Stienette Bosklopper


Zeki is a freerunner whose life is turned upside down when his father, the widower Mahir, decides to move from Rotterdam to Istanbul. While Mahir goes out to work, Zeki has to spend the summer holidays inside the posh gated community where they live. Escaping over the wall, Zeki befriends Kemal and other street kids, who are pickpockets. Trying to belong, he conceals how he lives in the gated community. As Kemal and Zeki get closer by the day, Kemal's best friend becomes jealous…
Burning Days
Emre, a young and dedicated prosecutor, is newly appointed to a small town hit by a water crisis and political scandals. After an initial welcome, he experiences an increasing number of tense interactions and is reluctantly dragged into local politics. When Emre forms a bond with the owner of the local newspaper pressure escalates under heated rumours.
Good Bad Girl
Young and ambitious detective Alize has just returned from maternity leave. During a murder investigation, she discovers the complex and tragic truth behind the murder of a female rapper. However, Alize's investigation soon puts her at odds with her superiors.
Good Bad Girl
Young and ambitious detective Alize has just returned from maternity leave. During a murder investigation, she discovers the complex and tragic truth behind the murder of a female rapper. However, Alize's investigation soon puts her at odds with her superiors.
Три сестры скованы рамками патриархата в поселении в горах Анатолии. Их мечты о лучшей жизни умирают, но связь между ними остается столь же крепкой…
Слишком поздно умирать молодым
Демократия возвращается в Чили летом 1990 года. В изолированной общине юные София, Лукас и Клара сталкиваются с первой любовью и страхом, готовясь к новогодней ночи. Они могут жить далеко от опасностей города, но не природы.
Двое мужчин объединяют силы, чтобы спасти свои семьи из тропического рая, узнав о том, что в американской компании, занимающейся таймшером, разработали план, чтобы забрать их близких.
Cobain (15) tries to get his pregnant mother Mia to quit her self-destructive lifestyle. When she refuses to clean up her act, Cobain takes over.
Cobain (15) tries to get his pregnant mother Mia to quit her self-destructive lifestyle. When she refuses to clean up her act, Cobain takes over.
Молодой французский адвокат Орели-Антуан де Тунан много лет мечтает о том, чтобы сбежать на другой конец света и стать королем Амазонии. В 1860 году он отправляется навстречу судьбе, находит индейцев-мапуче, которые признают его верховным правителем Патагонии и Араукании. Теперь осталось убедить весь остальной мир в том, что твой титул — это не шутка и не обман.
Tussen man en vrouw
Awkward and touching moments at a wedding party where two ex-lovers are forced to spend the evening together. While the booze flows liberally and people around them are deliriously sweating and dancing to corny music, he makes advances. The initial chill between the former couple is extra painful because of the ebullient merrymakers and the budding happiness around them. Still, their love appears to have survived, although the old wounds haven’t completely healed either.
Все в нашей семье
Мариус, 30-летний разведенный зубной техник. Его дочь 5-летняя София живет с матерью. Мариус едет за своей дочерью, чтобы отправиться с ней на море…
Divided into chapters, the film first chronicles Hemel's many sexual conquests, but then takes on a different tone as it explores her complicated relationship with her father, Gijs. A dapper auctioneer, Gijs has dated a series of younger women since Hemel's mother's death. But when Gijs starts seeing the charming Sophie, for the first time Hemel feels that her special relationship with her father is threatened...
С четверга по воскресенье
История чилийской семьи глазами детей, которые вместе с родителями едут на машине в четырехдневный отпуск на север страны.
Ruta del Jaca
In the late 1980's, during Peru's bloody internal conflict, an American couple traveled through the countryside looking for alternative healers to treat the woman's terminal illness. On that fateful trip, they vanished completely. At the time, local authorities claimed they had been kidnapped and killed by communist insurgents of the Shining Path movement. 20 years later, their son retraces their steps in an intriguing and sometime bizarre trip to visit Shamans in Andean remote villages as well as deep in the Amazon jungle. Matt is looking for people that might have known his parents, and undergoes some of the same treatments his mother had received. Ruta del Jaca is a kaleidoscopic film that blurs the distinction between documentary and fiction. The spectacular beauty of the Peruvian countryside is splashed throughout the feature. A special role is reserved for the immensely popular "Folklor" singer Sonia Morales.
Самая счастливая девушка на свете
Восемнадцатилетняя Делия Фратила живет вместе с семьей в заштатном румынском городишке. Приняв участие в рекламном конкурсе компании, производящей соки, Делия неожиданно выигрывает автомобиль. Вместе с родителями Делия отправляется в долгий путь до Бухареста, где — прямо в центре города, в парке — и должна пройти рекламная съемка с вручением приза победителю. Делии вроде бы не нужно делать ничего сложного: сесть за руль новенького авто, выпить стакан сока и поблагодарить компанию за приз. Но съемочный процесс идет, конечно, совсем не так, как задумано: Делия все время забывает свои реплики, вид сока, который она должна пить, не удовлетворяет заказчиков, девушке все время поправляют грим, оператор недоволен ракурсом, что-то не так со светом и т. д. А в это время в семье победительницы назревает конфликт: родители уговаривают ее продать машину, а девушка хочет оставить ценный приз себе.
Nowhere Man
A drama about a fortysomething man who entertains fantasies of a different life. Staging his apparent death, he moves to an island but pines for his former existence, and wonders if he could return to it.
Dialogue Exercise no.1: the City
Short film that follows an Amsterdam woman of 35 in her incessant torrent of present-day lamentation and frustrations. Her need to bellow out her feelings about the injustice done to her fails to break through her upbringing that taught her to 'act normal'.
Guernsey is the story of a woman who suddenly looks at her own life and wonders how she became miles apart from the people she is closest to.
Executive Producer
The arrival of a new baby in the family is for the parents of the seven-year-old Daniel had a dream that will come true, but for himself the beginning of a nightmare.
One Man and His Dog
Kees (Ramsey Nasr) is a gently eccentric loner who takes his imaginary dog for a walk each evening and likes to listen in on his neighbors' conversations. He is lonely. He has no real family, as his father is dead and his mother is institutionalized. However, when the chronically unemployed Kees gets a job at a bank, many of his co-workers don't know what to make of him, and scarcely anyone talks to him -- until the day someone comments on a photo in his wallet. Though he doesn't actually know the woman in the picture, Kees tells them the woman in the photo is his girlfriend and starts spinning tales about their "relationship." Before long, Kees has invented an entire alternate personality and is stealing photos from others to fit the new "friends" and "family" he's created.