it is Antonia who is pregnant and not her daughter. This unexpected situation strongly influences the character of Eduardo, who begins to live what he calls a "second youth".
Venta por pisos
Antonia de Rojas
Four families intend to buy a flat. In one of them, Margarita wants to marry Ernesto, despite his reluctance. The purchase of the flat is a great inconvenience and he uses this to delay the wedding as much as possible.
The Ibéricas Football Club
The Iberian F.C. is a female football team makes a splash in the world of football, rather than their athletic skills, their physical attraction for the male audience. Each of the components of the whole suffers a different and peculiar relationship status, derived from its new sports.
La casa de los Martínez
Hay que educar a papá
A young woman who wants to marry an earl's son wants to refine the habits of their parents, people from a village that has been enriched in the overnight by selling their land.
Simón, contamos contigo
Madre de Fina
Verano 70
Madre de Luisa
Typical Spanish comedy of the seventies set in Benidorm, the famous coastal town of Alicante where numerous families come to spend the summer. It tells the travel arrangements and incidents that occur before arriving to the apartments as well as the return of working husbands to the city, once the families have settled on the beach, and their unsuccessful attempts to flirt while alone
Los extremeños se tocan
Cateto a babor
Elisa, la criada de Enriqueta
Miguel Cañete is a village man who is called up by the Navy to do military service, but he lives alone with his little brother and doesn't know where to leave him...
Una señora estupenda
El abominable hombre de la Costa del Sol
Flora - camarera del hotel
A young dreamer as attractive as dreamer see his shabby promised as a distinguished gentleman, fascinating and radiant. This, however, eventually reaching a grand illusion, become the public relations director of a large hotel on the Costa del Sol
Con ella llegó el amor
Doña Ramona
Matrimonios separados
Madre de Aurora
A 45 revoluciones por minuto
Juan arrives in Madrid with the intention of succeeding as a singer. With the only company of his guitar, he goes from club to club asking for work.
Amor a todo gas
Eduvigis Peribáñez
Susana is a girl that is sent to work to a small coast village in the south of Spain. The women in the villages receive her with a cold shoulder. Susana finds out that they are resentful towards their husbands: before, they used to fish close to home and now they fish far away for months and months. Susana will give the women some lessons about living together, so the men would consider going back to old ways. This will make her fall in love again.
Prisionero en La Ciudad
La que arman las mujeres
Old Man Made in Spain
A widow shepherd who lives at the Aragonese Pyrenees sees how his three young daughters, Cándida, Visi, and Nieves, go to Madrid to find a better life and leave him alone. There they all get married, have sons and forget their father. One day, Marcelino receives a letter from Cándida, who wants him to stay with her family for some time. What she really wants is some help from her father, as she's not able to take care of her ten daughters and her upcoming child. Marcelino goes to Madrid, but, once there, he only finds an unknown, frantic and hostile world, and also three unhappy daughters...
Cristina Guzmán
La chica de los anuncios
The classic good-looking girl from village, comes to the capital willing to make the world hers. Her idea is to succeed in the advertising world as a girl-ad
¡Cómo sois las mujeres!
Sirvienta sordo-muda
Mario and Teresa are a seemingly happy marriage, but she reproaches that he does not value enough her work at home. As he is not willing to recognize the importance of domestic chores, Teresa offers him to exchange roles. While Teresa gets a job, and develops very well, Mario is unable to keep the house in order.
Los que tocan el piano
Doña Alicia
Cayetana, her boyfriend Paco and Venancio, her foster brother, commit small thefts and, from time to time, spend a few days in jail. Until they meet with Federico, a thief who has traveled abroad and convince them that using European methods success is guaranteed. Paco then decides to act scientifically and seizes a hospital surgical equipment. When they want to realize, poor Venancio is forced to give an injection to a dentistry patient and, even worse, Paco has to pull out a tooth. And all that, before entering the operating room
Relaciones casi públicas
Las secretarias
María Teresa
Three young and attractive secretaries, Julia, Paula and Doli, work in an insurance company.
Amor en el aire
Elvira Gómez
An Argentine travels to Spain to begin his studies. During the flight, he causes so much troubles to a flight attendant that she is fired. At home, the ex flight attendant discovers some dresses that belonged to her grandmother and decides to try her luck with an artist representative. There she will find the guy who caused his dismissal. Both fail to act in Barcelona, ​​but the boy's father attended the performance, being surprised, because he believed his son was studying in Madrid.
Sor Citröen
Hermana Rafaela
A community of nuns, who is in charge of an asylum for orphan girls, decides to get motorized. A car is absolutely necessary to them in their work and they buy the vehicle. Sister Tomasa will have to drive it. She will soon be known around Madrid as Sor Citroen. But to reach this virtuosity she has had to travel the long vicissitudes of all beginners ... and the maximum aggravating circumstances
Another Man's Wife
Mujer del bar
Ana and Andres meet again after many years. They are no longer two youngsters, both are married with children. Andres insists, but Ana has trouble in forgetting what happened long ago, when he left without saying goodbye to go to Paris.
El halcón de Castilla
Mujer del vendedor de telas
Adventure film of Spanish production that follows point by point the parameters set by other literary characters, such as "El Zorro" or "El Coyote". José María Elorrieta, director with extensive experience in western spaghetti, is in charge of the direction and the script, in this film starring a gallant who was fervid among the female audience, Germán Cobos ("La patrulla", "La vida es maravillosa"). Shot on a small budget and with no other pretense than to entertain, "El falcón de Castilla" had considerable box office success.
Novios 68
Señora en el restaurante
Comedy that chronicles the ups and downs in dating of several people in Spain in 1968.
Vestida de novia
Portera de casa de Carlos
Los chicos del Preu
Sirvienta en casa de Lolo
Los chicos con las chicas
The musical group Los Bravos is enjoying a short holidays. It's in a mountain hut, near a girls' school, eager to see and hear.
Codo con codo
Bruno and Micky are two young people who abandon their studies to dedicate themselves to song. When Bruno meets Mayte and becomes a fashionable singer, he forgets about his closest friends. But success is short-lived ... One of the most delirious manifestations that Spanish cinema saw of the 'ye-yé' hatching, with an absolutely priceless Micky, half-self-interpreting, like Bruno Lomas and Massiel. The story revolves around the desire to succeed that drives the trio, as well as the romantic relationships established between them. Seen today, it must be as delicious as it is moving, especially considering that it premiered a year before Massiel caused a national earthquake by winning at the Eurovision Song Contest with the famous "La, la, la".
Un millón en la basura
In the vast army of human society, Pepe, a sweeper, occupies one of the last places: anonymous, gray, vague. Pepe is a member of that ghostly dawn brigade, to blow hose, clean the streets at dawn. One day Pepe finds a million in the trash. Financial need of the poor sweeper suggests keeping the money, but his wife advises him to do his civic duty and return the money ...
Historia de la frivolidad
The Lecturer's Helper #2
The Lecturer, leader of the Feminine League Against Frivolity, tells the history of eroticism and censorship from the beginning of time until the late 1960s.
El hueso
A small Spanish town is shocked because they have found the bone of one of its local heroes: Don Nuño Pérez de Gormaz. The bone is a symbol of the history of the place, and therefore also of the history of Spain, so that all residents take to the streets to try to recover it.
El arte de casarse
Eladio is in love with Ignacia, but she is determined to catch Antolin, the richest of the place. Although Eladio has no money, he is determined to win the heart of Ignacia. Meanwhile, Amparito wants to marry a serious and formal man and is torn between the love of Ramon and Saturninus, two typical Spanish men.
Las viudas
Monja (segment "El Retrato de Regino")
Comedy consists of three stories about the sudden death of three husbands: a newly married man dies as a result of the excessive enthusiasm of his wife ("Honeymoon"), another because of a fling with a girl too fiery ("The Anniversary" ), and finally, a husband dies because of his greed and stinginess ("Portrait of Regino").
Los duendes de Andalucía
Tita Lola
¡Es mi hombre!
Señora Calixta
The Family and One More
Chacha exigente
The life of the family inordinate surveyor Carlos Alonso has undergone several changes over the course of the years: the birth of child number 16, little Maria, coincided with the death of the mother, who left behind a hollow refillable. The grandfather also died. The Godfather pastry married, and the boys have been growing rapidly ...
Historias de la televisión
Criada de Don Marcelino (1)
Film divided into two stories: 1. Cuando los gorilas hablan por teléfono 2. Una chica de fortuna
Mi canción es para ti
Doña Esperanza
La visita que no tocó el timbre
Señora Nati
Two brothers who are singles live together without any problems until the day when a friend of them leaves her baby at their flat because she has no time to care for it at the moment. Now the two men find themselves in a completely new situation.
Vacaciones para Ivette
Doña Rosario
Andrés' parents, in Madrid, and Pierre's parents, in Paris, have agreed to a school exchange for their children during the summer. However, when they go to the station to pick up Pierre, 10 years old, they meet an attractive young woman who takes his place. The presence of Ivette is a shock to the family, especially for the older son, who is strongly attracted to the French.
El pecador y la bruja
Strange Voyage
In a small town near Madrid, Paquita and her brother Venancio, both single and with a childish personality, live under the shadow of their bossy older sister, Ignacia, a grumpy old maid.
Ella y el miedo
Modista cotilla
Marisol rumbo a Río
Marisol and Mariluz are twin sisters. They live separated, Mariluz with their uncle in Rio de Janeiro, and Marisol with their mother, in Madrid. Marisol's mother has desperately tried to get money to go to Brasil and meet Mariluz, and so she and the girl have worked in all kinds of places, but they never get enough money until one day Marisol's mother decides to sell everything to get the money and go to Brasil to reunite the family. Once there they discover that Mariluz's governess and her lover have devised a plan to get the money from the twins' uncle, a plan that is in terrible danger now that the spaniards have arrived to Brasil, forcing them to start thinking to get them out of the way...
Los conquistadores del Pacífico
Frank Latimore is cast as Balboa, the heroic Spanish explorer who discovers the Pacific Ocean. Along the way, he must pacify the wrath of his enemies and battle his way through a forest inhabited by savage natives. This one features some really nice battles, stunning ocean photography, and tolerable reconstruction of historic events.
La becerrada
Sor Inmaculada
San Ginés de la Sierra is a small village lost in the mountains in southern Spain. It is known throughout the region for two peculiar characteristics: its "persistent" drought and a "Home of the Vanquished". This "home" is an institution that houses some twenty old people, to whose care are eleven nuns and crosses a distressing economic situation. The nuns are desperately seeking a solution and decide to hold a charity bulls run.
Confidencias de un marido
Las hijas de Helena
Esposa del apostador de quinielas (uncredited)
Robbery at 3 O'clock
Doña Vicenta
Galindo works in a bank. One day he convinces the other employees in the bank to plan a hold-up in the bank they are working. They prepare everything carefully. However, real robbers come just before the fake ones.
Vuelve San Valentín
María, madre de Antonio
As there are still a lot of problems in the relationships of the Spanish couples Saint Valentine returns to earth and especially to Madrid in order to fix these problems.
Sabían demasiado
Mujer robada
A gang of Spanish pickpockets decide to send one of them to Chicago to learn how to be a gangster...
El grano de mostaza
Empleada Café Nacional
Evelino Galindo, the serious owner of a porcelain store, argues with the womanizer jeweler Orcajo for an insignificant game of dominoes. Evelino, enraged, challenges him the next day to a duel in the gym. But after meditating a bit he starts to get scared. That is why, with the help of his friend Leoncio, he sharpens his wit to find a way to escape from combat. However, the situation is becoming more complicated.
Historia de una noche
After a few years, Víctor Morel comes back to the city. He has been a happy and Bohemian man who spent an authentic fortune. His first meeting with the past is with Laura, an extraordinary woman with he had intense relationships. She is now married with Daniel Romero, a man dedicated to the business that, precisely in the last days, has had a money problem. Due to this matter, Daniel will have to ask Víctor for help because it knows that he can extract it of the difficulty, in spite of the fact that he does not have any sharm.
Testigo del atropello de las gallinas
Marisol is a young girl with a vivid imagination and a heart of gold who witnesses a picture robbery in a museum...
El indulto
Spain, 1906: in a small village and pregnant after having been raped, Antonia is forced to marry the brutal Lucas to save her honor. But the mother of the girl pays Lucas 20,000 reales so that the man will never get any closer to Antonia or the child to be born. The man's bad temper will take him to jail and Antonia will try to remake his life with Pedro, Luca's brother. However, despite how far they may go, the couple are distressed at the prospect of Lucas being pardoned and seeking them after leaving prison.
For Men Only
Mujer de Justo
La quiniela
La vida alrededor
Josephine and Antonio have reached a delicate economic balance after marriage. The salary of lawyer from him, and wins her in the hospital, allows them to survive and fantasize about some freak. The situation is complicated by the news that Josephine is pregnant. Ahead of the debacle that may involve having a "child who eats everything, including food," Josephine teaches the baby still in her womb, higher education courses in order to save some money in schools. Meanwhile, Antonio enters the underworld scene, looking for customers who offer their services as a lawyer.
Parque de Madrid
Mujer con niños
In the Madrid of the fifties, during any day, whether by chance or fate, a series of characters live all kinds of stories, funny stories and some not so, in one of the most beautiful parks that exist in the city, the Retiro park, known as Parque de Madrid.
Ya tenemos coche
Mujer que quiere coger un taxi
Don Jose is a good family man and a model employee. He lives in his house as a King with his wife and children who make him happy. His only enemy is Dona Rosa, her mother, who has the habit of saying the last word on everything.
Life Ahead
Finished their careers of Law and Medicine, respectively, Antonio Redondo and Josefina Castro, a pair of young Spanish newlyweds, are looking for work to buy an apartment and start a life together, but they will face enormous difficulties throughout the process.
Those times of the cuplé
Mercedes Pavón, a famous singer of cuplés is harassed by three men totaly different.
The Last Couplet
Cantante callejera
A musical drama featuring a tragic love story. Relates a singer's rise to fame and her subsequent downfall because of the death of her lover. She manages to return to the stage only to die after her first public performance.
We Are All Necessary
Campesina, mother of a large family
After serving their sentence, three prisoners, a doctor, a civil servant and a thief, leave jail. During the train trip they do together to return home, they analyze their respective lives. The doctor has been required to perform an operation on a child abandoned by his father, a millionaire.
La gran mentira
La Molina Neighbor #3 (uncredited)
César Neira, an almost forgotten actor, gets involved by chance with Teresa, a teacher from a small village in Cáceres who has won a radio contest. The prize is a trip to Madrid to experience just for a fortnight the life of the famous and wealthy people.
Finally Alone
La hija de Juan Simón
Carmen and Ángel are in love but her mother doesn't approve their relationship. When Carmen gets pregned, Ángel decides to to go the city to star a career as a singer and earn enough money to take Carmen with him, but he never returns and Carmen, scared of her parents, decides to run from home and embrace a disolated life as a prostitute.
Nobleza baturra
Minor Role
Aragón, Spain, early 20th century. María del Pilar is a honest girl whose good name is dirtied when an old suitor seeking revenge accuses her of losing her virginity outside of marriage. The scandal soon spreads throughout the countryside.