Edmond Carrère


Maximum moderne
Maximum moderne
The Raccoon; The King of Survivalism
Director of Photography
While, all over the world, multiple wild species are threatened, raccoons are displaying an unprecedented expansion. Beneath the innocent and graceful plush exterior hides an unparalleled "survivor" temperament. Omnivorous, curious, intelligent and extremely adaptable, raccoons prove to be very good at overcoming any challenge thrown by humans. But how do these clever creatures manage to survive both in the wild and in urban settings? Set in one summer in Georgia, USA, this film follows a litter of young raccoons from birth to adulthood on Jekyll Island.
Le monde dans un tableau - Le chapeau de Vermeer
Director of Photography
Монополия на насилие
Director of Photography
По мере нарастания народного гнева и недовольства социальной несправедливостью многие манифестации граждан подвергаются все более жесткому подавлению полицией. Фильм «Монополия на насилие» дает зрителям тему для размышлений и дискуссий. Каким должен быть общественный порядок, насколько правомерно применение государством насилия?
A l'infini
Henri Rousseau, or The Burgeoning of Modern Art
Director of Photography
Henri Rousseau started to paint in Paris around 1880, at the age of 40. This self-taught artist was friendly with the poet Apollinaire, Robert Delaunay and Pablo Picasso, who recognized his genius, and yet his work was to remain underrated during his lifetime. However, with its dislocated compositions and profoundly dreamlike subject matter, it was to have a decisive influence on modern art, from surrealism to abstract art.