Virgil Hunter

Virgil Hunter

Рождение : 1953-11-10, United States


Virgil Hunter began training fighters while working with troubled youths in the probations department. Feeling confident that he could build a fighter, Hunter worked as an apprentice for several years in Oakland, California with trainers including Bobby Warren, Jimmie Simmons, Charlie Smith, and Tiger Floyd. Hunter closely associates with a fraternity of trainers including Barry Hunter (no relation), Leon Lawson, Tony Morrison, Kevin Cunningham, Nazim Richardson. He began training eventual Olympic gold medal winner Andre Ward when Ward was nine.


Virgil Hunter


Team Khan
Fly-on-the-wall documentary about professional boxer Amir Khan. Filmed over two years, it follows Amir and his team in their quest to fight the best boxer on the planet, the unbeaten Floyd Mayweather Jr.