Hannah Taïeb


The Night of the Glass of Water
D'autres chats à fouetter
Executive Producer
Lindsay and Leslie meet like almost every day to kill time together. Except that today they want to get out of their daily lives, to meet new people, to experience something special.
Спасённая рукопись из КГБ
Production Director
Запутанная и трогательная история русского писателя Василия Гроссмана (1905-1964) и его романа «Жизнь и судьба» (1980), литературный шедевр, монументальное и эпическое описание жизни в условиях режима сталинского террора, крик неповиновения которого КГБ пытался задушить.
Princes Among Men
Production Manager
An impressive visual and sonorous experience through the meanders of the Danube, from its delta in the Black Sea to Serbia, in search of the gypsy people (or the Roma) and their music and culture.