Rudolf Wessely

Rudolf Wessely

Рождение : 1925-01-19, Vienna, Austria

Смерть : 2016-04-25


Rudolf Wessely


Schokolade für den Chef
Willi Mattusch
Gott der Herr
Just Get Married!
Der Blinde
Игра Германии
Erich Honecker
События 40-летия ГДР с 7 октября 1989 года до завершения немецкого единства осенью 1990 года были и остаются движущей главой в мировой истории. Автор и режиссер Ханс-Кристоф Блюменберг представляет увлекательный взгляд на политические сцены власти при сборке исторических изображений, сцен и свидетельств современных свидетелей и показывает конфликты, интриги и дискуссии, которые в то время не были обнародованы. Это показывает, насколько мирная революция была на переднем крае и какое международное сопротивление это столкнулось.
Die Stimmen
Nikolaus Kornmüller
Cymbeline, King of Britain
Die Nichte und der Tod
Viktor Meltzer
Comedian Harmonists
Comedian Harmonists tells the story of a famous, German male sextet, five vocals and piano, the "Comedian Harmonists", from the day they meet first in 1927 to the day in 1934, when they become banned by the upcoming Nazis, because three of them are Jewish.
Das Urteil
The Jewish antiques dealer Siegfried Rabinovicz is on his way from New York to Hamburg where he is about to testify as the principal witness in a murder case. During a stop-over, an airport hostess talks him into giving up his seat on the connecting flight to another passenger. While Rabinovicz is waiting in the VIP lounge, he gets into a conversation with a stranger who is remarkably well informed about the murder Rabinovicz is going to testify about.
The Unfish
Sophie "inherits" her uncle's preserved whale and finds out that whoever sleeps in the whale's belly with her will be granted one wish, causing chaos and hatred in the village.
Klinik des Grauens
Professor Z. Arkof
Rudolf Pawlik
Фильм об одиноком старике, который влюбляется в молодую женщину живущую по соседству, но к сожалению для него, она живёт со своим бойфрендом, а по совместительству сутенёром. Старику не остаётся ничего другого кроме, как принять решительные меры…
Follow Me
The Diary of Dr. Döblinger
Mr. Nastupek, impresario
Based on the many observations made during his extremely interesting and far from dull life, Dr. Döblinger relates four episodes in which he wants to give us a picture of the loneliness and incomprehensibility of mankind.
Wahnfried (German: Richard und Cosima, French: Richard et Cosima) is a 1986 West German-French drama film directed by Peter Patzak about the life of Richard Wagner. It was screened out of competition at the 1987 Cannes Film Festival.
Geblendeter Augenblick - Anton Weberns Tod
Arnold Schönberg
Lieber Karl
A coming-of-age drama about an unhappy teenager who is repressed by his conservative and ambitious family
Armer Nachbar
The Excluded
Die Ausgesperrten revolves around an unlikely group of 4 youths in Vienna who band together, each for different reasons, to mug people. Two are fraternal twins, the third a blue-collar worker, the fourth the privileged daughter of wealthy parents who "needs a little dirt in her life". The story provides penetrating insights into the Austria of the 50s, in which some enjoyed the benefits of the "Economic Miracle", while others were shut out. It repeatedly references Austria's Nazi past and the numerous ways in which it influences the present despite the conspiracy of silence which surrounds it.
Student Gerber
Professor Ruprecht
Kurt Gerber is attending his final class and gets into trouble with the math professor, a frustrated self-assured petty bourgeois sadist. The duel ends in catastrophe.
Lemmings, Part 1: Arcadia
This two-part drama examines the fate of Haneke’s own generation which came of age after World War II. The first part depicts the generational gap between 1950s teenagers and their parents while the second shows this same group of characters twenty years later as they have grown up to be dysfunctional and suicidal adults. Regarded as the most significant of Haneke’s early works, Lemmings contains incipient treatments of many of the themes he would later elaborate on in his theatrical features.
The Tailor from Ulm
The true story of the Bavarian Tailor Albrecht Berblinger who, after a strange encounter with a balloon starts building a flying machine. Although not an engineer by profession, he never gives up. No matter how many obstacles are put in his way nor how many failures he endures, his ardour is never dampened. He continues with his dream to fly like a bird.
Dear Fatherland Be at Peace
1964 in Berlin, not long after the raise of the wall that separated the city: ex-prisoner Bruno is chosen by the eastern secret agency to be sent west with a special order. However as soon as he's crossed the border, he reports to the police. He claims his order was to kidnap someone, but he doesn't know who yet. He's forced to continue feignedly. However the east agents don't really trust him and play a double game...
Das Leben des schizophrenen Dichters Alexander März
A schizophrenic patient is is wasting away in a mental institution, until a young doctor encourages him to write poetry. The resulting masterpieces are however not able to stop the man from suicide.
The Hunting Party
Asamer, Holzknecht
The bark-beetle has invaded the big forest of the general, just as a fatal illness has into the body of its owner. The general is suffering from eye cataract, preventing him from seeing the symptoms of the trees' decline, just as he is unable to see his own rottening. His wife and the writer discuss these circumstances for two scenes, until the general discovers the fact himself in the third one. Now he is going to take appropriate action.
Wenn ihr wollt, ist es kein Märchen
Moritz Benedikt
Der Mann auf meinem Rücken
Friede den Hütten! Krieg den Palästen!
Was kam denn da ins Haus?
Don Alonso
Juno und der Pfau
Joxer Daly
Goldmacher Tausend
Franz Seraph Tausend - Angeklagter
Kaddish for the Living
Драма на охоте
Dr. Wosnessensky
Юная дочь лесничего Оленька Скворцова – часть живой природы, ее прямое продолжение в самом гармоничном виде. Встретив Оленьку в лесу, ни граф Корнеев, ни его спутник не могли вообразить, в какую историю вовлечет их всех эта очаровательная девушка. Сложные перипетии, вызванные чувствами любви и ревности, приводят к трагической развязке…
Millionen für Penny
Beatrice und Juana
Famulus Kellner
Guten Tag, lieber Tag
Engineer Strebel′s apprentices think of nothing else but music and dancing, although they should really concentrate on their marks. Consequently, Strebel is anything but delighted with his pupil. To top it all, a TV show becomes interested in a performance by Strebel′s apprentices. To calm down their teacher, Jutta Fröhlich, who has already cast an eye on Strebel, makes him an offer: When they better their marks, Strebel would permit them to make a performance on television.
Das Stacheltier - Der Wintermantel
Повесть о любви
Franz Schmidt, writer
Короткометражка для киножурнала «Колючка» (1953, № 5). Двое редакторов читают новый любовный роман писателя Франца Шмидта. Они критикуют отсутствие проблемы счастливой юношеской жизни, духа коллективизма и прочее. Ему рекомендуют переписать роман заново. В своей новой версии писатель представляет пару влюблённых, которые хотят начать жизнь вместе с куском стали нового производства перед дымящимися трубами. Но и на этот раз он не может удовлетворить двух искусствоведов... Господин Шмидт с негодованием сообщает им, что он напишет историю о настоящих искусствоведах…
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