Takashi Hasegawa


Linking Love
High School student Miyui Mashio is really struggling. She can't fulfill her dream of becoming an idol and her parents are always fighting. Suddenly, she finds a genie in a bottle and through an accident, finds herself back in 1991. She realizes she is now going to school with her parents. But the problem is, her parents do not seem to get along - so Miyui will never be born! Miyui learns her father is interested in idols and so together with her mother and other girls she forms the idol group AGS16 to make sure her parents will eventually fall in love.
Кингсглейв: Последняя фантазия XV
Волшебное королевство Люцис является домом для священного Кристалла, но враждебная империя Нифльхейм не остановится ни перед чем, чтобы захватить реликвию. Король Люциса Регис возглавляет элитный отряд солдат, именуемых «Кингсглейв». Вооружившись магией короля, Никс Ульрик и его верные товарищи из Кингсглейв становятся на защиту столицы Инсомния, чтобы остановить неумолимое наступление имперской армии. Перед превосходящими силами Нифльхейма Королю Регису ничего не остаётся, как согласиться на ультиматум, уступив все свои земли за пределами столицы и женив своего сына Ноктиса на Леди Лунафрее, бывшей принцессе ныне захваченной земли Тенебра. В разбушевавшейся войне махинации Нифльхейма превращают Инсомнию в грандиозное поле битвы, затягивая Никса в борьбу за выживание всего королевства.
Crows Explode
A month after Genji Takiya graduates, a new battle for supremacy at Suzuran All-Boys High School begins. Transfer student Kaburagi Kazeo combats Kagami Ryohei for the coveted top spot, amidst a brewing inter-school conflict with Kurosaki Industrial High.
Saru Lock: The Movie
Saru is a talented young locksmith who unlocks any kind of lock. He is, however, a complete fool when it comes to women. One day a girl Mayumi asks him to open a safe full of stolen money. Knowing nothing about it, Saru takes the money briefcase with Mayumi and finds himself with yakuza gangsters and also police in hot pursuit.
A Cheerful Gang Turns the Earth
Four strangers (a verbose romantic, a human lie detector, an expert pickpocket, and a woman with a preternaturally precise sense of time) are brought together by chance when they inadvertently team up to thwart a bank robbery. Recognizing the potential of their combined talents, they decide to form a bank-robbing gang themselves, just for the fun and romance of it. Their heists are played out swiftly and coolly, less like robberies than performance art. Eventually, the foursome's good-natured crime streak is interrupted when a man from one of their pasts creates a whirlwind of extortion and double crossing.
Round About Midnight
Koji, a jazz musician, takes a cigarette break in between sets at a Tokyo nightclub. He witnesses a murder and runs into a girl, Linda, who is being pursued by the killers. For the next two hours, Koji and Linda are running from both the hitmen and the police. Mistakenly identified as prime suspects, they have to solve the crime but time is running out: Koji has to be back to perform in his club by midnight, as a very special guest will be attending.
Hong Kong Paradise
Set in decadent, chaotic Hong Kong and Tokyo, the film tells the story of a young woman caught up in a mysterious turn of events. A young tour guide, 23-year-old Mamiko who's had her heart set on Paris, finds herself swept off to booming Hong Kong where she is thrown into the midst of a high-profile burglary case.