Jiang Chao

Jiang Chao

Рождение : 1975-03-19, 中国,吉林,长春


Jiang Chao
Jiang Chao


Mojin: The Secret Coffin
Old Monk
Although Cao Shun is a descendant of a Mojin, his father never taught him any skills. In the village, he has no skills under his belt and lived as a glib full of deceit. One day, an evil man entered the village and picked Cao Shun, a descendant of a Mojin, to help him find a mysterious treasure. If he refused, he would kill the village. Cao Shun had to bite the bullet and disguise himself as a senior Mojin, and went into a real tomb with a group of people...
Open The Coffin
Lin Zhusheng
Good Night Beijing
Beijing is the place where dreams come true or at least that’s what a group of young and ambitious people from different parts are hoping for. Romance could be in their future but also heartbreak as well, leading them to question just where they stand in such a city. Will they find the career and partner of their dreams or have to make a choice between one of the other?
Earth Rescue Day
Boss Zhu
The alien giant that devoured the stars came out of the sky, and the fate of the earth was in jeopardy. Humans are forced to live underground. Humans who are unwilling to survive like ants have spent twenty years creating the ultimate weapon against giants. But before the day of the decisive battle, the giant noticed the crisis in advance, the human underground civilisation was destroyed, and the only chance to fight back, at this time, was in the hands of a boy who hated humans. Can he let go of his hatred and save humanity?
Fairy Dance
Gu Licheng
In the graduation season in July, the life's most perfect summer and the most enthusiastic summer, every young person is embracing the future's vast carnivals as much as one's heart can. Independent and freedom loving Gu Youyou loves street dancing, is learning ballet as it is what her mother wishes. In everyone’s youth, there is hesitation and passion, but they all have to face the final choice. Encouraged by her boyfriend Mao Xueshan, Gu Youyou decides to take the step of pursuing her dreams and refused the invitation of the Central Ballet Company... The intense conflict between family affection, love, and dreams made the summer of the graduation season lively.
Фальшивые телохранители
Трое друзей решают создать свою собственную компанию туристических гидов в Бирме. Одним из их первых клиентов является профессор Чен, весьма уважаемый медицинский эксперт, который выступит на предстоящем саммите. Из-за своего положения профессор беспокоится о своей безопасности, поэтому гиды в шутку соглашаются быть его личными телохранителями. Однако, когда угроза оказывается реальной, гиды внезапно понимают, что им противостоит профессиональный убийца.
Лис и учёный
Shopkeeper Zhu
Чтобы стать настоящим бессмертным, лис Бай Шисань должен убить учёного Ван Цзыцзиня. Учёный едет на сдачу экзамена в Пекин, и по пути происходит их встреча.
Лис и учёный
Landowner Zhu
Чтобы стать настоящим бессмертным, лис Бай Шисань должен убить учёного Ван Цзыцзиня. Учёный едет на сдачу экзамена в Пекин, и по пути происходит их встреча.
Fast Forward
Wang Zhongyi
Chasing News
Pi Tenyu
The Legend of the White Snake
Jiang Tao
I’ll Complete For The Top
Underground Snatch
Охота на монстра 2
Boss Dao
Поскольку маленький Уба является потомком Короля монстров, за ним снова начинают охоту коварные соплеменники, жаждущие заполучить силу и власть. Спасаясь от преследователей, Уба встречает доброго монстра Бэньбэня и шулера Ту. А тем временем Сяолань и Тяньинь скучают по маленькому монстрику и решают разыскать его во что бы то ни стало.
Большой звонок
Группа мошенников, привыкших разводить людей на деньги по телефону и интернету, сталкивается с бандой коллег по преступному цеху с куда более низкими этическими стандартами. Чтобы вывести убийц на чистую воду, мошенникам придется использовать внедренного в банду полицейского агента.
Our Happiness
Magic Make-up Artist
Так я женился на антифанатке
Фан Мяомяо работает папарацци в женском журнале и не гнушается лезть в чужую жизнь, а иногда и приврать в статьях кое-чего о звёздах. Корейский айдол Ху Джун живёт и работает в Китае. Однажды Мяомяо фотографирует, как тот выясняет отношения с молодой актрисой, и счастливая, что поймала такой шанс, убегает с телефоном. Джун догоняет её и просит удалить фотографии, разгорается перепалка, в результате которой незадачливая журналистка бьёт звезду прямо в лоб. Конечно же, после такой выходки её увольняют из журнала, и теперь девушка становится антифанаткой и только и ищет возможности делать Джуну гадости.
Xuan Zang
King of Yi Wu
Buddhism-themed Chinese-Indian historical adventure film based on Xuanzang's seventeen-year overland journey to India during the Tang dynasty in the seventh century. Xuan Zang (c. 602 - 664), was a Chinese Buddhist monk, scholar, traveler, and translator who described the interaction between China and India in the early Tang dynasty. From boyhood, he took to reading religious books, including the Chinese classics and the writings of ancient sages. He later travelled throughout China in search of sacred books of Buddhism. Subsequently, he developed the desire to visit India. This is when he became famous for his seventeen-year overland journey to India, which is recorded in detail in the classic Chinese text Great Tang Records on the Western Regions.
The Girl
Ai Meili is a poor girl with unkempt appearance who enters college and becomes the only girl of the Paleontology Department.She a fan of radio personality Yi Xian. Yu Haoran, who is Ai Meili's senior and whose family would like him to date Anne, a rich beautiful girl who came from US for him. When the college organizes a beauty contest where winner gets to meet Yi Xian, Ai Meili and Anne join it. Can Ai Meili defeat the rivals and gain her love?
Game of Assassins
King of Chu
Game of Assassins is about General Tu Jia who trains a trio of young assassins to seek revenge against villainous King of Wei. And one of the assassins succumbs to the dark side for temptation of wealth and power.
My Own Swordsman
Li Dazui, The Cook (voice)
After an eighty episode run on mainland Chinese television, Shang Jing's popular kung fu comedy makes the jump to the big screen with this feature version.
The Love of Three Smile: Scholar and the Beauty
Old Master
Visitors From the Sui Dynasty
Sha Sen / 沙僧
When the dissolute last emperor of the Sui Dynasty tries to hold an empire-wide beauty contest, a corrupt official takes advantage of the opportunity to divert money into his own coffers and steals the winner of the contest, Yingying, for himself. Yingying’s admirer, both caught up in the plot, flee for their lives, but fall into an ice cave and are quick-frozen — until a thousand years later, when the ice melts and the two men awake to find themselves in 21st-Century Beijing ..
Pirated Love
Ah San
Crazy Money & Funny Men
The Legend of Nezha
Ao Bing
Nezha gets into trouble and implicates his parents, who get punished by the heavens along with him. He bravely steps up and admits his fault, which touches the heavens, and his effort comes to fruition. The family of three finally reunites in the end.
Love + 100 years