Ilija Džuvalekovski

Ilija Džuvalekovski

Рождение : 1915-12-18, Prilep, Kingdom of Serbia [now North Macedonia]

Смерть : 2004-10-18


Ilija Džuvalekovski


Let God Kill the Spies
Five centuries of persecution and the struggle of the Macedonian people for freedom and an independent Macedonian state in which freedom will reign equally for all, have created their own myth and tradition for themselves. The struggles, sufferings, betrayals and self-sacrifice were later translated and woven through Macedonian songs, stories, tales and plays. Starting from there, this TV movie approaches the events of that time.
The Southern Trail
Follows the course of three different and independent relationships. The first in which a man renews a relationship with a former girlfriend. In the second a couple suddenly decide to marry, while in the third a couple are getting a divorce.
The Red Horse
A joint fight of Macedonian and Greek people against the fascist monarchical government of Greece ended with their defeat in 1949, after many years of bloodshed. Many members of the democratic party DAG, as well as the innocent inhabitants experienced the destiny of political exile.
The Lead Brigade
The story of a mine and the men who work it, particularly one miner, who has problems both at work and at home.
Tome from the Gas Station
A movie about Tome.
The Saint from Slatina
After death of his wife, Stojan is proclaimed by his fellow villagers to be a living saint. They thought God will have mercy upon them, and life in their village would become better and happier. Stojan liked this at start, he got used of his nickname and listening to people's problems and sins. However, he gets fed up of this burden that is not easy to get rid of.
The story takes place in Ohrid, at the end of XI century. Slavic population gives resistance to Byzantium and the Christian dogma leads to the persecutions and murders. The villages are plagued with outbreak of smallpox, and all the people with the symptoms were thrown into the lime. The film follows the fate of Abraham's family as the story of survival in the Balkan intersections.
Nunzio Cesare
The revolt of the people of a Sicilian village further to the Expedition of the Thousand which, in 1860, enables Garibaldi to liberate Sicily.
Republic in Flames
Records one of the most important events in the history of the Macedonian people: about the Ilenden Uprising and the Krusevo Republic of 1903.
A man cannot bear the superficiality of human relationships, and when his best friend lets him down, he commits suicide by jumping off a skyscraper.
The Fourth Companion
A righteous party's committee secretary raises his voice against local politician in order to obtain recognition on workers' behalf regarding construction of the sports center.
Where to After the Rain?
A young woman tries not to become conformist like her parents, while her fiancee who had similar views, gradually became one. However it turns out that she cannot distance from her own background either.
Виннету и полукровка Апаначи
В день своего совершеннолетия дочь женщины-апачи и белого охотника Мэка - красавица Аппаначи - получает родительское благословение на брак с любимым и золотую жилу в приданое. Но ее счастье было недолгим. Старые знакомцы отца, такие же неотягощенные моралью трапперы, требуют у Мэка свою долю золота и в суматохе убивают его. Казалось бы, теперь все золото в их руках, но своей болтливостью они подписывают себе смертный приговор от рук настоящих бандитов из шайки знаменитого Керли Билла. Лишь в последний момент на помощь несчастной девушке и ее жениху приходят, как всегда великолепные, Верная Рука и Виннету.
Days of Temptation
In 1918, after the end of the Balkan Wars and the First World War, hundreds of Macedonians immigrated to Bulgaria. Among them there were pro-Bulgarian Macedonians who wanted to exploit the emigrants for their own political purposes. A number of decent freedom fighters were eliminated. The victim of one of the assassins in Sofia was Djorche Petrov. His assassin is a young boy who doesn't even know that he is shooting dead the man who is one of the last real fighters for the freedom of Macedonia. By discovering that he has been unknowingly involved in the pro-Bulgarian organization and has been used for an execution of this vile act, it means the death sentence for the young boy.
Служебное положение
Drug iz komiteta
1960-е годы, Югославия. Новый директор швейного комбината, бывший партизан Мирко Бошняк требует от коллектива вывести предприятие на прорыв. Его предложение наталкивается на сопротивление некоторых старых служащих, особенно коммерческого директора Радмана. Однако честный коммунист Бошняк с помощью коллектива комбината сумел противостоять демагогическим проискам своих врагов, распутать сеть их грязных интриг и разоблачить Радмана, манипулировавшего с ложными счетами.
The Sunrise
Strojovođa Franjo Majdak
Having learned of the love affair between his wife and his colleague, a train driver finds himself in a dilemma: only one move is enough to kill his opponent in a train accident that they've found themselves in.
Лицом к лицу
Voja Čumić
На одном из строительных предприятий коммунист Копривица, считая неправильными некоторые решения дирекции, честно высказывает свое мнение директору предприятия Чумичу, своему другу и в прошлом боевому товарищу. Назревает конфликт. На открытом партийном собрании вскрылись отрицательные черты характера Чумича и по решению большинства, принявшего сторону Копривицы, ему пришлось уйти с занимаемого поста.
The Rakoc Cross
Shortly after World War II, the government sent a crew of drivers with large tractors to clear-cut and plow a vast, barren piece of land called "Krst Rakoc" in the hills of Kosovo and Metohia, for future orchards. They encounter deprecation and revolt from indigenous Albanian population who do not believe in good intentions of the government and the crew.
Boom Town
Farmers and their families, engineers, technicians, criminals and prostitutes were acquired on the construction of industrial facilities in Zenica. Siba tries to help them, working with dedication and love that goes beyond his duty. It is difficult to satisfy everyone and achieve more in this scorching city and Siba makes mistakes, carried by desire to achieve the impossible. With great effort, the builders manage to overcome the maelstrom after the dam burst, and while the first iron runs from the new furnace, Siba, dismissed because of errors committed, leaves a boom town of Zenica.
A Quiet Summer
Young scientist Zare and his wife, a theater costume designer Mira, live in a rented apartment where they were under the pressure of curious and disturbing neighbors. Once Zare was given the keys of the Ethnographic Museum in Ohrid in order to sort out the situation in this museum, this means escape for the family.
Point 905
Major Momir
After the war, a Yugoslav army captain, Vladimir, is in charge of suppressing armed supporters of the former king's regime, led by major Momir. After Vladimir's best friend is killed, he joins the rebels pretending to be one of the king's supporters. However, one of Momir's supporters, a man who harbors rebels, has an attractive daughter who is engaged to marry Momir. She knows that Vladimir is an officer of the Yugoslav army, because she has seen him wearing a Yugoslav uniform. Vladimir fears that she might betray him.
The False Passport
Simon is a young man who has decided to make quick money by smuggling narcotics. At a meeting with his contact they are ambushed by the police. Simon runs away but loses his wallet and so supposes that his identity must now be known to the police. Kalpak, the unscrupulous man who organizes this group of smugglers insists that he and Simon to leave at once. Simon agrees to cross the border illegally. Simon's girl-friend Lena and his brother Cvetko are involved in this operation by chance. They all leave together. Lena tries to persuade Simon to give himself up to the authorities, but the arguments of Kalpak, who uses the lost wallet as a threat, are stronger. In the attempt to cross the lake in a stolen boat they are chased by the police. Kalpak gets killed, Simon is wounded and the girl Lena drops the narcotics into the lake.
Mamula Camp
Story of people in a camp, situated on a small island and ruled by Nazis.
Iwan Iwanovic
Вольная экранизация повести А.С.Пушкина "Дубровский". Владимир Дубровский возвращается из Петербурга в свое родовое имение, где застает умирающего отца и узнает, что все его земли и крепостных обманным путем забрал себе хозяин соседнего поместья. Организовав отряд из крестьян, отказавшихся подчиняться новому хозяину, наш герой собирается восстановить справедливость и отомстить своему обидчику.
Miss Stone
Macedonia on the turn of the century is enslaved by decaying Ottoman Empire. Freedom fighters, in order to raise money for their cause, kidnap American lady who works in Protestant mission.
I'll Be Back
Brankov advokat
A war disabled lieutenant colonel, who did not make it in the society, after many years of loneliness meets happy woman who loved him in the past, and not forgotten him despite the fact that she married meanwhile.
Маленький человек
О том, как необходимо детям внимание и забота родителей, как важно, чтобы рядом был взрослый и разумный друг, который может вовремя помочь и предостеречь ребёнка от дурных влияний и проступков.
On Foreign Soil
A story about Italian soldiers, enemies who have their own problems and hopes. Based on short stories of Mesa Selimovic, Bosnian writer.
A love triangle drama set in the Balkan mountains where local man and foreigner fight for woman's love.
Echelon of Doctor M
Continuing their exploits against the Yugoslav National Liberation Army, the Ballists attack an echelon of wounded warriors led by Dr. M. He takes the wounded to a nearby town. Aware that the justice is on the side of Doctor M., Ramadan, son of one of the Ballist leaders, joins him and contributes to defeat of the Ballists.
Wolf's Night
A group of Macedonian partisans are hiding away in the mountains from Bulgarian fascist authorities that occupy Macedonia.
The first Macedonian Movie from 1952- Frosina is one of the many Macedonian wives whose husbands are economic emigrants abroad. Marriage does not bring them a family, only the burden of life itself. After her husband's short visits, she gives birth to children who do not live long because of the poverty into which they have been born. She gives birth to them alone, and she buries them alone. Only her last child, Klime, survives all his various illnesses and grows up to be her one joy in life. The war breaks out...
Mother Katina
The plot takes place during the Civil War in Greece, and it shows the fight of communist partisans, against the pro-Western, monarchist government. During the shooting, there was a discord between Yugoslavia and the Soviet Union because of the famous IB resolution, which caused Yugoslav authorities to stop supporting Stalinists. Tito's government acknowledged Greek monarchists as a legitimate government, and not wanting to remind the public of their ideological discrepancy, bunkered "Majka Katina" for a few decades.