A documentary about "The Squallor", Italy's first and most successful "ghost band" project, created by four big bosses of 70's-80's Italian music business.
The fake report about Troisi's death, with the direction of Troisi himself with Lello Arena and Anna Pavignano. A long of list people greet the comediam, from Gianni Boncompagni to Maria Giovanna Elmi. There is also Benigni, hidden behind a window, and Arena, his guardian angel.
Barbara is an Italian actress, superstar, who comes to Argentina to star in her own musical. She meets a photographer named Mauro and falls in love with him; but Mauro keeps a secret that she will soon discover.
Гвидо, возвращается в родной Милан после пяти лет, проведенных в Персидском Заливе, где он работал на нефтяную компанию. Он всем жертвовал в жизни, чтобы накопить денег для воплощения своей мечты — он хочет купить маленькую часовую мастерскую. За время его отсутствия жизнь в Италии резко изменилась, и теперь толстяк Гвидо должен приноравливаться к ней заново. Маленький, но решительный человек, он не сдается, попадая в передряги, пытаясь жить по-новому, Гвидо все делает невпопад.
Jimmy Logan, a detective, tries to retrieve a diamond from the British crown stolen by the traitorous chief of the English Secret Service. After carrying out dangerous investigations at Montecarlo, Beirut and Hamburg, he discovers that the headquarters of the thieves is located in a mental hospital and sets about infiltrating their ranks.
One Sunday in summer a mixed crowd pours on to a beach near Rome. A few tourists who had hoped to spend a relaxing day, find themselves involved in a series of unpleasant experiences instead.
A young student joins her rich lawyer stepfather and then her mother who the selfish man does not love, for a summer vacation in Sardinia with the man's posh friends