Luc Feit

Luc Feit

Рождение : 1962-06-28, Luxemburg


Luc Feit


Waiter Albert
Главный талант 21-летнего Сиома — всегда улыбаться и искать в жизни положительные моменты. А это не так-то просто, если ты еврей, живущий в Берлине в 1942 году. Однако парень не скрывается, а наоборот всегда на виду и в гуще событий. Он живет в большой квартире своих родителей, покинувших город, и работает на заводе. Но у него есть тайная подработка — по заказу адвоката Франца Кауфмана, который пытается спасти евреев из Германии, Сиом рисует фальшивые паспорта и взамен получает продуктовые карточки. Однако герой не знает, что за ним уже давно наблюдают.
На Западном фронте без перемен
Когда 17-летний Пауль приезжает воевать на Западный фронт в Первую мировую войну, его изначальный энтузиазм пропадает от столкновения с суровой реальностью жизни в окопах.
Hunting Season
In the German comedy Jagdsaison, a wellness weekend for three friends is in danger of derailing: Marlene is in a serious midlife crisis and is looking for a sex date. She accompanies the divorced Eva and her ex-husband's new wife to protect them from stupid things. Unfortunately, the three seem to attract chaos almost magically.
Миссия Ули Фанк
Pastor Brotz
Сюжет фильма рассказывает о 12-летней девочке по имени Уля Фанк, которая узнает, что где-то в Восточной Европе упадет настоящий астероид. Чтобы увидеть собственными глазами эту космическую сенсацию, Уля отправляется в путешествие на угнанном катафалке.
Мэриан уже много лет успешно работает детским психотерапевтом, но знакомство с Мэнни, замкнутым 10-летним мальчиком, заставляет ее усомниться в своей компетентности, а после – в том, что реально. Все, что рисует ребенок, вскоре случается. Но это отнюдь не милые детские фантазии... А мрачные, леденящие душу сюжеты, герои которых отныне – марионетки в неведомой никому игре.
De Buttek
Like every year, André, manager of a company named ALTER NATIVE that furnishes sanitary article, invites his seven employees to a quietly festive Christmas weekend. Yet, unlike the years before, André has bad news. He is terminally ill and wants to hand over his company to one of them. He will announce his successor in the course of the weekend. His collaborators immediately turn into competitors. When his own son, Philippe, whom nobody knew about, makes a sudden appearance, cards are redistributed, but suspicion quickly arises that André plays a deceptive game. While his employees, in a crazy race behind the back of the others, try to make their mark, Philippe tries to understand the obscure game his father is playing. And what role does the hotel owner play in all this? Jingle bells? Jingle bells!
De Buttek
Like every year, André, manager of a company named ALTER NATIVE that furnishes sanitary article, invites his seven employees to a quietly festive Christmas weekend. Yet, unlike the years before, André has bad news. He is terminally ill and wants to hand over his company to one of them. He will announce his successor in the course of the weekend. His collaborators immediately turn into competitors. When his own son, Philippe, whom nobody knew about, makes a sudden appearance, cards are redistributed, but suspicion quickly arises that André plays a deceptive game. While his employees, in a crazy race behind the back of the others, try to make their mark, Philippe tries to understand the obscure game his father is playing. And what role does the hotel owner play in all this? Jingle bells? Jingle bells!
De Buttek
Like every year, André, manager of a company named ALTER NATIVE that furnishes sanitary article, invites his seven employees to a quietly festive Christmas weekend. Yet, unlike the years before, André has bad news. He is terminally ill and wants to hand over his company to one of them. He will announce his successor in the course of the weekend. His collaborators immediately turn into competitors. When his own son, Philippe, whom nobody knew about, makes a sudden appearance, cards are redistributed, but suspicion quickly arises that André plays a deceptive game. While his employees, in a crazy race behind the back of the others, try to make their mark, Philippe tries to understand the obscure game his father is playing. And what role does the hotel owner play in all this? Jingle bells? Jingle bells!
Dr. Mantell
У Реджины было не самое радужное детство, и, сбежав от родственников подальше, она пытается наладить спокойную и безопасную жизнь. Но этим мечтам не суждено сбыться, когда приходит известие, что бабушка Реджины стала жертвой жуткого убийства. Теперь девушке придётся вернуться в родную деревню и разузнать леденящие душу секреты собственной семьи.
Superchamp Returns
Inspekter Schrobiltgen
In order to save tiny Luxembourg from a cosmic catastrophe, a civil servant in a midlife crisis has to find back his lost superpowers and face his biggest fear: his family.
Работа без авторства
Hermann Schreiber
Молодой художник Курт Барнерт сбегает из Восточной Германии в Западную, чтобы учиться живописи и свободно работать. Но прошлое настигает его, когда в отце своей возлюбленной он узнает человека, ответственного за страшные преступления. Курт разоблачит его через свои картины, которые со временем станут манифестом целого поколения.
Murer: Anatomy of a Trial
Martin Weiss
Franz Murer, the Butcher of Vilnius, a former Austrian SS officer, established, organized, and ruled the Vilnius ghetto in Lithuania during the World War II. Different survivors of the Shoah testify when he is judged in 1963, hoping to do justice, but, although the evidence is overwhelming, the desire to close this obscure chapter of history seems to surpass the desire for justice.
Storm - Letter of Fire
The film is set in 1521 Antwerp, in a Europe ravaged by religious wars, and during the early years of the Reformation. It tells the story of the twelve year old, Falko Voeten – a printer’s son. When Falko’s father, Klaas Voeten, a printer of forbidden literature, is caught by the Inquisition for printing a letter written by Maarten Luther; Falko is unwittingly propelled into helping his father and into searching for the letter. Threatened by the Inquisition but aided by Marieke, a Catholic orphan girl from the underground sewers, Falko is faced with a race against time if he is to save his father from being executed for heresy.
Night of a 1000 Hours
Dr. Wisek
When the ambitious Philip takes over the running of the family business from his father, he finds himself confronted by the mysterious reappearance of his dead ancestors. In the course of a long night, during which there is a murder, an illicit love affair and a game with false identities, Philip uncovers a closely guarded family secret.
Эгон Шиле: Смерть и дева
Arthur Roessler
Эгон Шиле — один из самых скандальных и провокационных художников Вены первой половины XX века. Неисправимый ловелас, вечно искавший вдохновения в объятиях прекрасного пола, Шиле, тем не менее, пронёс через всю жизнь привязанность к двум самым важным для него женщинам. Это Герти, его младшая сестра и первая муза, и Валли, первая любовь художника, увековеченная им на знаменитой картине «Смерть и дева».
Sven Ulker
Не в своей шкуре
В 17 лет мир Милана рушится — он осознал свою гомосексуальность, и после неудачной попытки открыться своему другу, решает свести счеты с жизнью. Выжив после автокатастрофы, Милану и его семье предстоит наладить свои отношения и решать как жить дальше.
Тёмная сторона Луны
Фильм «Темная сторона луны», являющийся экранизацией бестселлера швейцарского писателя Мартина Зутера, рассказывает историю успешного франкфуртского бизнес-адвоката Урса Бланка. Престижный адвокат пользуется большим вниманием и уважением в высшем финансовом обществе, но несмотря на профессиональный успех и личное счастье в супружеской жизни, Урс Бланк не испытывает никакого удовлетворения. К всему этому самоубийство бизнес-партнера окончательно выбивает его из колеи. В один прекрасный день в его жизни появляется девушка Люсиль, к которой он чувствует некое магическое притяжение. Девушке удается утянуть молодого мужчину в свой альтернативный мир, предложив ему попробовать галлюциногенные грибы и избавится от проблем. Путешествие в призрачный мир фантазий, который древние ацтеки называли королевской тропой просветления, несет за собой далеко идущие последствия.
Die Füchsin - Dunkle Fährte
Ingo Bethke
Mid-fifties Anne Marie Fuchs lives modestly and withdrawn in Düsseldorf. When a murder happens, it becomes clear that the inconspicuous lady, who is always in short supply, seems to be an absolute investigator with a razor-sharp mind. No wonder, because Anne Marie Fuchs is a former East German spy, especially one who still has a bill from her active time open.
Tomorrow, After the War
In February 1945, Jules Ternes returns to Luxembourg. To escape conscription, he fled the country and joined the resistance movement in France. Back in his hometown, Jules hopes to find peace of mind and put the war behind him. But he returns to a country devastated by the Battle of the Bulge and deeply divided from four years of occupation. His sister Mathilde is now engaged to Armand, the leader of the local resistance and his girlfriend Leonie has another man in her life. Jules nevertheless resumes a relationship with her and accepts a post as an auxiliary policeman. When Leonie is assassinated along with the German farmers she works for, the life Jules was struggling to rebuild collapses. The ensuing investigation will reveal grey areas of the Occupation along with the efforts made in high places to cover them up.
Call Me Helen
Is. This. My. Son? No matter how often Tobias Wilke poses this question, there's always only one answer: Yes! Tobias, can't believe his eyes when he comes to the airport to pick up his 17-year-old son Finn – and learns that Finn is now calling herself Helen and wearing girls' clothes. Finn/Helen reveals that she's always was a girl, and that she used her year abroad in San Francisco to pass the "everyday life" test. This is required by law for everyone preparing for the sex reassignment surgery they will undergo upon reaching majority. Reactions from Helen's friends, acquaintances and schoolmates cover the entire gamut from derision to solidarity. Especially Helen's father, a well-known chef, finds it difficult to accept a situation he cannot understand. But Helen nearly always finds the right words - and humor - to counterbalance the ignorance and jeers of those around her. It is the beginning of a long, winding road towards the sexual identity she is convinced is hers.
Warum ich meinen Boss entführte
Anna is a young working mom, with baby twins. Her boss who doesn't understand the situation fires her just before losing his memory in an accident. Anna then decides to teach him a lesson and switch places with him.
Секреты войны
Horst Baumhaken
Во время Второй мировой войны дружбе двух парней может прийти конец после того, как девушка рассказала очень личный секрет лишь одному из них.
Monsieur Charbon
It’s the early 1950s and little Franzi is growing up in the small Austrian town of Judenburg. Her oppressive family home is dominated by her feverish and mentally ill father, who is rigid and unpredictable. Her father, who regularly delivers halves of pork for the butcher, spent several years in the French Foreign Legion in Morocco, Algeria and Syria – a period which he partly glorifies but which still also haunts him. Franzi immerses herself in this world by looking at an abundance of beguiling yet disturbing photographs taken at the time by her father. Her own childish fantasy realm of fairy tales and picture books soon intermingle with nightmares as reality merges with imagination, war, horror and beauty.
Охотники за сокровищами
Aachen Vicar
Фильм основан на реальных событиях - величайшей охоте на сокровища в истории. Во время Второй мировой войны команда из искусствоведов и хранителей музеев объединяется, чтобы спасти известные произведения искусства, похищенные нацистами, прежде чем те успеют их уничтожить.
Фрау Элла
Саша и его друг Клаус наслаждаются свободной жизнью до тех пор, пока подруга Саши, Лина, не сообщает ему о своей беременности. Девушка хочет ребёнка, а молодой человек — нет:из-за стресса он попадает в аварию. И всё бы ещё ничего, но в больнице парень знакомится с словоохотливой пенсионеркой Эллой, которая вознамерилась привести личную жизнь Саши в порядок…
Alaska Johansson
Beamter in Zivil
Alaska Johansson is the perfect woman and she is the best in her profession as a headhunter. One day she is fired by her boss, a married man who she has an affair with. He also tells her that their relationship has no future. She decides that her best option is to commit suicide with a poison cocktail. She is saved when a child in a Halloween costume enters her apartment demanding sweets. Something is not right about the child. Later her neighbor is going to tell here that there never was a child. Alaska’s world is turning upside down, her perceptions seem to be merely illusions. When her car starts to act on its own and causes a crash, she becomes convinced that someone is conspiring against her. Or is there another, darker secret in Alaska’s life?
Brotherhood of Tears
Gabriel Chevalier, 45 years old, is an ex-policeman. Unemployed, lonely and depressed,he lives like a ghost and hardly takes care of his only teenage child Juliette. One day, by pure chance, he finds a suspicious but extremely well paid job: his daily mission consists of delivering a briefcase exactly where he is told. The only rule being to never open it. These deliveries will bring him to meet weird people in strange places. Gradually, his cop instinct resurfaces...
The Invention of Love
Mr. Roland
A young woman has the idea of setting up her boyfriend with a very wealthy but sickly lady to claim her inheritance.
Blind Spot
Police officer Tom Faber was found shot to death in his car behind the stadium. Inspector Hastert (André Jung) from the criminal police leads the investigation and searches for the murderer together with Olivier (Jules Werner), the brother of the murdered man, who is also a police officer. After an initial clue that led to the drug milieu, a prostitute appears who is said to be in a relationship with Tom and who has given him a key to a place where something important is hidden. It turns out that in a locker in the sacristy of the National Library is a file with documents that indicate Tom was on the trail of an influential businessman's sordid dealings before his death. But Olivier still doesn't see what lies behind the dead end of the investigation...
Сокровища рыцарей. Тайна Милюзины
Michael Kutter
Поиски легендарного сокровища превращают летние каникулы Джеффа в большое захватывающее приключение. Мама 11-летнего Джеффа загадочно умерла семь лет назад, и мальчик живет с отцом в палаточном лагере рядом с руинами средневекового замка, который принадлежал его семье. Однажды отец объявляет сыну, что замок придется продать. Джефф приходит в уныние, ведь руины замка - его любимое место, которое хранит воспоминания о маме. К счастью, хотя бы в школу летом ходить не нужно, и скоро приедут друзья Джеффа, чтобы провести с ним каникулы. Собравшись вместе, дети узнают о древних сокровищах русалки Милюзины и решают отыскать их. Легенда гласит, что Милюзина была проклята, и даже сейчас ее можно увидеть в местных реках. Если юные сыщики найдут сокровища, они смогут освободить русалку от проклятия и помочь Джеффу сохранить замок.
Страна снеговика
When the wife of a crime boss is accidentally killed, the hit man who was hired to protect the remote house in which she was living tries to keep her death under wraps. Fearing vengeance from the gangster, he's soon locked in a fight for survival.
Trouble No More
The story of Johnny Chicago's brother, Ray, and his friend Chuck Moreno, both petty criminals. The latter wants to take the ashes of Johnny, who was fatally wounded by the police after a bank heist, to Chicago.
Babylon 2084
Канун Нового года, вскоре после пяти часов дня: десять путешественников пропустили последний паром в Копенгаген и вынуждены быть соблазнёнными Смутье на борту небольшого парохода «Эсперанса». Во-первых, такие гости, как Анна, Франц и Наташа, получают всесторонние деликатесы и классическую танцевальную музыку. Когда капитан теряется в тумане, пассажиры признаются во лжи своей жизни.
It's Adam's first internet date, but when he transmitted his photo to the date, he never received the date's pic in return. So there he is, sitting in a gay bar (a totally alien world for Adam) waiting for his unknown Mr. Right to approach him. He is late, that's for sure. Adam's tension rises with every passing minute. With a little help from the snappy Waiter, Adam tries his best to relax. And finally, Mr. Right appears, or doesn't he?
Vorsicht Schwiegermutter!
Mogelpackung Mann
Horst Schulz
К чему помыслы о любви?
1927 год. Германия времен Веймарской республики. Юные друзья Гюнтер и Пауль решают основать клуб самоубийц. Они дают клятву, что попрощаются с жизнью в тот момент, когда больше не будут чувствовать любви, и заберут с собой тех, кто отнимет у них эту любовь. Два летних выходных дня за городом в обществе Хильды, сестры Гюнтера, и их многочисленных друзей становятся настоящей проверкой серьезности данного друг другу обещания…
Philipp Gerber is a smart, but self-satisfied car salesman. In an inattentive moment at the wheel of his car, he runs over a boy on a bike and, instead of helping him, he drives away. As he has feelings of guilt, he tries to find out more about the accident’s victim.
A young man can't quite commit to his sex-hungry girlfriend. Then he meets a mysterious lady (lady?) in a local bar. Will she find out? And will she care?
The Unemployment Club
Fränz Welwerding dit Sonny Boy
In Differdange, in the South of Luxembourg, six unemployed men decide to create the "Dole Club", whose rules forbid its members to work, even in the very unlikely event that they are offered a job. Geronimo, Théid, Frunnes, Sonny Boy, Abbes and Petz all agree to abide by the strict regulations of the club. In accordance with them, they manage to survive. But they can do it only on petty theft and other swindles, which is bound to end badly...
Would you swap your clothes for underwear and even pay for it?
Boys Briefs
Reunion of six short films having homosexuality as theme: "The Absolution of Anthony", by Dean Slotar, depicting a 16-year-old boy living with a Catholic grandfather in Bronx; "Smear", by Sam Zalutsky, telling the story of a boy who is in love with a straight friend; "Front Room", by Pierre Yves Clouin, an experimental short showing a gay physical relationship; "Fairy Tale", by David Kittredge, when a man decides to introduce his boyfriend to his homophobic family; "Ferkel" or "Piglets", by Luc Feit, showing an old lady who tries to ruin a sexual encounter; and "Stanley Beloved", by Simon Chung, telling the story of a boy who, before going to study abroad, decides to spend a summer day with his best friend.
Two men are on the verge of making love, but an old neighbor does everything she can to ruin their adventure.
Der Handymörder
Schacko Klak
The title of the film, set in Luxembourg in 1942, during the Nazi occupation, amalgamates the words Schacko (helmet) and chapeau claque (opera hat). The village, in which it is set, has not yet been feeling the effects of the war at this point.