Roxy Striar

Roxy Striar

Рождение : 1991-07-13, Boston, Massachusetts, USA


Roxy Striar was born Roxanne Jillian Striar. She is a producer and actress, known for Madness in the Method (2019), Indigo (2019) and Collider Live (2018).


Roxy Striar
Roxy Striar
Roxy Striar


Джей в Голливуде
В альтернативной реальности кинозвезда Кевин Смит раскрывает своему приятелю Джейсону Мьюзу секрет успеха в Голливуде, чтобы тот избавился от вечного амплуа комедианта. Проблемы начинаются, когда Джейсон слишком рьяно следует его методике и начинает играть слишком хорошо, доводя себя до безумия.
Always, Lola
Lola Siglione is Clifton High School's wildest senior: fun, loyal , and reckless (maybe a little too reckless). She's the life of the party, infamous for her annual birthday camping trip where she sets up a scavenger hunt with gifts for each of her best friends to discover. But this summer is different. When Lola's life is cut short by a tragic overdose, the group is left to grapple with the painful loss, questioning whether they should return to their hallowed campsite without her. Their answer comes when they discover that Lola had set up her annual scavenger hunt just weeks before her untimely death. Their final gifts are waiting in the woods…along with a shocking secret that threatens to tear them all apart.