James Rennie

James Rennie


James Rennie


A Bell for Adano
Lt. Col. Sartorius
Major Joppolo and his men are assigned to restore order to the war-torn Italian town of Adano. He has to manage getting supplies into town without interfering with troop movements, all the while dealing with colorful citizens of the town. One of his quests is to replace the bell which orders the town's life.
Jim Beeker
Сюжет вращается вокруг политической карьеры Вудро Вильсона, начиная с его решения покинуть пост в Принстоне, чтобы стать губернатором в Нью-Джерси, и заканчивая последующим повышением до поста президента США.
Вперед, путешественник
Frank McIntyre
Шарлота Вэйл — поздний ребенок в семье, и как все поздние дети несет постоянную печать чрезмерной опеки; мать — Миссис Генри Уиндл Вэйл держала ее постоянно под контролем с детских лет. Прошли годы и этот контроль превратил Шарлоту в отрешенную и испуганную женщину, единственное, что приносило ей успокоение — резьба по кости. Супруга одного из братьев Шарлоты — Лиза пригласила в дом своей свекрови психиатра, который, посмотрев на затворницу, поставил ей диагноз: «нервный срыв» и предложил ей посетить свой санаторий отдохнуть и подлечить нервы. Несколько недель проведенные в санатории «Каскад» вернули Шарлоте надежду, а когда ее еще и отправили на теплоходе в круиз к берегам южной Америки, она обрела уверенность и впервые за многие годы бывшая покорная дочь смогла заявить матери, что имеет право на личную жизнь.
Сказки Манхэттена
H.R. 'Hank' Bronson (Robinson sequence)
Фильм состоит из шести новелл о черном фраке, якобы несущем проклятье.
Ned Franklyn
Отметив пятилетний юбилей свадьбы, Лидия Кеньон не чувствует себя счастливой. Напротив - мелькая на вторых ролях в жизни одержимого работой мужа, oна ощущает себя одинокой. И как раз в тот момент, когда Лидия оказалась на перепутье, ей встречается очаровательный и одинокий юрист, и их невинный флирт начинает превращаться во что-то более серьезное...
The Little Damozel
Recky Poole
A captain pays one of his sailors to marry a woman who works in a nightclub.
The Divorce Racket
Detective Malcom 'Duke' Ayres
Assigned to investigate a lawyer's murder, a detective finds that his chief suspect is his own secretary--who is also the woman he loves.
Party Husband
Jay Hogarth
Party Husband finds ex-Ziegfield Girl Dorothy playing the better half of a thoroughly “modern marriage” whose openness threatens to bring about its premature end. Fellow Ziegfield alum Mary Doran plays the coquette whose intended conquest of the free-thinking hubby (James Rennie) starts to throw the couple’s “understanding” awry.
Richard 'Dick' Ives II
Энн, молодая женщина с возмутительно передовыми идеями, живет во грехе с Диком, своим любовником, из-за убеждения, что брак разрушит их любовь; но давление общества в конце концов приносит свои плоды, и Энн и Дик женятся.
The Lash
David Howard
A nobleman returns home to Southern California after the Mexican American War to find his people mistreated by unscrupulous Americans.
The Girl of the Golden West
Dick Johnson
A hard-bitten saloon girl falls for a dashing outlaw, and tries to keep the local sheriff from catching him and sending him to prison.
The Bad Man
Gilbert Jones
Film version of a play about a Mexican bandit.
An Intimate Dinner in Celebration of Warner Bros. Silver Jubilee
Mr. and Mrs. Warner Bros. Pictures and their precocious offspring, Little Miss Vitaphone, host a dinner in honor of Warner Bros. Silver Jubilee, attended by most of the major players and song writers under contract to WB at that time.
Clothes Make the Pirate
Lieutenant Cavendish
A disgruntled 18th century Bostonian who while wishing that he was a pirate, dons the clothes and play-acts the part. He is mistaken for the real pirate, Dixie Bull. More importantly, Errol "slays" the villain and puts his foot upon the pirate's head. This is more than enough and he heads back home to his unappreciated wife
Camille: The Fate of a Coquette
A home movie version of the Dumas play. A young woman becomes a courtesan and tragedy befalls her. Appearances are made by many socialites of 1920s Paris and New York.
Argentine Love
Philip Sears
While his daughter, Consuelo, is visiting the United States, Emanuel García, the Mayor of Alcorta in the Argentine, arranges for her marriage to Juan Martin, in return for Martin's financial assistance. On her return, Consuelo, who is in love with Philip Sears, an American engineer working in Argentina, refuses Juan but gives no reason. Juan is furious with outraged pride and soon kills Rafael Cornejo, the son of a senator, when he flirts with Consuelo.
Restless Wives
James Benson
1924 picture directed by Gregory La Cava.
His Children's Children
Lloyd Maitland
Follows three generations of the Mayne family through the year 1921-22. The 81-year-old patriarch reminisces about his rough beginnings in post-Civil War railroading, son Rufus rides rough waters as a wealthy financier, and his wife and three daughters muddle through their New York high society life.
Mighty Lak' a Rose
Jimmy Harrison
A blind orphan, Rose Duncan, who has a special talent with the violin. Jerome Trevor, a famed pianist, hears her playing and sends her to an uncle in New York so she can become educated. But the uncle is killed in an accident on his way to meet her and she is taken in by gang leader Bull Morgan. Morgan pretends to be her uncle to elude the police, and he sees the value of keeping her around as cover.
Flying Pat
Robert Van Nuys
Wild flapper Patricia Van Nuys decides to become a pilot like her husband Robert, but with a difference--she wants to become the first woman to cross the Atlantic Ocean by airplane. Capt. Endicott, a friend of Robert's, offers to teach her how to fly. One day while aloft in the plane, the craft takes a sudden nosedive and crashes. The pair walk away uninjured and find shelter in a roadhouse. Robert, upon hearing of this, becomes jealous of Pat's spending so much time with Endicott, which angers Pat. She decides to leave Robert and slips out of the house to catch an evening train, but unfortunately, Endicott is also aboard the train. Robert finds out about that, too. Complications ensue.
Remodeling Her Husband
Jack Valentine
After she marries Jack Valentine, Janie Wakefield discovers that her husband's reputation as a flirt is well deserved when she sees him riding in a taxi with a strange woman. Jaine sets out to remodel her husband into the man she wants.