Amedeo Nannuzzi


Туманные звезды Большой Медведицы
Assistant Camera
Американец Эндрю сопровождает молодую жену Сандру в её итальянский дом в Вольтерре. Из шкафов благопорядочного итальянского семейства начинают появляться скелеты. Сандру осаждают воспоминания о погибшем в Освенциме отце, враждебные отношения с матерью и кровосмесительные — с братом Джанни.
Six Days a Week
Assistant Camera
A young woman tries to deceive both her husband and her prospective lover, but is hoist with her own petard.
The Magnificent Cuckold
Assistant Camera
The Magnificent Cuckold is about a hat tycoon who is ecstatically, if not hungrily, in love with his youthful wife. It is all blissful, that is, until our man, middle-aged and somewhat of a square among his blasé, upper-class friends to whom cuckoldry is a common practice, is seduced by one of them. At this point doubts and suspicions, like conscience, begin to plague him. If he could succumb to extramarital confections, why not his gorgeous mate? Quickly his love for his spouse degenerates beyond obsessive, into the realm of maniacal. He becomes madly concerned that his wife is cheating on him --even though she is not being unfaithful. When he looks at her it becomes obvious to him that she is a very attractive woman. And, all the men around her must be dying to be with her. Gnawed by jealously, he will imagine variations on nabbing her and her lover in flagrante delicto.
The Visitor
Assistant Camera
Certain that "the right man" is crucial to her escaping the confines of the Italian village where she lives, Pina (Sandra Milo) places an ad in the newspaper. She gets a response from Adolfo (Francois Perier), who agrees to travel from his residence in Rome to visit her. As flashbacks shed light on both their pasts, suspense builds about how they will relate to one another. Sharp, dark Italian comedy co-stars Mario Adorf, Gastone Moschin.
Assistant Camera
Рабочий автомобильного завода вместе со своей женой и двумя дочерьми отправляется на Сицилию. Главная цель поездки — убедить свою семью в том, что его родная Сицилия прекрасная страна. Однако на месте выясняется, что некоторые особенности сицилианской мафии он успел позабыть…