Lloyd Garnell

Рождение : 1909-03-18, Pennsylvania, USA

Смерть : 1988-09-26


Человек умер
Герой фильма — Роже Гарнье — киллер. Выполнив заказ, Роже сам оказывается под прицелом: его преследуют, чтобы убить. Сначала он скрывается от погони, а потом решает найти заказчиков своего убийства…
Пулемет Гатлинга
Вождь апачей Два Ножа вместе с сотней воинов покидает резервацию и выходит на тропу войны. Он хочет захватить у армии США пулемет Гатлинга, который апачи считают великим оружием, способным вернуть индейцам свободу и положить конец притеснениям белых. Офицер кавалерии Уэйд Малкольм с небольшим отрядом и семьей поселенцев, чье ранчо сожгли взбунтовавшиеся апачи, пытается провезти пулемет Гатлинга через земли, кишащие индейцами, в форт. Сделать это было бы куда проще, если бы грозное оружие в его руках было исправным. Пулемет сломан, но апачи пока этого не знают
Юный-юный Билли
Бен Кейн приезжает в Лордсбург, чтобы занять место шерифа, отягощенный воспоминаниями прошлого: когда-то в Додже он потерял сына. А убил его бандит Фрэнк Бун, объявившийся ныне в окресностях Лордсбурга. Собственно, только это обстоятельство и заставило бывшего стрелка, имеющего репутацию наемного убийцы, принять предложение стать шерифом в городе, где жизнь человека ничего не стоит. Захватив в заложники сына Буна Джесси Кейн выманивает Буна-старшего из его логова. Но в город Бун приезжает не один, с ним еще с десяток головорезов. Завязывается перестрелка, положение Кейна кажется безвыходным, но все же, ему удается уничтожить своего старого врага Фрэнка Буна. А что же молодой Билли Янг? Билли Янг — молодой парень, время от времени попадающий в различные переделки — из последней его вытаскивает Кейн и привозит в Лордсбург, спасая тем самым от виселицы — он сидит в салуне, любезничает с девушками, даже немного помогает Кейну отстреливаться от врагов.
The Devil's Eight
The Devil's 8 is a 1969 film from American International Pictures. It is about a Federal agent (Christopher George) who recruits six convicts to bust a moonshine ring.
Hell's Belles
When hot-headed Dan out-drives the thoroughly vicious Tony in a motorcycle race and wins a brand new bike, he sets in motion a chain of events that includes one blazing gas station and a disastrous rock slide.
The Young Animals
A small Arizona town is plagued by violence created from the tension between Anglo and Mexican-American youths. Tony (Tom Nardini) is the idealistic new kid in school who tries to alleviate long-time tensions between the rival factions. The Mexican gang is led by Paco (Zooey Hall), a hot-tempered youth with good reason to resent some of his Caucasian counterparts due to past prejudices. Bruce (David Macklin) is the leader of the white gang. Patty McCormack and Joanna Frank are the female interests who become victims of the gang struggles. Tony, formerly from San Diego, attempts to change the attitudes of the polarized and violent groups. Simms (Russ Bender) is a bigoted educator who fans the flames of hate, and Wilson (Arthur Peterson) is the school principal who is helpless to stop the violence between the two factions.
Дикари на улицах
Калифорнийский политик пытается привлечь Макса Фроста, 22-летнюю рок-звезду, к участию в скорой предвыборной кампании. Таким образом он рассчитывает завоевать голоса у молодежи. Однако вскоре выясняется, что популярность Фроста слишком велика и кому под силу победить на любых выборах...
The Mini-Skirt Mob
Driven by jealousy, the jilted leader of a female motorcycle gang instigates a sadistic reign of terror against her ex-lover and his new bride.
Devil's Angels
A gang of outlaw bikers strike a bargain with the Sheriff of a small beach town; let them stay and the town is safe. But a local girl strays into their lair and sets off a full-scale war.
Молодой англичанин Дэнис Барлоу работает в похоронной конторе для животных под названием «Угодья лучшего мира». После самоубийства своего дяди, Фрэнсиса Хинзли, он отправляется в «Шелестящий дол», солидную похоронную компанию с бесчисленным персоналом и огромным мемориальным парком. Там же он видит молоденькую косметичку, Эме Танатогенос, произведшую на него впечатление. Вступая с ней в отношения, Дэннис ввязывается в весьма сомнительный любовный треугольник, исход которого приведет к необратимым последствиям.
The Unknown
After two women poison to death the blackmailer who has been tormenting them, they wind up at the house of a blind man whose eccentric guest believes he has built a working time machine. Soon, the blackmailer is back to torment them all.
Башня смерти
Конец XV века. После смерти короля Эдварда IV, его брат — знаменитый горбун Ричард Глостер пытается любыми средствами заполучить трон Англии. Только призраки убитых им жертв могут попытаться остановить кровавого маньяка.
Hero's Island
A family shipwrecked on an island must deal with escaped convicts and pirates.
The Intruder
Lighting Technician
A man in a gleaming white suit comes to a small Southern town on the eve of integration. He calls himself a social reformer. But what he does is stir up trouble--trouble he soon finds he can't control.
Военная охота
Группа новобранцев направляется к линии фронта в период окончания Корейской войны. В центре сюжета взаимодействия двух солдат — идеалиста и сумасшедшего, который в одиночку отправляется по ночам за линию фронта вырезать врагов, а также сироты.
Преждевременные похороны
Lighting Technician
Лондон. Девятнадцатый век. Из-за страха быть похороненным заживо, как это случилось с его отцом, пораженным каталепсией, студент-медик Гай Карелл сооружает склеп и насыщает его всеми видами предосторожностей и системой безопасности: тайной дверью, лестницей, динамитом, ядом - на тот случай, если с ним все же случится подобное несчастье…
The Explosive Generation
Peter Gifford is a likable, dedicated schoolteacher that teaches a senior life skills class. When student Janet Sommers brings up the topic of sex and dating, he asks students to write questions on the topic, and will cover them in the next class. The parents get wind of what Gifford is about to do, notify the principal, and he warns Peter not to read the questions in class. Gifford decides to go against this and is suspended. The whole student body protests, and the administration gets worried on what to do.
The Hoodlum Priest
Venturing into some of the roughest slums of St. Louis, Jesuit priest Rev. Charles Dismas Clark dedicates himself to helping young ex-convicts who are struggling to rejoin a society that fears and rejects them. An especially wrenching case for the Reverend is Billy Lee Jackson, a troubled thief whose personal demons constantly tempt him back to a life of crime — and may ultimately make him pay the highest price for a few desperate decisions.
The Runaway
The adventures of a young boy who runs away from an orphanage on a search to find his father.
Studs Lonigan
Lighting Technician
A young man tries to escape the South Side of 1920s Chicago.
Walk Tall
To keep peace, an Army captain (Willard Parker) hunts for an outlaw-gang leader (Kent Taylor) who is raiding Indians.
Частная собственность
Lighting Technician
A hoodlum (Corey Allen) plots to seduce a lonely housewife (Kate Manx) and turn her over to his virginal friend (Warren Oates).
The Purple Gang
The story of the infamous Purple Gang - a ring of bootleggers, hijackers and killers in 1920's Detroit.
Ghost of Dragstrip Hollow
A group of drag-racing fanatics, members of a Los Angeles club, move into an old deserted mansion and set up shop, making it their headquarters. They hold a Halloween masked ball for the club's grand opening, and invite everyone to come dressed as their favorite monster! Oddly enough, the festivities turn sour when one of the bright youths discovers an impostor among them in the form of an honest-to-gosh live monster who's been hogging all the dances with the best-looking girls
The Diary of a High School Bride
A 17-year-old high-school senior marries a 20-something law student who works as a waiter. Who said marriage was bliss?
The Rebel Set
Three beatniks are brought together to rob an armored car, only to face betrayal from amongst their ranks.
Аль Капоне
Время, когда Аль Капоне появился в Чикаго и начал работать вышибалой в заведении своего дяди Торрио, называли «веком джаза», годами «сухого закона». Очень быстро Капоне вошел в число пяти «владельцев» города, которые поделили Чикаго на сферы влияния и начали распоряжаться всем — от выборов мэра до продажи жевательной резинки…
The father of a race car driver blames him for a death on the track, disowns him, and sponsors a rival racer.
Lust to Kill
A cowboy escapes from jail with the help of his girlfriend, and goes after the men he believes are responsible for his brother being shot down by lawmen.
Богова делянка
Lighting Technician
Обедневший фермер Тай Тай всё свое время тратит на то, чтобы найти золото, якобы закопанное его дедом неподалеку от дома. Но дети фермера вовсе не интересуются результатами поисков — у них более серьезные проблемы.
Gun Fever
Luke Ram seeks revenge against the white renegade who lead a Sioux raiding party against his father's stagecoach way station, killing all the inhabitants except himself. He's joined by his mining partner, young Sam Weller, not realizing that they man they seek is Weller's father, in whose gang Sam rode as a young man.
Oregon Passage
A cavalry lieutenant becomes a hated enemy of a Shoshone chief, Black Eagle, when he rescues an Indian maid from a ceremonial camp in this action-packed Western.
Plunder Road
A spectacular heist starts to unravel as the crooks take it on the lam.
Dragoon Wells Massacre
A cavalry officer, the sole survivor of an Indian attack, and a wagon load of prisoners travel through hostile Indian country.
Portland Exposé
The owner of a tavern is pressured by the local mob to go into business with them, and figures it's better all around if he does that rather than cause trouble. However, when he starts to see what kind of place his nice little neighborhood bar is turning into, and when one of the mob's goons tries to rape his daughter, he decides to fight them.
The Cruel Tower
The story of a bunch of hard-drinking steeplejacks.
Strange Intruder
A Korean War veteran must find his buddy's widow and children to keep a bizarre promise.
The Come On
A con woman tries to swindle her partner-in-crime husband with the help of one of her former marks. But is she to be trusted?
Highway Dragnet
An ex-Marine on the lam from a murder charge. He hitches a ride from glamor-magazine photographer, who is travelling cross-country with her principal model. Tensions rise when the woman realize the man with them may be a killer.
Tangier Incident
Steve Gordon, an American agent posing as a black market operator, is in Tangier on a mission to stop the plans of three atomic-scientists who are there to pool their secrets and sell them in a package to the Communists.
Early in the War of 1812, Captain James Marshall is commissioned to run the British blockade and fetch an unofficial war loan from France. As first mate, Marshall recruits Ben Waldridge, a cashiered former British Navy captain. Waldridge brings his former gun crew...who begin plotting mutiny as soon as they learn there'll be gold aboard. The gold duly arrives, and with it Waldridge's former sweetheart Leslie, who's fond of a bit of gold herself. Which side is Waldridge really on?
Drums in the Deep South
Two old friends find themselves on opposite sides during the Civil War in a desperate battle atop an impregnable mountain.
Casa Manana
Linda Mason, secretary to advertising executive Horace Fairchild III, has theatrical aspirations, and unknown to her boss, she enters a radio talent contest.
Rhythm Inn
A bandleader, desperate to get his band's instruments out of hock, promises the pawnshop clerk--an aspiring songwriter--that he'll let the band's female singer do the clerk's songs at a local club if he will let the band "borrow" their instruments at night. The clerk's girlfriend, however, thinks that the band singer is after more than her boyfriend's songs.
Call of the Klondike
A brother and sister are running a phony gold mine scam in the Klondike, which leads to murder. A Canadian Mountie sets out to bring them to justice.
Call of the Klondike
A brother and sister are running a phony gold mine scam in the Klondike, which leads to murder. A Canadian Mountie sets out to bring them to justice.
Snow Dog
The third installment in low-budget producer Lindsley Parson's "Chinook" series, Snow Dog was ostensibly based on pulp writer James Oliver Curwood's 1915 short-story "The Tentacles of the North," which was also the working title. Kirby Grant again played Rod McDonald of the Canadian Royal Mounted, and once again the vehicle was stolen by his canine sidekick, the white malamute Chinook. This time, Rod and Chinook are tracking a mysterious white wolf, thought to have killed several of the local traders.
Без ума от оружия
Барт Тэр с раннего детства любит оружие. По возвращению из армии друзья отводят его в парк с аттракционами, где он встречает Лори, девушку своей мечты, которая работает в этом парке и любит оружие не меньше, чем он. Вскоре они женятся. После свадьбы Лори становится недовольна своим финансовым положением. Барт не может противостоять беспощадной и жадной женщине, которую он любит. И пара начинает вереницу дерзких грабежей…
Master Minds
When Sach eats too much sugar, he goes into a trance whereby he's able to predict the future. Slip tries to make some money off of Sach by using him as a fortune teller in a carnival, until a mad scientist kidnaps Sach to use him in an intelligence-switching experiment with a monster.
Black Midnight
A young man with a love of horses, Scott Jordan (Roddy McDowall) lives on the family ranch with his uncle Bill (Damian O’Flynn). When he buys a wild stallion from his black-sheep cousin Daniel (Rand Brooks), Scott names the horse Midnight and does his best to tame him. But when the sheriff (Sky King’s Kirby Grant) suspects the stallion was stolen and Daniel’s plan to get rid of the horse ends with a man being trampled, Scott must prove Midnight acted in self-defense before his uncle destroys him. The fourth of six films McDowall coproduced and starred in for Monogram Pictures, Black Midnight was directed by Oscar “Budd” Boetticher, whose seven Westerns with Randolph Scott are considered classics of the genre.
Angels in Disguise
Slip and the gang stray from newspaper work to detective work.
Jiggs and Maggie in Jackpot Jitters
With Maggie laid low with sneezing fits, Jiggs spends his time listening to radio trivia contests. Maggie, an inveterate social climber, wants to join the prestigious Northchester Hunt Club, and sends them a check for the $38,000 membership fee. When Jiggs finds out, he manages--after a struggle with Maggie--to take care of the check. Consoling himself at his favorite bar, he's convinced by his drinking buddies that the way to make up with Maggie is to buy her a racehorse that is coming up for auction. He does, only to discover that a doctor has told Maggie that her sneezing fits are due to a rare allergy she has--to horses. Complications ensue.
Joe Palooka in the Counterpunch
Joe heads for South America to fight the Latin champ. Shipboard, he helps federal agents fight counterfeiters. He also spars with love interest Anne Howe.
Forgotten Women
A tale of three women who hang out in a bar and bend the ear of Harry the bartender. Kate Allison drinks to forget playboy Andy Emerson, whom she might have married if her husband, John Allison hadn't come home before the divorce was final, which is no big deal as actors Norris and Douglas were pretty much interchangeable anyway; Ruth Marshall is reunited with husband Richard Marshall on the pleas of their son in the divorce court of Judge Donnell; and Clair Dunning makes up with husband Bill Dunning after they meet in the bar. Most of what passes for action is a couple of car wrecks, understandable considering the amount of sauce consumed in Harry's bar.
Leave It to Henry
Henry Latham and town Mayor Colton continue their misadventures in Smalltown, America. This time, twelve-year-old David Latham is testifying at the trial of his father, Henry, who is accused of burning down the McCluskey bridge.
Hold That Baby!
While working in a laundromat, the boys find a baby hidden among the linen. They soon find out that the baby, who is the heir to a fortune, has been abandoned by his mother so that her two evil aunts can't cheat her and the baby out of the inheritance. The boys determine to help the woman claim her baby's rightful inheritance from her aunts, who have hired gangsters to find and eliminate the girl, the baby and anyone who helps them.
Mississippi Rhythm
On board a riverboat bound for Creek City, singer Jimmie Davis, who is going to become half-owner of a land development company willed to him by his uncle, shares a cabin with traveling salesman Dixie Dalrymple. After Dixie invites Jimmie to perform in a concert he is putting on for the other passengers, Jimmie is persuaded to participate in a crooked card game run by Judge Homer Kenworthy and his associates. However, with Dixie's intervention, Jimmie wins handsomely, then accuses the gamblers of trying to cheat him.
Tuna Clipper
Hoping to become a lawyer, Alec (Roddy McDowall) becomes a tuna fisherman in order to pay a debt. This turn of events puts Alec on the outs with his taciturn family. Eventually, the lad proves himself on all fronts, and is welcomed back into the family fold.
Bomba, the Jungle Boy
George Harland and his daughter Pat are photographers who discover a wild boy in the jungle. When Pat becomes lost, Bomba brings her back, overcoming plagues of locusts, forest fires and fierce wild animals.
Fighting Fools
The boys are working at the local boxing arena where their friend, Jimmy Higgins, is boxing. During a crooked match Jimmy is killed. The boys seek out his older brother, Johnny, a former boxer who gave up the sport rather than go crooked, and help train him to get back in the ring. They try to get him a shot at the title, and when they do the same crooked gangsters that were behind Jimmy's death try to get Johnny to take a dive.
Henry, the Rainmaker
The first of Monogram's "Father" series was Henry, the Rainmaker, assembled in a fast seven days. Henry Latham is an average family man who is galvanized into entering a mayoral race over the issue of garbage disposal. When incumbent mayor Colton solves this issue himself, Henry turns his attentions to the current water shortage. His efforts to become a rainmaker prove cataclysmic, to say the least.
The Feathered Serpent
In order to learn the location of a fabled Aztec treasure, a professor kidnaps his colleague, the only man able to read the ancient Aztec script that is supposed to reveal the location of the treasure. Charlie Chan and his #1 and #2 sons journey to the jungles of Mexico to find the victim and bring the kidnapper and his gang to justice.
The Chinese Ring
Soon after a Chinese princess comes to the US to buy planes for her people, she is murdered by a poison dart fired by an air rifle.