Samuel Amar


Production Director
Kaleb is about to turn 30 and has never been lonelier. He’s fighting with his sister over their inheritance and has cut ties with his best friend. Passionate about exotic animals, he comes home one day with an unusual spider and accidentally lets it slip away. Soon his underprivileged suburb is thrown into chaos as the deadly arachnids multiply. Ordered to be placed under quarantine, the project's inhabitants are forced to live in lockdown alongside terrifying spiders that are becoming bigger and bigger.
Ренуар. Последняя любовь
Production Manager
Лазурный берег, 1915 год. Седовласый Огюст Ренуар получает известие о том, что любимый сын Жан ранен на фронте. Единственное, что скрашивает горькое отшельничество художника, — присутствие рядом молодой рыжеволосой натурщицы. Ослепительная Андре становится последней музой мастера и наполняет его мир новыми красками. Не удивительно, что вернувшийся с фронта Жан страстно влюбляется в удивительную красавицу…
Un petit cas de conscience
Production Director
Two lesbians are victims of a break-in. Together with their clan of friends, they undertake a wild investigation, with suspense and rigour, to arrive at the truth. Sensitivities are aroused around life choices, and political choices. Questions of morality comically embellished with words of abuse falling into drunkenness.